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Posts posted by RiP_AzaZeL

  1. Not really... he just talks **** in WZs..


    Best part is he likes to talk **** to PUG groups... while he is in a PREMADE... It is sad actually

    I guess it makes him feel special.

    Keep spamming your pebbles :D


    Nobody fears him... none that I have saw anyways.


    u bitter cause no one even knows who you are? lol.


    Michael is easily the best sage/sorc on our server along with number.


    dont hate cause ur an after thought on a server with 20 good players.

  2. I consider anyone who thinks "pvp is ruined" clueless. Also, people who blame balance for anything.


    you're right... pvp isnt ruined!!!


    something that does not exsist cannot be ruined. pvp is more just a myth at this point.

  3. I don't get paid to play this game. I am not here to teach. I am not here to get along with you. I am here to play with my "elitest" friends. If you were on my server you would fear me also...GUARANTEE IT. Give me 8 man q's so i can see more Premades ruin pvp threads.


    Oh its true... Its damn true!


    also you would fear him... i have seen it.

  4. Idiots ruin PvP, that includes but is not limited to: people who dont listen, people refusing to learn, elitist ******es who think they are better then everyone else.


    Pugs can be perfectly usefull in PvP, just because someone doesn't enter with a premade doesn't make them a bad player.


    I was in this premade with Michael, and the pugs he's talking about can't contribute to anything. Maybe its different on other servers (which is why people on fatman could never understand this point), but on our server, where there's only 20 people on at a time at peak time, everyone knows everyone. If you dont know anyone or have someone to queue with on our server, then you have anti-social issues and are definitely not going to help the team out. none of the pugs on our server are going to cooperate with anyone or contribute to the game at all...

  5. Because this functionality exists. They would just need to disable the separation/roll back to the old way.

    I'm not saying what you suggested is bad; in fact I want that just as much. We just need something *now* until that can be achieved.


    on the contrary my friend. the server transfers are already in place. they already implented it for the asia pacific servers. The reason they dont want us to be able to do it yet is becuase they are still trying to work out the issues with balancing populations and not get over crowded servers.

  6. If que timer > 30 minutes, merge the two brackets. Low-pop servers need this desperately.


    low pop servers could use something like this,


    but instead of wasting time doing this? why not just simply fix the pop problems... by you know... server mergers or transfers?

  7. OP even says he thinks they need a slight buff. Obvious troll is obvious.



    In the end if you reply anything serious in this thread, you just got trolled, hard.


    hahah... def did. but eh... why not? lol

    not like i got anything better to do.

  8. lol PvP guardians does almost same DMG like marauders at pvp ... you are funny troll


    And shadow do NO dmg ... realy?


    ah yes... you missed the word comparitively, somehow i knew you would do that. guardians are 10x easier to kill....

    and yes COMPARED to maruaders the shadows do significantly less damage.


    there is NO QUESTION that marauders do more damage than every other class than the pt/vanguard class.

  9. Ravage/master strike is easy tu interupt. It is 3 sec chaneling spell for god sake. Is more usefull for guardians then marauders. Most dmg marauders do with Dots ...


    If you play sentinel / marauder you know it. Probably you dont .... another troll.


    Marauders need def abbilities because they are mele class. Look at Shadows/guardians, they are even more durable then sentinels. Nerf them too? Lets nerf all classes !!!! :D


    man what are you talking about? this is the most ridiculous post ive seen... atleast the other people bring up somewhat relevant arguments... you start talking about shadows and guardians who do comparitvely no damage. In general they are more durable but you completely forgot that they are tanking classes? the mara/sent class is an exclusive damage class, they dont need defenses. If this game isnt about 1v1 and about team play then they should have no true effective defenses the way they do. Thats what Tanks and Healers are for!

    there is a reason warriors in wow had little to no defenses.

  10. well highlighting that word means you miss the point i was making. Not whether mara/sent are op but does there really need to be so many threads about the same thing


    there does need to be so many threads, because this is something that needs to be changed. there should be many threads about anything that needs to be changed. If there were no threads about it, the the dev's would not know what needs to be done. the people who play the game, know what the problems are.

  11. well in thsi game they dev seem to be balancing based on team as opposed to 1v1.

    e.g a half decent sniper will completely murder a mara/sent

    - well forgive me if im wrong but you play a scoundrel/op? during a fight with a mara when you are low on health you can flashbang and heal to full, if they break that then you can stun their UR. If they dotn break it then their dealing with totally recoevered enemy. Sounds fair to me

    - maras are more screwed by roots/snares than any other class (including jugg), only carnage maras specced into it can remove roots with 45sec force camo.

    - maras are a frontline class, they cannot hang back like a range toon they have to be in the thick of things. Medium armour will melt in thsi situation to the point it would be unplayable. So they have a lot of defensive skills to keep them alive in that frontline role.

    - vanguard/pt can actually hurt people from range, a deep pyro can actually do very nasty damage from range. Also they can initiate and pull the target to their location. In this way they can better avoid placing themselves into dangerous situation.

    - ravage is one ability it takes somethign like 3 seconds to channel, only carnage roots with this channel, a mara cannot stun you and hit you. while in my view it does hit perhaps too hard for a rage free ability. It really isnt hard to get out of range


    the lung completely negates all your arguments about range being a factor. like you said the devs havent balanced for 1v1's which is the problem IMO, and thats exactly why we havent seen arenas becuase these op's would be even more exposed. Ravage can stop a person from moving...


    and here's where i hit you with the BIG SHOCKER! I play a marauder! bet you didnt see that coming.

