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Posts posted by RiP_AzaZeL

  1. yeah i agree with you 100%. its not gonna be worth it come next week when we have to wait for an hour for queue pops... and even if this is just "glitched queues" theres no question that the population on fleet has dwindled down greatly on atleast my server.
  2. Yeah this seems to be happening more and more recently, maybe once a night or so. Also warzones not filling, I am getting about one warzone a night where one spot is empty.


    yeah thats been happening to me as well, and i think 100% of the time its during same faction warzones, i think thats also broken, and not due to lack of players. i really hope bioware is already aware of this.

  3. Not sure if its population or just "broken" queues. Last night me and a bud were queuing while on ilum trying to find some pubs to kill and for about 45 minutes we did not get anything, we both re-logged and within hitting the queue button almost got an instant pop and did not have to wait more than a minute or so after the match ended for the others.


    yeah actually, come to think of it... this could be the problem as well since i noticed the re logging or re queueing has helped a few times. but the past couple of days it seems like it does this after every single warzone.

  4. over the past few weeks it seems that the queues have been taking longer and longer, and the population on the server is dropping faster and faster.

    I'm starting to get the same feeling i had on my old server where i was getting more frustrated with each queue taking longer. I have a real bad feeling its only going to get worse come saturday. And in my opinion we may end up going through the same issues we had before 1.3 where we couldnt get warzones for long periods of time. I think we could see that for about a month or so this time around, as everyone waits for free to play. or realizes gw2 isnt as good as everyone thinks its going to be.

  5. Does anyone know whats going on with new content? its been several months since anything new has been introduced into the game. 1.3 was really 1.2 and a half since it was basically features that were promised in 1.2 + server transfers which were actually before 1.3 and not really part of the pack.


    I'm sure they must be close on some new content, just wondering why its taking so long to throw anything out at us.

  6. These are the same morons that maintained and developed Warhammer Offline. There was once an "out of range" bug in that game where you could be dry humping your target as a melee and still be out of range. They left that one untouched for over 2 months. So nothing surprises me when it comes to the incompetence of Mythic/Bioware.


    It is no wonder why this game is bleeding subs and probably set a major mmo record with going F2P in 7 months.


    NO NO, its because they "listened to the fans" and gave us what we wanted, thats why its failing.

  7. Happened twice yesterday for me and three times for a friend when we were group queuing. Bioware really needs to fix this.


    yeah absolutely they do... and the problem is that they claimed they fixed it, then they told us to make tickets, (which ive done over and over)


    it happens in rateds too, which is the worst. how is it ok to get a loss because they cant fix a glitch.

  8. For months now, I among others have reported this issue frequently, complained here on the forums, written several ingame tickets, it was even addressed as being fixed in the patch notes once. But yet again, here we are... i have once again been spawn glitched.




    Can someone, anyone please tell me how something this simple has been added to the game, then kept in the game for this long? how is this ok? Is Anything being done about this?

  9. August 8th, 2010, with the Space Combat leak. That they could actually think that a single-player rail-shooter mini-game was the best option for space content in a pay-to-play Star Wars MMORPG, made it pretty obvious that they didn't "get it." Boredom brought me back, but I could already see the writing on the wall.


    yeah this is exactly the type of small example that truly showed that bioware just didnt know what was needed to make this successful. the time and rescources spent in spacebattles could have been used to perfect more pvp warzones/ more ops/ more everything.

  10. The MMO community pre-wow did. I know I'm beating a dead horse by saying that, but just saying.


    no you're right, and i think unless a game comes out that has as many basic and key features that wow does, it seems nothing will compete with it. This could be the big problem with most mmo's, you cant release products that are inferior to something thats been around. i understand that's easier said than done, but thats the reality of it.

  11. I thought not having the WoW level of conveniences like x-server lfg/pvp, etc., was a definite detriment to the game when it launched, since that was the target market, but I am honestly surprised that it has dropped off the way it did. The game has a lot of really good things going for it but I guess the patience level just isn't there for people.


    yeah i agree, the game had a lot to work with, i think they just did a few key things the wrong way (or ignored them completely) and that turned off the hard core gamers (for the most part).

  12. Isn't that the point a video game though? Enjoyment? In the grand scheme of things, if you are enjoying it - what do you care?


    I understand your point... and you are right with what you are saying. but again please im only trying to find out the question in the thread, if you dont have anything to add about that, why are you here?

  13. I think it'll be interesting to see what people say about when they first realized that this game was headed in the wrong direction.


    for me, it was when i first started playing and tried a warzone... I quickly found out that there was no bracketing and they had expertise. At that moment i realized that Bioware had no idea what they were doing and this game wouldnt make it the year.


    EDIT FOR NOTE TO POSTERS: please only respond if you are a logical person and can see this game will never meet expectations. if you think that just becuase "you are enjoying the game" means that everything is fine, then this is not the thread for you.

  14. This is why I don't answer long winded rants from people who don't understand basic class knowledge.


    Are people really this uninformed?


    apparently yes... and there are lots of people that uninformed! i know its crazy...

    im trying to figure out whats worse... this guy complaining that tanks can 3 shot him, or the guy yesterday who complained that pt's get heavy armor and mercs dont. which can be found Here

  15. I think one of the main problems is that the Battlemaster grind (if you can call it that) teaches us that logging in for an hour a day will get you geared in no time. Like I suggested in my original post, one solution could be to increase the cost of Battlemaster so that it takes people a little bit longer. In the long run it would still take people the same amount of time to get all their gear, but it would spread out the rewards a little bit more evenly.


    The problem with that, is that recruit gear is really no good. and making people play with it longer would be really bad for players that are using it, and players that have to carry those using it. The grind for BM is short for that reason. The grind for WH is longer because BM is viable (especially if you augment it) compared it recruit gear.

  16. I think what you're looking for here is free gear for just logging in for an hour a day and not even havning to win much. I'm sorry thats not the case, but surely you should understand why they cant have it that way.


    I would feel sorry for you, but i geared up to full war hero during peak times on my old server (kinrath spider) where i could only get 1 game every few hours if it was a lucky day. gear grind now is nothing.

  17. There's this thing called Ranked Warzones. You get Ranked commendations.


    Make some friends and play ranked. It's more fun even while losing, because you see what teamwork truly does in this game, and why it's far more balanced than the average forum noob would have you believe.




    if you do this, and your team does well you could probably get like 3 wh pieces a week. or more even.

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