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Everything posted by randiesel

  1. Been a while since I did this one, but I think I recall you can LoS a good deal behind the boxes. I'm pretty sure the boss was lvl 44 and I know I did him at -4 levels as I did everything else, so LoS + Cedrax should work. I was running an Infil hybrid spec for leveling, which had some melee burst and some ranged utility.
  2. Nicely done. Always enjoy the text explanations, some interesting choices with arena strategy. I'm sure it'll come up sooner or later, but what are you seeing, pros/cons, between each of the specs in arenas? Personally play both (except I use 2/31/13) on both my shadow and sin and both are pretty easy to identify major pro/cons. From how I play: 5/31/5 Better sustained single target damage Better overall damage output for longer out-of-stealth fights Easier to be locked down by a ranged dps due to no real ranged attack, minus Telekinetic Throw w/ Potency up (Situation as in cc breaker is down and Sniper knockback > root) 0/31/15 Better overall utility (nice AoE splash burst damage with FiB, sometimes priceless for taking stealthers out of stealth if Force Wave misses) Good opening-from-stealth burst, but overall less sustained damage without CS. Also slightly less damage done by Shadow Strike done against targets affected by Spinning Kick/Spike and Force Stun/Electrocute. Good use of a ranged burst attack when kept at bay by ranged dps (see Sniper example above)
  3. I agree wholeheartedly. Only point I was making is that people gravitate to the OP specs because they are generally easy to play. Smash is easy to play and (IMO) has a lower skill cap than other specs I've played, but not everyone is able to play at a higher skill threshold, so they go for the easy win. This game, at its core, is going to have a lot of players gravitate toward the Knight or Warrior class, as we can see with the size of their playerbase. That means much more diversity among the Knight/Warrior population, and likely some players are not as skilled as others. Best example: Guardian who used to play on my server swore up and down he would never play smash spec. Kinda got a good laugh at the irony of seeing him in smash spec the first time it happened, but ultimately he went with the most efficient spec available, regardless if he was much better overall than 90% of other Guardians I've ever encountered.
  4. Exactly. And we aren't in the position to be making suggestions, these are only questions. Which is why we should be glad to have someone like Oaceen at the helm representing everyone's best interest.
  5. You stumped them Oac. At least that's potentially a good sign.
  6. One minor detail I missed while watching it late at night. Good point. Although, towards the end there you're fighting and killing Shadiand #1 Shadow with first person mode and no UI? I'm not sure I saw that right. Might have to rewatch that after I have like 2 more coffees...
  7. Agreed. Edit: I just read your sig. Former op/scoundrel dps here, gave me a good laugh
  8. Oh. And your videos make trying out DF/Lethality enticing. I find it all too ironic that whenever I decide "yeah, this match will be a good enough time to try DF" I usually find myself solo-queued against a US team with Buppi in it. She (not sure if played by a he) pulls me over right away and makes me regret choosing DF, let alone playing a dps Scoundrel. Probably would be to my benefit not to solo-queue if/when I play my scoundrel, lol.
  9. Yeah, I've done some video editing for gaming and do some regularly enough for work. I'm familiar with the automation of doing some of it, but it also requires someone to tie it all together and make it into a good presentation. I stand by my original statement: You did an awesome job on it, don't downplay your skills. Even if nothing else, I viewed it at 1080p (even if that's not the resolution it was captured on). It still took a long enough time for you to add the clips, cut them to make them show as a nice presentation (the intro alone was a ton of clips), wait that agonizing amount of time for the project to save/finalize, and then you're talking about upload times for a 30 minute HD video to YouTube. The average person just sees a video and doesn't know the backend. Yeah, don't downplay your skills
  10. I can definitely agree with what you say, but the same could be said for other classes as well. Smash maras/juggs, lightning sorcs, infiltration shadows, medicine operatives, gunnery commandos, AS vanguards (pre-2.0). Everyone seemingly gravitates towards the most OP spec for pvp to give them whatever edge that the other specs don't have. A lot of times the OP spec is the one with the lower skill cap required, so that also is more enticing to a broader audience, since not everyone is able to play at the same skill level. Seemingly, in MMOs this will always be the case since no MMO I've ever played has had perfect or even near-perfect class balance.
  11. Hey, I posted a comment on JC forums, but figured I'd comment here as well since I saw it. Don't say stuff like its another "attempt at making a video". That happens to be very well done (and I'm sure others will agree) so don't downplay your skills Hopefully will get a chance to see more of it tomorrow. Some of the combat clips are quite entertaining.
  12. Well done video Neb. Admittedly, I didn't watch the whole 30 mins of it, but the intro was very engaging and the clips were really cool (that door cap vs the force barrier sorc was nice to get on video). Definitely watched the A7x part from start to finish, nice music choice =P Just curious, what are you using for video capture again? I think a long time ago you said in one of your posts that you use something other than Fraps. First-person mode must take some getting used to (either that or a few beers make it more enjoyable).
  13. I think she has been on military leave for the summer. Miss playing with her too. One of the more cheerful players on JC.
  14. Very well written KBN, and good rewrite above ^.
  15. He means having the questions redone in a new thread, which would be locked and nobody would be able to comment in the thread. Users would, in turn, just simply refer back to this thread though. Especially since no other class questions threads have been locked.
  16. Dem answers... Devs must be thinking really hard. Either that or Labor Day partying was a bit of overkill in Austin.
  17. Every scrapper/concealment from lowbies are allstars until they hit 55 and learn. This isn't the first post from a person doing lowbies with the same aspect of the class/spec. Hell, I've even seen some of them when they hit end game and they really only played at about 50-60% of the skill cap. Or better off, in the words of Mike Tyson: "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face".
  18. Damn you, Oac! You killed my entertainment for the weekend! Just kidding =P Keep up the good work.
  19. Really taking their time on these questions aren't they?
  20. Haha, I probably missed that part. Just trying to get Ami to come out of hiding, can't get her to post for the life of me.
  21. That's almost like asking us to taunt, we're not tanks. Also, we deliver flawless ***-kickings on afk juggernauts #ShadiandBestShadowJC
  22. The suspense is killing me. In before heal to full 2.0.
  23. You can't please everyone. Keep doing what you're doing. Even if you did please everyone someone else would then have an issue.
  24. I actually look at DFs and think they're the odd man out in pvp too. Even with a skilled player behind the keyboard. Best DF (lethality op actually) is even squishy as hell and had to roll off to great distances just to heal up. And when you see that enough when playing another class, it kinda makes dps scoundrels seem like wusses having to roll off to heal (I understand fully though). Even if DF is great burst, a ton of your damage is dots ticking on5 targets in an ability that had no cooldown. That's pretty easy to rack up top dps per my experience. Marauders and Sins still contribute to the group more than they do.
  25. I do have to say Eviloxe that how you describe WJ spec is exactly why I run that as my main spec. You don't have to justify why you personally prefer a spec over another. I happened to do some duels with the only shadow who's made me even try and have to say WJ worked just as well as full infil. It always helps to have a ranged utility attack to, especially against teams that have a sniper (or TWO!). Definitely have to agree with Shin about full deception being better against operative healers though. WJ feels very underpowered having away at a good op healer when you don't have and good sustained damage.
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