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Everything posted by GamerInDallas

  1. Probably not worth it. I imagine they spent a lot of their budget on voice acting for one of the most expensive games of all time. I appreciate the voice acting to an extent, although I've got one character that was voiced by a poor actor or at least was poorly produced. I don't skip the dialog, but if they had of made it all text they would have had a LOT more flexibility. They could have addressed characters by name, for instance. And changing things for a new added race or something would have been far more simple. And I tend to read the subtitles more then listen anyway, just to make sure that background noise and what not doesn't make me miss something being said (which it often would otherwise).
  2. So, yes, there is a LFG. There's a group window and if you check LFG on it an everyone sees an icon next to your character name that shows that you want to group. Also, in the window it shows everyone in the zone who would also like to group not to mention, I believe, there is a number in the top left hand of the screen that shows the current number of people LFG in the zone. Inspite of that people LFG in General chat constantly for single raids and what not.
  3. It also seems to be low emmersion for an MMORPG if you remove the story line. The story line is pretty much everything in this game, from what I've seen.
  4. Well, at first I thought "even a chat client is MMO if you use it to play tic-tac-toe". But then I realized the point of this thread is whether there is any point in doing anything other than soloing. I have to agree that this game is MMORPG-Lite. I haven't seen hardly anyone group except when absolutely necessary. The only Multiplayer is temporary grouping, PvP, and Guilds. But the bulk of the game is single player, I think. Or at least it's single player or group with close friends.
  5. I haven't really figured out a way to make any money yet, other than farming the mobs. That's a real problem for my Jedi that doesn't kill without provocation (on the RP server). I'm still trying to figure out if there is a way to make crafting into a business. Right now I'm crafting just to supply myself, since I haven't really found anything anyone wants to buy yet. But, I haven't created any Purple items yet either (although I can't because the materials needed to craft blue items are so expensive that I can't afford to reverse engineer them). Anyway, "I" haven't figured out how to make money. If someone else does, I'd love to hear about it. I've found the missions are a great way to lose money, maybe even a great way to just "throw money away". I would say NEVER do gathering missions. At least not at low levels (I haven't gotten to the higher levels yet). The reason is that you can go out and farm mobs and gather the same things you could through the missions and that's free as opposed to paying more for the materials than the end item you will be crafting is worth. More importantly, you will raise your level in that Gathering skill by farming the mobs MUCH faster than spending every last credit you've earned in the last week on Gathering missions. At this point, I think Gathering "missions" should be removed from the game; the only thing that I can see them being worthwhile for is if you are in a BIG hurry to get a certain material and it's too expensive on the GTN to buy. Otherwise, spending money for a Gathering mission is just throwing your hard earned credits away and a sure path to financial ruin. Maybe that will change later. I threw away probably half of my credits that I've spent almost a month earning before I figured out that you can just go out and farm mobs for free and raise your skill level 100 times faster that way. I also probably wasted severel hours of my time because Gathering missions take a LOT of time where your companion is tied up. If you need that companion for combat, that means you can't use that companion for crafting or gathering. If you don't need them for combat at the moment, then you're probably going to be just sitting around staring at the screen, waiting for them to return from their mission for several hours. OR, you can just go out and farm the mobs, for free, do something at least "mildly" entertaining rather than staring at the screen waiting for them to return from their mission, earn money rather than throwing it away from the loot that the mobs drop, level your gathering skill faster, and "at least it feels like" you gather the materials a LOT faster. AND, you don't lose weeks worth of credits you've earned in the process. I'm not even sure why they bothered to put Gathering missions in the game. So far, it appears to me that only a fool or someone who doesn't know better yet would EVER send their companion on a Gathering mission unless they just needed a small amount of material right NOW and are willing to throw the credits away for it, because it's cheaper than the price on the GTN.
  6. Put one in the newbie zones! Tier One items are 7th level and by the time people get to the GTN for the first time their probably at or near 11th and are ready to skip both Tier One and Tier Two gear. Having low level characters in the market place would help people get started with crafting. Right now it's really frustrating for beginning crafters to realize that noone wants to buy the stuff they are crafting!
  7. I think you can also click on their portrait and get an option to leave group... or maybe it's on your portrait. I was confused by this also, at first. Then I figured out how to do "/leave". Also, if you are still grouped with them you should be able to use "/party" to chat with them. There's also "/tell" to talk to them privately.
