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Everything posted by JCommando

  1. Well it comes out of a person's mouth its obviously their opinion... way to state the obvious. Edit: Person above me got it covered already my bad
  2. This is just a rumor but I believe Guardians and Juggs are getting a self heal.
  3. Here's the basic outline of all the stories. Gonna put a spoiler tag anyway. I don't know much about the Pub stories sorry if I screwed them up.
  4. Your dps shouldnt be attacking Soa PERIOD unless his shield is down. If your group knows what its doing and the DPS knows how to manage their threat without pulling aggro you shouldn't need a threat meter. Tanks get a ton of aggro pulling abilities and most dps have a threat drop.
  5. I don't get how I'm trolling? I think its hilarious that pretty much anyone could solo that boss.
  6. I'd rather not have special items that only certain people can use... clearly with the Rogue only legendary in WoW nobody is ready for it because of the insane amount of complaining over it. Not to mention that it could only be for one AC at a time because all ACs use completely different stats/weapons.
  7. No those are morons pretending to be Italians with spray painted tans.
  8. Don't worry. Early April means May for EA.
  9. Would a Chiss being disguised as the "RED" blade be obvious? EL OH EL!
  10. When you get a race of a class to 50 you can use that race for any future characters you create. Example: I got my Sorcerer to 50 and he's a pureblood. The race barrier has been lifted on all other classes. I can make a pureblood agent, Jedi etc. They also said you could buy it but it would cost a lot.
  11. I'm guessing thats why they could have been slaves too. Thanks for clearing that up.
  12. They also have two brains. If one side of their head gets blown off it can heal back within a few hundred years without mentally crippling them.
  13. Wasn't sure where to put this either in the story forum or this one. Is this possible? I dunno I may just roll one once the legacy system comes out I was wondering this in terms of canon.. am I slapping lore in the face by doing this? I can't remember if there aren't any non-force using purebloods..
  14. Because Bioware isn't Blizzard? Why don't you stop complaining about how similar the mail systems are and just go with it? It's an MMO. I don't think it can be much different.
  15. One can hope. And its entirely possible for them to stop an in-game transaction.
  16. This. If a suspicious transaction is happening they can check it before something happens like the credits ending up in the hands of someone they can't take them away from(innocent player). They do this in WoW too. It's not only a time sink. When my account was hacked the user started farming materials and selling them on the auction house. Someone told me right after buying some of the materials he was given his money back and he got to keep the mats he bought.
  17. I think its the only reason some people bought this game.. for what a 40 minute appearance? And he doesn't really do much.
  18. There is only supposed to be ONE wrath anyway. It would kind of break immersion to see like 50 "Emperor's wraths" running around everywhere.
  19. "I will show you True Mastery of the Dark Side!" -Darth Vader. TFU II
  20. All gear transitions appearence depending on what faction is wearing it. You can't transfer something that drops for you on republic to empire and expect to look the same. Also she cannot wear Jedi Knight class gear either. You won't be able to get any Jedi looking armor for her.
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