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Everything posted by vendorune

  1. No. There is no end to numbers and game mechanics. Stats, gear, random rolls. Special events (relic activated). Please you start digging and the truth never comes out anyway. PLAY! Leave your accounting degree at the office.
  2. My companion quest destination was on orbital station. Imperial Agent. I dislike them too, but they do serve some purpose.... I usually come and check-out the planet view from the station. It improves immersion IMHO. I would opt to be without them only when doing things for someone else (like guildies), but for myself I would keep them in.
  3. Commando wears heavy armor. This, to me, is actually a prerequisite for some advanced content. That is to have content in which not all healing classes can survive. From my point of view it is the Sage/Sorc who isn't getting hammered when he should be! Now I'm not going to start making a list of HMs and operations (not all of which I've seen) and try to tell BW how to do it. Content is merciful to the weaklings --> some other classes become simply unnecessary.
  4. Why? I personally really hope a lot of complainers about Oper healing would just leave already -- we are in March!
  5. Honestly the fedora I can't stand. I do believe this look sort of migrated from Warhammer (not 40k and not online) until it eventually made it even to sw. I call it poppycock in this game because we are supposed to be in a somewhat utilitarian world. This world does have a certain sense of style - circular architecture for example persists through many planets, but the fedora is really a "blast from the past". Our human version has to do with material (felt), construction and industry advancement, weather conditions on Earth and little else. Fedora is completely impractical for any agent, smuggler, hunter or commando. The only possible exceptions would be Sith and Jedi because one of those orders could simply choose it as their "symbol of ultimate attainment" or some such nonsense -- about the same way as cardinals and the pope wear little jewish hats on their heads.
  6. 1. Hell no! Adding even 1 to TA stack would significantly change class mechanics. Currently you only get 2 for a reason - if you have 2 (max) you can use 1 and still have 1, but its your last one. Which forces you to either regain it so you go back to 2 or use your last one. This decision an oper has to do every time he just used one of his two! You are either blatantly asking here for EASY MODE or you just haven't learned this class yet. 2. Fine by me. I don't know what the tanking peeps will think of it... 3. What buffs? You feel lonely and need someone to thank you for something? 4. This is not a HoT class, drop it. 5. Fine by me. Do you include Flash Bang in that? Maybe you should list the interrupts... 6. Another Hell no! I can really go for more hps on many fronts, but making TA optional on Kolto Infusion will (again) screw class mechanic. Why would you cast Injection if you can just spam Infusion all the time and sometimes pickup the benefits of random TA? This idea is again to put us in easy mode. 7. Group heal is fine. This is not a "spread-heal" type of game.
  7. Maybe its player gear? I have an older nostromo for left hand and a 5 button mouse for right hand. Two of the mouse buttons are alt and shift, so I can access over 30 keys without switching modes on nostromo. I also have two "assist" buttons on nostromo which I programmed Alt-T (thats the plain assist) and Alt-T Alt-F -- assist and focus. Then one of other nostromo modes adds the End key to all of my offensive actions (need to know which keys are what) - all attacks to focus and healing to normal target. There is more - like Home key is for self-mode, but this should give you an idea.
  8. Yes I understand that and from your point of view sage aoe is always better. My strategy is to cast my ae heal when I move. Basically always. So at a point when Sage/Sorc needs to stop mine is already running. And energy regen most likely ticked. I am overall surprised how many people instead of embracing the new healing classes for this game (rogue healers that is) keep pounding the traditional stand-and-heal and refusing new play-style ideas.
  9. I play Oper healer and mostly duo with BH tank so for me Vector is best utility for dps. On rare occasions I pull out Temple or the Doctor. Temple gets number 2 utility spot because sometimes targets are far from one another, sometimes groups are better for ranged ae, etc. The Doc gets #3 utility for melee! lol This usually doesn't work, but sometimes it does. So utility: Vector >> Temple >> Doctor >>>> other 2. (My pardner is much better tank). Story... I would go with Vector! I play the Dark Side and this causes sometimes issues with Vector, but overall I am surprised how often we actually agree. You could say that Vector is loyal to his bugs first and to the Empire second, but 99% of the time the choice is not Bugs vs. Empire, but Empire vs. Republic and here Vector is solid. I said I play Dark, but I don't do stupid stuff either and take a Light hit when needs be -- often this is exactly what Vector wants too. I'm into complex characters, Vector suits me just fine. And I would like to note a little outside of this game - how do you expect Humans to make friends with real Aliens someday if you always picture them as something "BUGS"? I think this is good practice. Oh who do I marry? Temple -- because I'm a dude and I know what goes where.
