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Posts posted by RiP_AzaZeL

  1. We got our first Ranked WZ and our second best damager got glitched after the first death. he was locked in spawn. This is Insane, i thought this was going to be fixed... how did this still happen!?! how is this not fixed yet?!?!?


    i made a post just a week ago about this issues saying it would be a problem, and it hit us first. this is insane.

  2. The problem with huttball (at least in my opinion) is the fact that it's a pvp scenario where doing actual pvp is bad for the outcome.


    Playing for objectives in huttball often enough means avoiding any contact with the enemy team what so ever.


    If you have them ball your better off knocking people off and ccing because killing them means they will respawn in front of you ball carrier. Also one of the best choices is, again, to avoid the enemy as much as possible and try to move in front for a pass / grip.


    If the enemy has the ball you need to kb the sorcs / people waiting for the pass off the catwalks and grip the ball carrier into fire. Or alternative, if they already setup their goal with grips and managed to get ahead, ignore them and let them score while you set up your own goal by taking the mid and spreading towards their goal.


    The only shred of actual pvp you might get is when fighting to take the mid for the next ball but even then it's more of a cc and knockback frenzy then pvp.


    That's why the entire concept seems bad to me. In a pvp setting if you are better than your oponent and manage to kill them you should be rewarded not punished. Because that's what pvp is about... player vs player not player vs acid / fire /random ball. The objectives should automatically derive from being better at pvp not from avoiding it.


    best post ive read on these forums. You broke down exactly my frustrations here, and i think many of my friends' frustrations with huttball as well. I like that you didnt just say something simple and typical like "huttball sucks"


    I can play huttball, and i'm pretty good at it, but i still dont like that there are times where we must instruct players not to kill the oposition as they will be able to defend the score more easily.

  3. I have lost the ability to OPS chat very frequently lately, I would say at least once a day. Someone was nice enough to point out I can still use /party for chat, but I didnt know that for the longest time.


    I have yet to get the respawn stunned issue but I hear thats pretty prevalent as well, not to mention ive see the 8 players/7 in ops group issue too.


    if you do


    Ctrl + U twice then /ops


    it will correct that issue.

  4. Am I the only one that reads all of them the same?


    "I am bad at the game and don't understand the basic mechanics of it. Please make it easier for me"


    Near every nerf thread is made and supported by people who have not played the class they're talking about. EVERY class in this game has the potential to excel within the right hands.


    Stop posting nerf threads and calling yourself out as a below average player. You're making yourselves look bad. :rolleyes:



    Yeah i see this too...


    I'm more sick of people QQ'ing in game than on the forums though to be honest. It just makes you look dumb when you QQ for op.


    also this idea that nobody with a powerful class has skill is ridiculous.

  5. Simple question What Level 50 Do You PvP With And Why?


    No i am not asking for the most op class, just wondering what you guys enjoy playing :)


    I'll start off by saying i play Jedi Consular - Sage Looking to roll another class :rak_03:


    I like healing with my smuggler, and damage with my shadow. But i really love using ranged dps, would switch to a gunslinger if i had the chance. but just dont want to grind to 50 again.

  6. I am willing to bet that 95% of the time you are hitting respawn at "super human" speed only to wait for the respawn barrier to come down....


    See my point? :D


    ok but on alderaan where there is no barrier, and 1 second makes the difference between a cap at east or west... see my point.

  7. While I'm not arguing how soon it should be addressed... maybe you could slow it down a notch? ;) I do just fine with my less than super human button mashing :rolleyes: and I have more instant abilities than most classes and I can still top the boards for my team in damage AND objectives...


    If that really is the reason... there is NO reason to be mashing buttons at a "super human" rate :rolleyes:


    Maybe drink less soda... probably where you're getting that super human speed from... :D


    lol... even if i am hitting respawn at "superhuman" speed... i doubt i'm the only one, and i still dont think thats a viable solution. sure, i can tone it down a notch on the respawn, but i dont want to lose a teammate too. also, in the heat of the moment, all that soda adrenaline cant be held back.

  8. - "Grass / Snow ... screw mid" - Every losing pug ever.




    2 days ago i had a guy tell us to leave mid and let them have it, and just play defense on the sides. ***. then called my strats bad... AFTER WE 3 cap'd.



    also my personal favorite...

    "we aren't very good at pvp. you guys might have to carry us" - 4 man premade of all pve'ers.

  9. It's not that rare if you have super human reaction/click time. Before I curbed my speed a bit this bug occurred ~2-3 times a night.


    Breathe. Then click respawn. Bug less.


    yeah i know i could slow down, but its hard to slow down, when your in an intense match on say voidstar, and your teammates tell you over vent that the door just opened and you might be able to make it through.


    what erks me most about this glitch, is that bioware is well aware of it, and even addressed it in a patch, saying that they "reduced" the likelyness of it happening.

    its a frightening thought that bioware can know of such a glitch and not be able to fix it regardless.

  10. Yeah this is rare but I have had it happen twice in 6 months and only have seen it happen to one other person. I would hope this is fixed but who knows. They said that a loss of a player threw a disconnect will be taken into effect when the match ends so it wont change your rating to much. I would take a guess that if this bug is still in 1.3 I imagine it will work like a disconnect.


    yeah but the question is, does the person who is disconnected get penalized when they are not at fault? also, can they come back into the match and maybe help for a win.

  11. you are in a ranked warzone and you get glitched where u are dead in the spawn, cant move and get kicked out becase of staying in the spawn too long. I think this issue should be address before rated becomes available.
  12. This is essentially your answer.