  8. All my alts are on Coruscant, so I don't have anyone low level enough to check whether you can get to fleet from the starting areas. I know I did it last week when I had characters below 10th. IF they didn't allow characters to go to fleet around 4th or 5th level, they would have made a MAJOR design oversight in terms of game design for crafting. Your Tier One crafting items are made for Leve 7 characters and if you make everyone get to 9th or 10th or even 11th before being able to get to the GTN then, you won't have any buyers for Tier One items! That's already a PROBLEM because most people don't realize they can get to fleet that early when they are just starting out and there's no GTN on the starting world. Moreover, you need to start harvesting long before you leave the starting worlds around level 10. I didn't, so now I'm forced to go back with my high level characters and decemate the newbie zones in order to harvest the basic materials to get started in crafting. Giving low level characters access to harvest those area and the GTN would save me the time and them the grief of my comming in and killing every mob in the zone and making them wait for a respawn. I'd rather just buy the materials for cheap off the GTN anyway, although I still kind of need to harvest it to get my harvesting skill level up to where it should be at my level. If they had of let me start harvesting back when I was playing in those areas I wouldn't have to go back as a high level character to those areas because my skill would already be above those areas. But I think they always intended for people to go to fleet from a very low level. If they changed that, I "think" it would be an accident on their part.
  9. I agree with those who say they have difficulty getting into the character if the clothing doesn't look right. I'm still under 20th, but I have resorted to wearing light armor when my character is capable of wearing medium, just so that my Jedi can wear a robe. Is it SO much to ask to let the Jedi Knights wear robes? I thought in the movies they wore robes over 80% of the time. I went back and ran Esseles multiple times to get the upper robe and then there was NOTHING out there for the lower robe (called a "kilt" in the game). The only option is to wear pants. So, I've just resorted to wearing the light armor until it starts hindering my performance. I'll be looking for a way to modify the light armor to perform better for my JK too. It's DEFINATELY a big deal to me. It's fine that characters want to show their achievements with what they wear; you can still have to earn a certain look. But once you earn it, you shouldn't be forced to wear THAT piece of gear if you don't want to. It should be optional. And personally, I don't care how much extra work it is to equip and wear what I want to wear to get the look I intend: I'll stop the game for a month to go looking for gear that gives my character the right look. I've already stopped playing the game for a day or two just to go back and get the gear that I want.
  10. I think Greed means you never get it if someone else selects Need. I assume Break-Down means you intend to use it to break it down to materials for crafting (and possibly a schematic), which might put you in between Need and Greed, but I'm not sure. I've never seen the Pass option... hmmm. But I've seen others pass, and I think that puts you at dead last for receiving the item. Just be aware that "some" players have preconceived notions about what these mean. In my mind, you "Need" anything you or your companion can use. (I solo most of the time and my companion and his stats are more important than my stats a lot of times, but at least AS important. It's part of my character. But then, between all the companions you probably eventually need everything.) In my mind, "Need" means "I want it" and we can roll to see who gets it. But "some" players consider "Need" to be down right rude if your primary character can't directly benefit from it. I had one guy throw a temper tantrum before I understood that a lot of people get mad if you "Need" for your companion's gear. I've had one person ask if she could "Need" for her companion. I said yes and it worked out to my advantage later when I "wanted" something. Personally, I solo most of the time and figure that I pick up 99% of my gear there, from the GTN, or from crafting. So, I just "Greed" all the way through unless something really catches my eye. My biggest problem is that I need probably 60 seconds to really look an item over and decide whether I need, want, or don't care about an item and in a group you never have that kind of time to sit around and think about it. So, I tend to glance at an item and make a snap decision on whether to "Need" it; that's probably another reason that I just "Greed" almost everything. If I can find the "Pass" option, I might do that too.
  11. If you catch it early enough you can delete your character and start over. I usually walk a character around the game for a bit before and see how much I like them in the actual game. If I don't like the charcter I'll delete it and start over.
  12. So how does that work with titles? Can you be "Skodan Cerebrus, Knight of the Republic"?
  13. Oh. And can you add the primary stat for all the companions to this piece. It would have been nice to see here rather than digging through the Codex for every one of them. Seeing them all at once might also reveal a trend.
