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Everything posted by Izrin

  1. Well Trial and Error, was our first time. I just don't have the time to run with the deaths that we endured and this is in full 186 gear it took us two days yes we followed the dulfy guide as well I didn't say to make it easier at all I just stated that I simply don't have the time to run HM/NiM modes and the time and the Op leader pressures endure in this new 3.0 I don't have the right achievements to even go into a decent group.
  2. Yup I dunno if they want to piss on all the casual players or not but am for one don't even have to time to progress HM and Nim ops so now that I got all the gear that I can get cause of what they did their is nothing else for me to work on. On that note, this is why I am giving up my subscription and moving to the Playstation 4 am tired of this rat race been on this expansion since early access and with the lack of costumer service responsiveness and the sm ops being a pain am outta here.
  3. I do like the challenge myself, but running threw impossible odds I can stand maybe 3/4 deaths no problem it's expected, as I mention in a previous quote 12x deaths is insane I like to progress through at the same time though I yet to have the time or patiences after the 7/8 deaths I didn't know pressing forward was a pain in the donkey especially trying to find a group that sticks with it.
  4. I did already form a 8 man group outside of my guild, took us 2 days to do SnV HM and I don't have that kind of time, for the new ops 12X deaths am getting frustrated to go any further am done with this game completely, other groups want to show achievements that I have no access to like that SnV maybe the first bosses on the new ops am just getting tired of this rat race. This evening am going to see if the changes are atleast doable in a GF raid if not am not going to waste anymore of my time on this.
  5. Hello Everyone, I am creating this thread to see if tomorrow evening after the patch if the new Ops are doable at lvl 60 in the GF. I had great experiences when this game first came out all the way til the end and my end is coming soon. Been in the game for 3 years and having a small guild it is very hard to find the time to run these new ops, I think I been to one to the second boss the ravagers I think. I am going attempt to see if it is doable with a pug group and if it is not am ending my subscription, it just seems that the PlayStation 4 is more rewarding then this game. I should of never bought this expansion I think Makeb was better than this crap and that's what am calling it crap!! I just want to say thank you everybody for a great experience and may the force be with you.
  6. Hello Everyone, I am creating this thread to see if tomorrow evening after the patch if the new Ops are doable at lvl 60 in the GF. I had great experiences when this game first came out all the way til the end and my end is coming soon. Been in the game for 3 years and having a small guild it is very hard to find the time to run these new ops, I think I been to one to the second boss the ravagers I think. I am going attempt to see if it is doable with a pug group and if it is not am ending my subscription, it just seems that the PlayStation 4 is more rewarding then this game. I should of never bought this expansion I think Makeb was better than this crap and that's what am calling it crap!! I just want to say thank you everybody for a great experience and may the force be with you.
  7. My friend is having a similar problem he checked and his firewall was active on his virus protection this is the first time this has ever happened to him within the 3 years playing, I am betting that it is something in the files that his virus protection doesn't like.
  8. I agree some of the flashpoints that are level 60 are doable however it is like a graph first it is way down then it goes to the extreme top to balanced bosses in the fights and the mobs that are trash is cutting through a tree with a lightsaber. I think it was done sloppy, quick, and no effort at all.
  9. I agree am not complaining about the difficulty am more concerned for the general population, I am a casual raider myself only within the last few weeks that I have done the HM content as well as the new Ops and they are fun def me and the team am running even cleared S&V HM first time ever did it I ran TFB HM long ago when that came out never got the chance for S&V HM until now. However I do think this will hurt the community for sure it is separating the "casual player" or "Free to Play" player with Op passes only to be refused and discarded and also forced to do these that seem like only HM content. Now don't get me wrong I like a challenge now and again, to see how far my character can progress through, but like I mention earlier now and again, I really don't like tacking hard mode content all the time reasons why I work, have a family and only have a limited time around 4-6 hours of play. Am not a hardcore player so NiM in my league is def out of the question still I can manage HM Ops. From time to time. I think Bioware limited our causal play so I look at these 186 pieces of crap am like wow if I only had a 2 hour session to run some flash points group-finder is like a ghosted out never pops only tacticals so wasting time there, and all the other stuff is converted into basics what am I going to do with those. They really limited my play for progression, until I have a day/time that I can run a HM.
  10. I do agree with the drops, but I seen a tank drop all decked out of it cause they couldn't handle it, one of the dps I can remember was in gear lower than 186 without mods and we made out just fine as long as everyone works as a team and co-operate then their shouldn't be an issue. But the drops do suck.
