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Everything posted by Shiroikage

  1. Did you even read my whole post or are you deliberately trying to enrage me? I was lifted up and was being pounded for the whole 7" duration I will repeat since you didnt the first time NO it was NOT the 2" stun from the skill in the balance/madness tree and NO it wasnt followed through with an electrocute(sorry dont remember the equivalent for sage). Mind you that the same thing happend three times in a row by the same sage in that void. I dont want to jump to conclusions that this ia a hack because i dont like being rushfull. I just wanted to double check with the rest of the community and it seems it wasnt only me. Hmm havent seen that one but it is different to what happened to me. Did you try to use your CC breaker?
  2. Oh really and what do u think will happen if two coordinated Sents decide to nuke the same operative? Oh, w8! You didnt even need 2 to begin with...
  3. I just came from a void star where one sage would force lift me and pounded me for the whole duration withought the force lift breaking. I canot prove this at this point since i wasnt recording when it happened so i doubt many will believe me. However i would like to ask if anyone else besides me has noticed any such issue. Edit 1 it had nothing to do with the 2" stun duration which they gain from the balance tree skill point. I was up in the air but was still getting pounded withought it breaking.
  4. Go to any server you whish right now and tell me how many OPS you see at the fleet. I can guarantee there wont be more than 10 and thats me being an optimist. Do you and you quote buddy really think you know more than anyone else? The numbers pretty much speak for themselves and that comes from an operative playing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU which is the most heavily populated server on Imperials EU zone.
  5. Yes but how much is it currently?
  6. Yes the difference is that assasins have three other options who work just fine First is pure tank second is Hybrid tank madness and last madness. We on the other hand only have concealment and healing. Healing is crap atm always compared to other competitive healing classes but its about to change in 1.2. The problem is what people do when they want to play dps? Id sooner cancel my subscription than reroll just because some wankers cant be arsed to fix the class...
  7. Shiroikage

    Expertise Cap?

