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Everything posted by Droidiphile

  1. If this is the wrong forum to post this, please redirect. Can't launch the game. States "the patching service is temporarily unavailable" and to check info in the forums. No posts about that topic AFAICT. Any news ? Is it me or is there a general problem ?
  2. I am enjoying the game, so I sure hope it has some more life in it, despite the SWTOR is dieing stuff... The people in this game are nice. Finding a group is easy. The story lines are fun and creative. Each companion has their own story. Crafting could use some work as it seems fairly useless for the high end game. As far as this thread's topic, yes, I'm willing to pay the $15 and support this game. The F2P option has lagged out the server I play on and the noob areas are overrun with all manner of first-toon players. This is good for business, but this is something that I, as a paying customer, find to be annoying. It will fix itself in time. Profits? Is the problem that they are not making profits, or that they are not making enough profits? So, the greed factor could end this game ? And what is this talk about a return to a sandbox model? I don't think that is a success story either. I am a very advanced veteran in EvE online, and I can tell flat out there are many problems with a matured and true sandbox environment. Look at EvE's subscription numbers: they suck compared to many other titles, and much of the sub base is limited exactly because of the sandbox environment. Many problems. Vast tracts of game real estate (90%) are owned by a few corporations (10%) and thus are inaccessible to the vast majority of players (90%). The EvE saying "if you are in a fair fight, you are doing it wrong" spells out the sandbox very well, and that reality turns off a huge number of people. So if you think a sandbox is the answer, go play EvE a while and see for yourself how screwed up and lopsided a matured sandbox can be. Competition in the gaming industry is severe. To capture a piece of the market has got to be tough. My hope is that the profits for this game will be enough so we can continue to play.
  3. Just got home from work (Left Coast in sunny CA). Patch loaded just fine. ALL servers are down. No servers in the list at all, for any region. Should I try the Martian server? Oh wait, there is no Martian server. I have to get to class, so I'll check it out when I get back. I'll bet a lot of players are wondering what is up ...
  4. 9/10 - here's why: 1) audiophile quality sound with 3D spatial effects. If you have card+amp+speakers good enough, you will hear fantastic sound. 2) Story the is killer - when my BH had a mission the assassinate some kid's father so his mom could send him to Sith school, I couldn't do it. Story content that causes me to feel the emotions is just awesome. 3) Excellent built in interactions between companions, crafting, ad combat. There are good reasons to develop your companions. And each has a subplot/story to tell. Like Corso and his search for people who lost their family like he did. Each has a story line as a prelude to becoming your companion. This is very cool. 4) interdependence of crafters - you will always need "something" that the other guy makes. Of course, mature accounts can build up and make one of every crafter, but it's still well thought out IMO. 5) Excellent fun factor. I also play EvE Online. Those devs have forgotten about fun factor. They add stuff that is annoying to the players but the dev team feels the game needs it. The "new NPC AI" has just alienated all the drone users. SW-t-OR seems to understand that the game must always be fun. At least it is very fun for me. 6) The best of two worlds: sabres and techno. Again, fun factor. 7) Group dynamics. The classes blend well with all the tools and tricks to get the job done. Again, fun factor. And there are lots more reasons I have been loving this game.
  5. Yeah, I finally got fed up with EvE after the last patch. They cannot draw windows that remember their locations so you have to set up your screen over and over and over. So, count me in the procrastinators, although I joined for other reasons. I hope like hell that these programmers are better ... check that ... ANY programmers would be better than the boiz at CCP.
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