  12. This is looks another clear cut case of a "don't nerf me bro" post.


    Seriously, if you feel the need to address the public on why your class isn't OP or how to beat your class there's probably an issue, just sayin. Yes yes, I know, we all need to L2P, but now since we've all sort of moved past that fallacy, lets face the truth that some adjustments probably need to be made. The TTK post 1.2 is pretty insane.




    they are getting nurf'd which is all we really need to know right? if they didnt need to be, they wouldnt be right?

  13. well you say its a fact 'they 1 of the most op classes'. So your point is just as invalid as the op if you cant back it up.


    Well since you have never heard this argument before, ill go ahead and do it again. (even though i know someone genious will say i'm QQ'ing) (also never stated it was a fact)


    1. The ability to take no damage when they get low on health, have you tried dueling this? sure you can CC but they can break it.

    2. they can go invis, with the damage they do, no reason for it. thier escapability is unmatched among this level of dps. can you imagine if warriors in wow could invis... jeesus.

    3. sure the powertech/vanguard can do similar burst damage, but they dont have the defenses which doesnt make them as op.

    4. Ravage - enough said.

    5. freeze on lunge, makes kiting much more difficult.

  14. and you fail to show why they are '1 of the most op classes'

    i dont agree with a lot of the OP, but neither do I think mara/sent are op.


    i didnt start this thread, and i wasnt trying to make the point. so why would i need to show they are OP. the thread was made to show they are not.

  15. Look at for example trooper CC compared to sentinel .....


    And stop whine just because sentinel kill you at WZ ....


    is this comment as ignorant as it seems? who said sentinel's kill me in WZ's? when did whine? do you even know what that even means? yeah the CC isnt as nice, that doesnt mean its weak, its just average like i said, and that my points was even if it is weak that doesnt explain how sentinels are not OP.

  16. A geared healer will not drop like wheat to a sentinel. If they don't fight back they will drop but for the sentinel I play healers take the longest to kill and many are not solo-able in general melees.


    While I don't think sentinels are a problem in the game's balance at the moment I do have to disagree with the "no aoe" comment. Focus sentinels can do a lot of aoe.


    Interesting that you play a sentinel and feel this way. I wonder if you played another class how you would feel.

  17. If you're having trouble with a scoundrel or operative, you need to take yourself to the warrior forum, marauder section and ask for advice, cause right now, there is no AC that you can't beat. Period.


    well said, im wondering how many of these people have tried dueling a sentinel/maurader. my guess is that most defenders of the AC are people that play and just dont understand MMO balancing.

  18. Regards who much we try to tell them QQ will forever QQ even after the nerf.


    If you to know who are really OP?? that would be Scoundrel still they can take our 70% of my health within 3 sec and finish me off with afew pew pew pew "with my with or without UR", UR just can't buy me enough time to fight back. Can I say that is OP?


    Of coz I going to get massive troll after say this.


    lol wut?


    can anyone translate?

  19. I play sentinel and inquisior at my server. Sentinel is quite good at pvp but NOT even remotly OP, if i comared him to others classes.


    because :


    - sentinels dont have real AOE skills

    - sentinel have only two pathetic CC

    - sentinel are pure mele


    Usualy i can make around 300k dmg at WZ with my almost battlemaster geared sentinel, but i can do 2 time more dmg with inqusitor if i am lucky !!!!!!!! 600k dmg with just 4 spell and runing from danger !!!!! Why i dont see here any nerf sage thread? I have zero problems with sentinels/maraders when i play other classes. I honestly think that sentinels dont need nerf but slight buff.


    If you losing vs Sentinels that mean:


    - you dont use your CC corectly

    - or you cant run properly from him if you are range class (most classes can kite sentinels to death)

    - or you atack sentinels and let some healer heal him, so its look like he kill you alone

    - or he outgear/outskill you


    You can decide if some class is or isnt OP just at WZ performace.

    Sorry for my bad english


    it sounds to me like you aren't using your sentinel correctly. If you get Kite'd to death then you're doing something wrong.


    the fact that they dont have AOE skills is completely irrelevant. Thier CC's are hardly pathetic, they are normal, and you still have failed to show in your argument how any of this changes the fact they 1 of the most op classes.

    Basically all you did was stat on opinion, then stated a bunch of a random facts.


    I can do the same


    guys the sun is not bright, i have proof:

    - the sun is far away

    - the sun is hot

    - the sun is not black.

  20. Hidden Beks is good at peak times but you'll be playing against the same people most of the time in the 50 bracket... Even imps, it's gotten so bad for me that <KoS> a guild imp side target my poor little healer main straight away. One guy with guard on me never saw a sight of four people on one healer before... luckily though there were two other healers keeping me up until I could pop my heals and while they were taking care of me, we were scoring in Hutt Ball :D


    This happens to me all the time on our poorly populated server. Everyone on both sides know who i am, so i am targeted immediately.


    although the one positive about this, is its certainly made me into a better player.

  21. this is my BIGGEST complaint.


    ya know, how many cars have power steering? i would venture to say (i'm not 100% sure, just using a crappy analogy), all 2012 models...ALL.


    so, SWTOR didn't invent MMO's. there is at least a DECADE of successes and failures in MMO's.


    how people can continue to produce games with no ranked pvp, moddable UI, arenas, MASSIVE content, etc. is EFFING BS.


    so, we get a bare bones P.o.S that we have to PAY for...while they figure it out? i gotta pay AND wait...for something that may or may not happen?




    there is no excuse anymore for these companies that put out garbage MMO's.


    it's just laziness and greed.


    *EDIT* i forgot:



    well said sir

  22. The only problem is what I've underlined. You and so many other people are treating it like some written-in-stone promise that is the end of the world if it isn't fulfilled. If you would instead treat it like what it actually is - nothing more than "this is what we're shooting for" - then you'd be giving yourself much less heartache.


    I don't think you realized that ranked pvp was one of the features they said WAS GOING TO BE IN 1.2...

    that is all.

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