  11. I agree, I am in a small group of 8 players attempting these ops (a bunch of GL) and only 2 of the 8 made it with their own guild we attempt it every second day or so they are new mechanics I am a very old player since launch of this game I seen a lot of mechanic changes and I do mean a lot, what the problem is everyone has this god complex syndrome going on well not everyone but a few do, so when they step into these new Flashes and Ops well see the result people quit the group or it is too overwhelming for them to complete the rest of it. My advice to this thread is take small steps at a time, get to 60 then basic gear 186 run some weeklies for elites and 60 HM flashes augment your gear to the new mk-10 stuff and then attempt a HM Op here or the new Op, the saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day", either is your character we all have to go through the same process, was the same in patches 1.0, and 2.0 even now in 3.0.
  12. I agree, I don't understand why they didn't scale up the lvl 55 older operations to 60 and slap them in story mode GF the 2 that they left us don't get me wrong would become stale pretty quick I don't normally see a que up for them either in the group finder, as challenging as they are it seems that they should of been in the HM category. I don't understand why they changed every single thing to basics except of a few crumbs of weeklies and dailies that does seem to be in an aspect of HM content. I like the challenge am not saying that at all what am thinking is all the casual players as well as some f2p players want to experience this content through a guild or community basis, having to spend their "real money" not being subbed for an Operation and only get HM. To me it just doesn't look right or seem fare to a whole server population. Reason why am saying this is because I was in a lot of Ops that are 60 as well as flashpoints and seem that most of the group or a few leave have to consistently replenish the group it just wasting a lot of time gathering the group to begin with and even more now when were going through the content.
  13. I am a healer when am doing these 16 man ops all am yelling out is OUCH MY FACE
  14. LOL I agree they did an excellent job on the mechanics I never had this much fun since the game came out.
  15. I am a healer and I do not have any problem healing through the 60 flashpoints. I am a sage healer the opposite of your sorcerer, it all depends on what gear you have on, and how "skilled" you are at healing it is not a burst heal and trance heal here and there anymore, newer mechanics are in place. All I suggest to make it slightly easier is to have all of your armor at the beginner 186 rated gear or better and have some mk-10 with alacrity in them cause u need to heal faster and that helps with the cd's.
  16. LOL, the funny thing about this I seen the video on Dulfy and I was like that is not how our raid went at all lmao, but I noticed on Dulfy it was an 8 man group not a 16 man raid it could be that the 16 man raids are bugged.
  17. I like the challenge of this took me and my team longer than that to and only got him down to 50% but we never tried to destroy one of the loaders perhaps that can change things up a bit. the player that was tagged with them were kiting them. I also like not to be Nerf also I love this sort of challenge alot I think that this is bugged perhaps it isn't I dunno it's all new content and their bound to be some mistakes on the way through it. The only concern that I have with this is that alot of pug groups especially in GF where it is for level 60 players some do not have a guild it is going to be a rough ride through the operation for them and I do see alot of frustration not now but later in the future. Some couldn't handle the content that was in SM on the new "classic operations" seeing and doing these new ops makes me laugh to see how long it takes them to quit the raid group.
  18. OMG! I just ran the 2 operations today and all I got to say in both ops we only made it to the second boss from there it is nightmare on Rishi and Yavin 4 we must of ran both ops more than 12x per it took the whole afternoon and evening and we still couldn't progress it is insane. don't get me wrong I love the challenge but when **** starts flying everywhere all at once and running isn't going fast enough then it's time to quit while your ahead I remember a game I played called Wildstar that had the whole screen filled up with telegraphs what was that game I typed in again oh right it is in the **** bucket cause of it.
  19. OMG! I just ran the 2 operations today and all I got to say in both ops we only made it to the second boss from there it is nightmare on Rishi and Yavin 4 we must of ran both ops more than 12x per it took the whole afternoon and evening and we still couldn't progress it is insane. don't get me wrong I love the challenge but when **** starts flying everywhere all at once and running isn't going fast enough then it's time to quit while your ahead I remember a game I played called Wildstar that had the whole screen filled up with telegraphs what was that game I typed in again oh right it is in the **** bucket cause of it.
  20. I think the issue is that you don't obtain enough from the crew missions nor the lvlin' in the crew skills don't grant us a bigger number and RE is just a pain takes forever to reach max limit they need to fix this
  21. That's terrible the /ignore command and report should do alright
  22. I totally agree, makes things so much easier.
  23. Yea Illum needs something it def empty there that's for sure.
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