    Log onto a character you play, look through their Legacy page. Every Imperial Class unlock, every Republic class unlock, every species unlock, every Other unlock that you have unlocked. All of these things are connected to the character you are on. If you deleted every other character you have and transfered the one you are on right now to a different server, all those unlocks will still be there. That is the intended plan.


    They want to make it so that no matter what you do, you will not lose the legacy things you have unlocked on a character. Unless you plan to delete every character you have at the same time, you will keep everything you have, even if they change servers.


    makes perfect sense. thanks!

  13. I'd like to know this too.


    I'd assume for the initial free transfers it'd be fine if you just moved all your characters to a new server and didn't leave any behind.


    No word on what will happen if you only move some of them though.


    If you have 4 characters, one of each class, and move 2 of them to a new server and leave 2 where they are...do you only take the buffs of the two you brought with you? All 4? What about the ones you left behind?


    yeah... it would be really sad to find out that all the time i put in leveling my alts would kind of be made useless becuase im forced to transfer.

  14. Those are legacy buffs so it all depends on if your legacy is transferred.

    To Be Determined.


    ah... so no real answer yet then. thanks for your response.


    i assumed thats whats taking them so long to get these transfers done, since character transfers worked for other regions before legacy came out.

  15. the bottom line is that this game should be free to play. there are plenty of other chat rooms around that dont charge anything. BW basically gave us this past month for free becuase they knew the game was going to suck hard during this period and they wanted to try and keep us on. well i suggest another a free month for putting us through this.


    and the idea of unsub if you dont like it is the type of mentality that will get this game to go free to play in no time.

  16. It is, plus I took them out in case they had a go at me in game, our server is pretty much dead, and i usually see these people around all the time.


    i put partial blame on the other team here...


    i see this ALL the time with the imps on my server, and everytime they do, we zerg their point and get the 3 cap. and force them to play. then they just picnic at the speeder drop off. :confused:

  17. we are doing our best to make sure that your voices get heard.


    Going forward, please try to remain on topic in this thread.


    thanks for the response, i wont post anymore in this thread thats off topic but just want to say 1 thing.


    if the statement above is true, then our threads about the real issues should stop being closed. for whatever reasons. also, It'd be great to have a weekly round up in addition to this one about the "most important topics" among the community. It would be a great help to the entire community if we knew exactly which issues you guys are aware of and if you are working on them, some kind of idea when we can expect to seem them fixed. I think that would cut down on a lot of the pointless repeat threads. Thanks again for responding, and i do apologize for going off topic.

  18. Why is it that all the important threads about issues with the game (mainly server population) get closed almost instantly. and the ones that really dont matter at all like "creating the silliest class you can" and other non sense get promoted.


    Does BW really think they are fooling us by trying to paint the picture that everything is fine and dandy. Its not all rainbows and butterflies. there's serious issues here that dont get any attention. how come none of the real threads get put on here?


    i'm sure my post wont get an answer, infact it'll probably get deleted but whatever. it is what it is. Real issues still being ignored and BW still trying to foolishly cover up by showing the few players that are concerned with ridiculous things like additional companions or how hilts look.

  19. an update on the situation...


    1 hour later we now have 7 people on the fleet... and still NO WARZONES!

    can anyone from tech support help? is there anything that can be done to fix this issue. I called customer service and they said to make a post on the forums and tech support would respond.

  20. If somebody knows they will lose- they won't play. It's not really that hard of a concept. People will only play matches where they think they have a good chance of winning, or at least having a good time.


    You say that you simply stomp every team you go against- doesn't sound like your opponents have a chance of winning or even having a good time. Not your fault for getting a good team together- but, that'd be like blaming a house league team of out of shape teenagers who just want to have fun for not wanting to face off against last year's NHL champions every night.


    Not everyone plays a game to try to become the best team out there and be extremely competitive- in fact, most people play games to have fun. If they aren't having fun- they stop playing.


    its pretty bad when a server that has 4 imps to every pub cant get 8 decent imps online to win a game. also you completely ignored the fact that they out gear us by a mile since they used to get games against each other all the time and zerg us on ilum.

    judging by gear, we are the ones who should have no chance. besides, this is 99% bw's fault for making us play against the same few people over and over again anyways.

  21. I generally do not post on forums usually someone makes my point for me. I am by no means a good player, I generally need 3 healers on me (yes Shad and Laff and Believer talking about you) but the real sad reality is that we had 3 50 war zones over the weekend. You know its bad when it took me to Tuesday to get my Saturday daily done. When I started playing I was getting rolled nightly in PUGs. Then I joined a guild (Hi Mike) and started winning more then that guild died and then along with Mike a couple of others (Tine and Koyll) we joined Ch.4 and its been smooth sailing since kinda. The best imp players left gradually, guys like Premoose and Pilav left first then more recently Eye for an Eye. I hated these guys cause they were damn good players respected them but hated them. Its to a point now where we are so starved for competition we will cannibalize each other then overkill against Imps when we get them. I can't reroll the thought of grinding to 89 valor hurts my head. So I go to fleet and wait and wait and wait some more; race around the station naked on speeders, Make fun of Lucy, but secretly hoping he comes back cause it was fun playing against him, Guys like Dozer or Ubersoldat show up and get thrown into a bad PUG and lose bad its disheartening. But we're still here every night we q up 13-14 of us we q cause we hope, we q cause we like playing with each other, we q cause at the end of the day we love to fight. So to my fellow Pubs thank you for qing , thank you for showing up, to the Imps come back and kick my *** please. In the mean time.....we're racing naked tonight at 7pm and its BYOT - bring your own thong.


    truer words were never spoken my friend.

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