  14. I had been playing for two weeks before I realized the primary stats existed. I don't remember what brought it to my attention except that it was around the time I started crafting. I had focused on Aim for my smuggler and suddenly realized I had been wasting my time. Probably when I started actually reading the Codex was when I started realizing this. This is the first time I've seen this info outside of the Codex though. It was helpful to see them all at once, because the Codex only gives you the primary ability for YOUR class. Especially for crafting, it's helpful to see them all at once.
  15. Different crew members have different crafting bonuses. And there's also the issue of their Affection.
  16. What are you talking about? You DO start out grey (0 light side and 0 dark side points) and work toward one or the other. Maybe you mean that you should be able to switch sides between Republic and Empire? I think you should be able to if your points go high enough in one direction or another. Maybe in a later expansion.
  17. Not supporting a grey side make a lot of sense in the Star Wars saga. Star Wars is largely a tale of good and eveil, and as such there isn't a lot of room for grey. The dark side is supposed to be seductive, and the light side easily lost if not actively pursued. The light side is lost and people are pushed towards the dark side if they don't actively seek the light side at all times. In the movies, grey is just a measure of how far you've fallen towards the dark side. In the Star Wars univers, Jedi who pursue the grey almost always end up deep in the black. Now other characters manage to walk the grey line a lot more successfully. Han Solo for instance is decidedly grey, although he does the right thing when the chips are down. So, for the Jedi, I can totally understand not supporting grey as it encourages you to go to one side or the other rather than staying in "limbo". For non-Jedi, I don't see grey being a real issue for most of them.
  18. I don't know if there's even really a point in posting on this thread since it's gotten long enough that probably no one is listening. Look, the bottom line is that your hardware can never run faster than 100%. Either your system can handle the heat generated by 100% or it can't. I'm running SWTOR right now and my CPU is 34 degreees Celsius and my graphics card (which was aparently designed to run rather hot is at 64 degrees Celsius. I have ALL the graphics options maxed. Maybe you're used to games running your hardware at 70% and all of a sudden you're running a bug in TOR that pushes you up to 100%. Yes, that will run hotter than 70% but the system still can't go beyon 100%. If your hardware isn't designed to handle 100% it's designed incorrectly. I build my own computers, so they are built to handle it. Again, my CPU is running at 34 degrees Celsius while running TOR at max graphics settings. And I'm over-clocked. But I've got a Peltier cooler on the CPU and a high capacity air flow case. I've got two computers running in here, and during cold winter days they act like space heaters because they pump all that heat out into the room. But the point is that they don't let that heat stay in the case. It's not Bioware's fault if your system can't handle the heat. If it can't handle the heat, MAKE it handle the heat. Greater air flow through the case. A larger heat sink that can pull the heat off the CPU. Maybe a graphics card that's designed to pull the heat out of the card. Yes. Maybe they've got some very graphics intensive code that can be optimized and reduced, but if your hardware can't handle ANYTHING thrown at it, then your hardware isn't designed correctly. Rethink the design and make the system disapate all of the heat when it's running at 100%.
  19. My answer was a little flipant, so I'll elaborate. 60c is hot enough to shorten the lifespan of your electronics. Anything beyond that is just going to make it happen that much faster. Either your system is malfunctioning due to the temperature or, more likely, your motherboard is deciding to shutdown before it frys itself. Don't ever run your computer again until you can keep the temperature below 61 degrees celsius.
  20. 80c!? Are you planning to fry an egg on that? I like mine scrambled. My running temp is 24 to 32 degrees celcius overclocked. But I'm running a Peltier cooler. Two words Sythe Ninja. My mother board is set to do an emergency shutdown at 70 c. "Shutdown IMMEDIATELY. I don't care if you have to crash a harddrive to do it. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200." It's a "no questions asked shutdown". I suggest getting your operating temperature down.
  21. I've noticed one of my Jedi's skin is turning "gray". I'm wondering if I'm imagining it since i'm on the Republic side. But this character has about 2000 light side points and about 200 dark side points for a value of Light Side I. I think I'll try turrning off the "corruption" setting and see if that changes any thing. That doesn't seem like a lot of dark side points and I would think the light side points would counter act it. Maybe corruption can be forgiven, but never forgotten?