    How much is it? How much is the value % that one shouldt go beyond?
  8. My friend i wholeheartedly agree with you. I have also said that the CD on HS is the only good thing they did and yes they SHOULD buff our dmg elsewhere as well as give as better defensive CD's and gap closers...
  9. Definitely will once i find out how to use an avatar as well. This forum has me a bit confused cant find the settings to change my pic or sig Im sure you will in the year 3000 maybe more and meanwhile i will be laughing at you for still trying. So with that said have fun with your attempts. And btw most people who play operatives and post here arent looking for the ability to kill someone in 3" but rather how to have better defensive CDs gap closers and stuff like that that make all the other classes good.
  10. I agree with everything you say more or less but what i really wanted to mention here is your signature EPIC!
  11. If this is true and i say IF the guy seriosuly has some screws loose somewhere up there... I dont think i need to explain why.
  12. Oh man. I didnt happen to read this. So i guess this is a lost hope. Sigh! making a class dissappear from the game completely is a bit sad...
  13. M8 i couldnt care less about you being disgusted fighting your own faction. Get a grip this is a game and you are supposed to enjoy it. With that said, guess what! Playing in hutball 20/7 can make you commit suicide. IMO they should leave crossfactionlorebasedhate for open world situations and make all warzones all like hutball so that we can actually feel what other warzones feel like. Sorry about the inflamation there i am just getting too damn bored playing in the same are all the time. Peace!
  14. They could easily paint one door red and the other green that way it would be easier to tell. Take as an example Strand of the Ancients since the idea for Voidstar is derived from that. Each and every gate HAS a different coloured crest on it and thats how people differentiate them when someone yells tanks at green people rush to assist green yada yada yada. With that said it would be a lot easier if Void doors were to be painted different colours or something like that.
  15. I start to miss the days when i used to shout at the chat INC stables INC Lamber mil INC gold mine P.S people still didnt care much but they all knew which place i was talking about withought a doubt
  16. Actually maybe you should consider stop playing the class. I personally will stop playing my OP for the time being because i feel i really have no place in warzones, mostly hutball but the others as well. Maybe others should do that too to make Developers realise that there is somethig wrong in this picture. Ill rpolly roll a random class and have some fun till they decide to fix certain issues with the operative. Also call me stupid dumb morron or whatever else you feel like but concerning pvp what the operative needs right now is burst and not sustained dps. Because honestly we die in so few hits that sustained dps wouldnt do us any good rly. Even before at 1.0 the class was a glass cannon you either killed someone really fast or you didnt and got rolled over in seconds instead.
  17. Vertismorron u should try to make more creative posts from time to time. All your posts around the forum are suck this or welcome to nerfland operative. Seriously are you so badly hurt by ops so far?...
  18. this is all about kids crying because an operative killed them with a hidden strike while they were on 15% HP grow up brats. I hope you are happy now that your crying is getting the class dead. Surely the class wont be deleted but the amount of people playing it in both pve as well as in pvp will be close to none, Again bravo to all of you 12 year olds for crying endlessly.
  19. Oh i wouldnt worry about that. In less than a month you wont be seeing any Operatives anymore so rest assured.
  20. Dude you dont even see them now let alone in the upcoming 1.2 Ive also stated this in another post too. That on Tomb of freedon nad which is probably the most populated EU server on IMP side you never see more than 9-10 ops at the fleet no matter what time you log in. The chances of seeing one in a warzone are so slim that you start to wonder is this a mirage or the 6 pack i had before is doing its numbers on my brain. Bottom line when 1.2 goes live if u ever see one somewhere near you you will remember that the class wasnt erased but just that none plays it anymore.
  21. Exactly that! Ill give you a simple example. I am currently playing on the server "Tomb of Freedon Nad" Not sure if i spelled it right but whatever. Anyways on my server on the imperial side the fleet has consistently 290 to 320 people online on a daily basis. Can you guess how many of these people are operatives? Ill make it easy for you. Roughly 9-10 people(one of which is me) and that depends on what time you log in. Any of you who dont believe this can go ahead and check it out or w8 for me to post a pic. Now ill magically take you to a small trip to the near future Fare thee well Operatives! May you rust in peace!
  22. Cmon people start adding your two cents
  23. Right! i wonder why you see so few. And i will be wondering even more why there is NONE around when 1.2 goes live...
  24. Hello Bioware and Bioware Community! First i'd like to state that i play an operative. Second this is by no means a "cry me a river post" but lets get a few things straight. If you do follow through with these changes i humbly believe that every man and occasionally woman who plays the class will either quit the game--which i find unlikely or will reroll another class(best guess). I undestand that you are putting a Cool Down on Hidden strike which i find great because it is indeed too good to be true. I myself have never followed the tactic of re-entering stealth just to re-open but yes it is too good to be true. You are increasing the CD on Backstab(Down from 9" to 15")and boost its damage by approximately 5%. That is bad the 5% damage increase wont be compensating. Laccerate mhm this is an unknown factor as for if it will be buffed or boosted but my best guess would be that in the end, even with the skillpoints to increase the damage, it will still be a nerf, since its overal damage is being reduced by approximaely 10%. The Upside is that at least now it will cost 5 less energy. Bottomline. Ok so currently the only thing we have to keep us viable is our damage. Always speaking about Concealment because lethality is pretty much unplayable atm unless if you are a sniper. Meaning if we dont do some decent damage when we pop out of stealth and for the following 6-7 seconds we are pretty much dead meat. In out of stealth combat we cant possibly compete with Marauders/sentinels Juggs and Tanksins. Since all of the above classes have high armor and can nuke us till we cry mommy as long as they can see us first. Problems: Shield probe: Currently this ability is pretty much usless as it can dissappear with a single auto attack. If In the end you are reducing our overal damage you should at least 1. Either increase the absroption amounts of this ability or change this ability to something like energy shield. Evasion: It just doesnt compare to Force shroud which makes you immune for the duration Again you should make it like Force shroud. Class mobility. Currently the only means Concealment has on closing on its targets is our sever tendon ability. The problem with that is that its range is only 10m and the root duration is only 2(and thats only if its skilled)" in my opinion what the specc needs most right now is either a skill like Force speed. Or something like a shadowstep like WoW's subtlety rogue. In addition to whats being said here you will notice considerable problems with the class in Huttball where nockbacks rnaged stuns leapes sprints and pulls(friendly or offensive) define the game. Operative has none of the above. So this were my two cents on the matter. Again i am stating that by no means this is a QQ post. Thanks for taking the time to read this and i hope the game will be proggresing instead of regressing in the future P.S. For any typos pls forgive me. My english isn't fluent.
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