  10. What starts the bonus series I don't know, but it maybe auto-start for everyone - its the "meet-n-greet" type with watcher 3, etc. - people on the floor. But it says "Bonus series" - need to talk to all one at a time. Maybe bonus for my convo with Keeper? I doubt its rare. Fixer doesn't die in there -- he tells you how he was injured and now he is no longer in the field. The Doctor says Fixer died 11 years ago. Hence - you must have been at it for 11 years (or more) by the time you run the Doc's mission. (which also depends on his favor).
  11. I don't believe Sage AoE is instant. But I'm an Oper myself so whatdoino
  12. I'm great fan of the look (though I'm not Eldar), but sorry I don't know any cloak atm that would do this. However they are working on head slot in general and how it affects your looks. So if you happen to come across a suitable cloak with hood down I would save it -- you might get an option to pull the hood up someday.
  13. Dr. Lokin: "yesterday was eleven years since Fixer twelve passed away" and I continue conversation as normal, keep trying to think where I met him... And when you remember (I hadda go and make another agent to verify this) it hits you that this has been one Looooong story. You met him on Dromund Kaas, if you bothered to do the bonus.
  14. I don't heal healers and other squishy types. If I pull agro I expect the tank to get it off me and I heal myself. If I forget to do that, don't watch where I stand = I die. I do heal people who seem to take damage reasonably well. Assassins often tank good, warriors of both types and mercs -- those get a heal. Obviously at some point you need to yell if a guy keeps standing in it. (Even for those). But another Oper, a sniper, sorceror - no heal for you if your being stupid. No heal, no warning. I don't expect one myself.
  15. Personally I play a medic oper, but I do come into melee range for shiv and back stab on virtually every pull. One of the reasons is because I can get a tactical advantage that way, but the other reason - yup, its gratifying. As far as I know my group mates can see the knife sticking out the back of a mob faceplant and they know I was the last one to touch that one.
  16. I am fairly pleased... More front-loaded healing to our aoe will be especially welcomed by me since it won't take another key binding -- I am like flat out of keys now. So I like that a lot. The Sorc nerf in some ways will have a positive effect on me as some of competition in our guild will ****. People who don't like the "tone" should try working for a living instead of calling customer service 24/7.
  17. I think of myself as playing the James Bond stereotype, but with some serious objectivity checks. That is the stated mission (as given to me by Keeper, Watcher, etc) comes first, shagging comes second. Mission first, revenge third. And so on. I mostly accrue dark points, but I don't mind a light side hit when my judgement tells me that that is what my mission objective is. In other words: I enjoy being a playboy, but I don't play a completely self-centered moron for whom "things always turn for the best" (as they do in James Bond movies).
  18. I'm not a Conc (I am a medic) but... doesn't Vector's or Lokin's poison effects also count as your own? Yeah you don't get a pet all the time - that's too bad. As far as indicator - there is one (or more!) little squares above your target's portrait line which if you mouse over it will kindly tell you its name.
  19. Doesn't purple stand for Sith? Sith Council division or something like that? Dude if the only behind you get to look at is in a computer game AND its your own!? how do you define a Gentleman Looser?
  20. You shove them into your droid just like any other gear you put on yourself.
  21. You are right about going ooe - yup, happens and all die, wipe. But I think infusion is worth it. enough said. Yes I have never seen a nightmare and have my limitations (long list of wipes). But I try to approach it from a positive point of view, obviously always trying to gear-up and realize that a lot of things contribute to failures. I don't believe this class is made to sit on its butt and heal, heal, heal, heal, heal.....
  22. Sometimes I just look for one of those low on health mobs after the pull and I shiv it! Dead = TA -> Kolto Infusion for the tank. Simple. But at other times there are no mobs low on health and the tank is dying in piles of them... So I use Kolto Injection = TA -> Carbine Burst! Rinse and repeat Yeah I do all the other stuff everyone else does - Kolto Probe, Nano, stim myself, blah. But overall I look at it this way - I either turn my TAs into extra healing (Kolto Infusion, not Surgical Probe) or extra damage. I try not to Kolto Injection -> Kolto Infusion unless I have to. Only in long and tedious fights when I can't really get into melee. How does Conc Op get his TA? Usually shiv. What he does with it? DPS. I get the benefit of both worlds - turn dps into healing and healing into dps. And that's the stealth healer for ya.
  23. I am not one to write-up pretty analysis letters for these boards... But simple put: (what I said before) just have it in rotation. Obviously you'll need to give a TA for it! It gives good results. No I don't use it "religiously", but it does improve how much I can heal for before I need to punch the Adrenal Probe. It is not obvious (due to cast times) but this improves hps long-term. I will add here that I find these threads rather silly. People compare BH and Op? BH is a heavy armor user!! Op gets a lot more toys in return... Stealth, Cover and various dps abilities. Operative is a stealther-healer. Perhaps if you are playing your Op and your tank died the real issue is that you didn't Backstab 4-5 times in that boss fight eh?:sul_cool:
  24. And you are in the large majority which instead of learning basic abilities of their class is begging devs to just make it easier to play.
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