  22. I'm on Coruscant now and suddenly getting to the datacrons just went from "oh there it is, pick it up" to absolutely impossible to get to. My biggest problem seems to be that I can't control jumping. The distance that I jump seems basically random and that can be disasterous when you jump too far and jump over the object and into the abyss, or don't jump far enough and don't make it to the ledge and fall into the abyss. I've spent probably about an hour just jumping and trying to get some control over it. Someone told me to hit the buttons (forward and space bar) at the exact same time, but I've gotten the best results by staggering them. Is jumping really this hard? Or is my wireless keyboard causing some sort of problem? I've noticed that collision detection is not directly related to the model. In other words, the actual shape of an object may not be what you see. For example, I've been able to "stand on a barrel" where I am about a foot off the edge of the barrel and floating in thin air. Characters seem to be box shaped, as far as collision detection, and that seems to be related to the fact that someone told me to jump diagonally. If the character shape is a box, an invisible corner of the box may extend further out than can be seen and "catch" on a ledge, making it easier to jump onto the ledge. Anyway, is there a trick to this jumping thing? If it's straight forward then maybe it's a problem with my wireless keyboard. I'm wondering if there might be a lag of a few milliseconds with the wireless keyboard that's causing the keystrokes to be sent seperately and somewhat randomly to the keyboard buffer. I don't "see" a real noticable problem when I'm typing with the keyboard, but a lag of a couple of milliseconds might be barely visable or even invisible. But, I guess I'll have to explore THAT my self. I'm considering hooking up an XBox 360 controller (it's connected, but not setup to play SWTOR) and get XPadder to bind the jump buttons. At least having them bound, might ensure they get sent at the exact same time. The controller is wireless too, but having "one" button for jump that pushes all the necessary keystrokes into the buffer at the same time "might" be more effective and not have any lag (or less lag) between the keystrokes. People have told me that it took them about an hour to get the datacron on Coruscant, but I've been stuck missing the exact same ledge for an hour. I'm not sure what's going on. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Questing has ALWAYS been about story telling. This game is just the first to get questing right. That said, I agree that I'm worried about what happens when you finish the quests. I've played all 4 Republic classes to about 10th lv or so. The stories between them are a lot more similar than I would expect with probably at least 40% of the quests being shared between all classes. I have to wonder if the voice acting is really worth it. I wonder if they had of done text in the quest dialogs, rather than voice, if it wouldn't have been pretty much just as enjoyable (heck, I end up reading the subtitles rather than listening to the dialog anyway, to make sure I don't miss anything). Keeping it text would have allowed companions to have unique names and players to be addressed by name and other things that might have made the dialog more personal. I can't imagine BW letting go of voice acting, but I really have to wonder if the game might have been better without it. I'm happy to see story telling become a bigger part of MMOs, but I'm afraid they may be neglecting some other areas in favor of story telling (and neglecting story telling in favor of voice acting).
  24. MMO? (Massive Multiplayer Online)...a chat client that allows 10,000 people to participate in the same chat qualifies for that. RPG? Now that's an entirely different question. The questing system and soloing is probably the best ever, but I have my doubts that they can keep that up considering it took years and over a million dollars to create the content they have so far. Essentially, this seems like Mass Effect Online set in the SW universe and with less interesting combat mechanics. (Wish I could use a game pad on this game.) As for Role Playing, I think Pen & Paper is Role Playing; what you get in the video game world is a poor substitution. If you want to get really liberal with the term, RP, then Pac Man was a RPG since you assume the role of a yellow dot that lives in a world where you eat ghosts and dots. The quest system in TOR at least is very immersive. So, in that sense, maybe they've done a pretty good job with role playing. However, I would say a TRUE sandbox game - such as the Sims, where you have no objectives, but the one's you define for yourself, is closer to an actual role playing game. In TOR, there is very little ability to interact with the environment. You can sit in some of the chairs, but that's almost as far as it goes outside of combat and quests. And that may be a lot of the reason that there isn't any role playing on the RP servers. I've spent a couple of weeks playing now, and have made it to Coruscant and I have not seen a single person role playing on the RP servers (I've played on 2 different ones). I've resorted to just walking up to people and start role playing just to see if they'll go for it. The quests are immersive, but the environment is not very immersive, and I think that is a big part of why everyone is mostly soloing alone and not interacting with others so much. So, I would say it's kinda sorta an MMORPG.
  25. If there's no point in doing it, then it's broken. Case closed. If you gather resources on a mission, it's worthwhile, but that doesn't yield enough resources to do a lot of crafting. Anything else means you are buying resources and they cost credits. If the items you make with those credits yield less profit (or no profit in a lot of cases) than the same time farming mobs, then it's at best a waste of time and at worst a good way to lose all your hard earned credits with nothing in return.
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