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Everything posted by MegusAlexandrus

  1. "Name a good mmo with open world pvp. I can almost guarantee there are risks taken beyond "I'll have to respawn if I lose the fight"." Could be why after how many years 15? i still have an account with Ultima Online , you die you lose everything , back to the bank to refit , beter have a few suits ready if your going to pvp
  2. "Let's say, i add a 1K credits for open world pvp kills and i'm sure in the minutes, i'll get people creating low lvl to farm them or just arranging free farming with the other faction." Are you kiding me? 1k for the first kill then it drops of real fast on the same kills , too many kills you look into it and BAN HAMMER him
  3. "How could they not have thought to put "Kill X players" on Ilum? Did they just not have time? " Its just a carebear game to make fast money off the name , look at crafting look at pvp both the worst in mmorpgs , sad to say , there will never be a game like the first year on Ultima Online so lawless so Open so Fun
  4. "I dont care about gear thats obsolete the very next patch" OMG thanks for that i almost started chasing gear , nothing more i hate in a mmorpg then putting all the time in for the best gear just to see greens be beter when the level cap goes up AND YOU KNOW IT WILL
  5. I stay out of groups dont you need to regroup after each game? Its always the first que thats the longest , and if you are regrouping every game you are at the end of the line , go solo and fist game takes abit then you cant even run for a drink and you are back in
  6. I have great luck by dropping out of hutball , then i get a real warzone next most times
  7. screen shot or it never happend , I like the game i was in wher 2, 50's in full pvp gear took on everyone else, laughed drank danced killed all, won 6 to 0
  8. Its all up to you bro , bring in them friends , more then the pvpers that are moving on and out of here?
  9. I did the same thing , 2 days later i had the set i wanted , this game is so freaking easy to get gear , save the 50 purple bags now that a joke
  10. I level with pvp more then questing , i buy them all the time , when your not 50 and have one purple bag , 1000/1000 , i'm buying 2 or 3 a game , and yes you get upgreads to your gear , rest i just vender for credits
  11. They need to take a page from Warhammer , top end gear came at the right pace
  12. Then its a complete joke , 50's in there pvp gear Bah , 50's need there own bracket
  13. What do you do when your at lv 31 two sets of pvp gear 1000/1000 commendations and you can only have 1 Champ bag?
  14. Same plus i ran alot of pvp were a loss with pugs was almost as good as a win that nerf and slicing nerf the game is now Bla could take it or leave it, its just meh
  15. Same same like meny i just run pvp to lv and use slicing to buy my stuff off the AH , well no more , Slicing nerf was a nerf for all crafters good luck selling now
  16. How long before its usles in pvp ? everyone can see the ground target and move away, why? even Timmy in time will get it and roll his chair out of the way , the enemy should not see the ground target
  17. Give me a break everyone can see the gound target and move away , take that away i say
  18. Sorry but its not even in my top 5 list to make credits , sure its ok till about lv 20 but not the end all these people make it out to be
  19. They should have learned from warhammer , only alowe so many on each side to join a server , that being said they need to cross server the war zones
  20. I would have to say this is not a PvP game , move along
  21. I have played them all that never works , after 1 year they all go to ****
  22. Sadly this is what a mmorpg has become its all about getting the numbers , some day some where someone will say not for you care bears or will they
  23. Now taste the 50's with crafted grenades and what not OMG OUCH
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