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Everything posted by JCommando

  1. On Keller's void we're doing ok for Empire. Sometimes we lose sometimes we win its 50/50. Not really a big deal here.
  2. I don't care what anyone says. Revan is a monster. No true Jedi would ever consider complete genocide of an entire group of people. If what HK-47 is true and 97 some percent of the imperial population is subject to extermination then how many of those people are civilians? He is completely obsessed with destroying the empire beyond all reason. Revan seems to be the type of guy that the ends justify the means. If he was truly a master of the force he wouldn't have given in to the dark side halfway through the fight to beat us. He is incredibly overrated. He's cool but people just worship him for no reason.
  3. Some Bounty Hunters like to work in groups. Why wouldn't they have medics??
  4. The Maelstrom armor from Taral V and the Prison look pretty cool if you wanna go full Havoc squad look.
  5. Right now I'm a Gunnery commando level 18 and Jorgan is somewhat my tank. Should he be using a rifle or a cannon? Right now I don't see any of his abilities saying they require either one.
  6. "I've changed my mind. Go away" LOL!
  7. For chiss the skin gets more white and black skin pigment forms around the eyes and lips. Really no big difference.
  8. Hellfire... should have went with Omega.
  9. I used to.. then I stopped after I realized how stupid I sounded.
  10. I saw some alpha video of it... you could fly from planet surface to space without a loading screen. WHY U CANCEL IT?!?!?!
  11. This is correct. Marek was the only other person that Sidious was considering to be his successor(besides vader pre-mustafar) after he saw him take down Vader.
  12. Anyone play battle of Endor? Only god knows what the dark apprentice is gonna do to those star destroyers after the screen blacks out...
  13. I'm pretty sure its entirely possible for a human and a sith to breed. Weren't the original sith bred with the dark jedi outcasts to create the sith today?
  14. I think this would be hilarious for SI. -walks in wearing Columi gear- Harken: "SLAVE! YOU ARE NOTHING!" Me: Umm.. wat?
  15. /looks to partner /wave I can make stupid hand motions too.
  16. I don't mean to sound like a jerk but why DON'T some people want it so you can change your legacy? You're happy with yours good. Some people don't like theirs but that doesn't mean they should be stuck with it. I'm one of the people that like my name so I'm not gonna change it. Power to the people who want it.
  17. Oh nvm found it lol. I like chiss though
  18. I relogged a couple of times and it seems to be gone. I guess it fixed itself.
  19. Nobody else is having this problem? This sucks...
  20. Did you exit the game completely? I think that's what did it for me.
  21. I had all of mine at style 3 and it only flashes when a regular cooldown was up and the amount of time left on the CD was displayed as seconds in the boxes..... I relogged about 5 minutes ago and everything was reset back to style one. Come on BW really...? You can't test this stuff before you release it?? I mean I know I sound like I'm butt-hurt but come on... am I gonna have to change it to the settings I like EVERY TIME I log in?
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