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Everything posted by Recx

  1. There were a lot of warnings raised early on by some of the more knowledgeable PVPers in the community before the patch even hit. Once it did launch, there were even more that have articulated the current sad state of the game's PVP. As for the OP, I suggest you read the latest Q&A for April 27th. There you will find questions you never thought a player would bother to ask, nor singled out by Bioware as important to answer given the current outcry over the 1.2 disaster. Actually, there was at least one useful bit of info that I found: 1.3 will NOT have dual spec as they're currently continuing to focus on the Legacy system for 1.3
  2. I agree that PVP was screwed up with 1.2 in many many ways, but I disagree it was from listening to the opinions of the hardcore PVPers. Before 1.2 even launched, much of the criticisms of the upcoming 1.2 changes that were articulated in depth were made by players who had a good understanding of PVP. A lot of it turned out to be spot on. There's a lot of "I told you so" being said and rightfully so. I myself spent the majority of my time PVPing and was really looking forward to rated WZ's, but after the changes from 1.2, I found PVP and the game as a whole no longer worth playing even if there were rated WZ's. If they wanted to make an even bigger disaster, they'd release rated WZ's with PVP in the current state it's in.
  3. My teams mostly won. In fact, we mostly steamrolled the opposition, but occasionally there was a good, tough match to be had. Now it's just a zerg fest. Not sure what the OP's "new way of playing sage" is that he discovered, but I hear the latest is called "Light Armored Lamb" or "Come get your free medal". Yeah, they spent months designing it and during all of that "testing" phase, the alarm bells sounded by those who know PVP were ignored. It might have been better if the "testing" was a little more open to lvl 50's rather than limited to the smaller selection that were allowed, but that's a whole other thread right there. Level a new character on the test server? Really?... Anyway, yeah, so many negatives with this patch that it just killed it for me and a lot of my friends.
  4. Recx

    The Melee War Dance

    ^ This. It works the same way that performance stickers and badges make cars go faster.
  5. Recx

    pvp today

    Daayz, I think we know each other I'm going to miss playing with you. The times I PVP'd with you post 1.2 I realized that putting a guard on you really only extended your (and any other healer) survival by a few seconds at best and reduced my already short life span as well lol. It's a freakin' zerg fest now, plain and simple. Easy to kill, easy to die. My sub ended and with the 1.2 changes, I didn't see a reason to keep hoping for the game to improve just around the corner. The state of PVP is a complete mess and the thought of running easy PVE content over and over until another 4 bosses get released was too much. Good luck brother. Maybe I'll come back to the game if it ever gets sorted out.
  6. (Regarding fast 6-0 huttball matches) It happens a lot. In fact, sometimes our premades would stop scoring the 6th point if one of our guild mates was stuck on the opposing team, just so they could get their medals. It felt like punishing them for not being able to be in our group because of the 4man limit, so we'd basically cheese it. I feel bad for the players that aren't already geared out. They don't stand a chance. Most of us have lost interest because of all the negative changes with 1.2.
  7. I'd agree to a limited extent in that the fun you get from PVP should be more fulfilling than the "physical" rewards received from the completion of matches. My group of Conqueror and War Hero ranked players were PVPing every day even after we were completely geared. Not anymore though. Not because of any one thing, but because of so many bad things with this patch. Essentially, that argument says, "If you need rewards to have fun in a game, you are not a gamer. Period." Uh... ok. I guess everybody is entitled to a unique opinion. Call it whatever you want, but I think it's more fulfilling to have both immediate rewards (the match itself) and rewards that you work towards (gear, titles, whatever).
  8. PVP in 1.2 now feels a bit closer to Tower Defense games. (But you know... without the strategy)
  9. * Reserved for 1.3 launch day* So how does the prospect of farming the current content until next launch appeal to you folks? Are the current 4 bosses enough to keep you entertained for a couple more months? What will you do to fill the time between raids? Grind dailies? Save up for those Legacy rewards which you unlocked the right to pay credits for?
  10. I've been in some moderately sized (16-20 on each side) coordinated Imp vs. Rep PVP gatherings on Illum and let me tell you, we were lagging pretty bad. I don't think the game is really built to handle large PVP battles like that at all.
  11. I've unsubscribed as well. I too am disappointed in the way the game has developed. The endgame PVE aspects are too few and too easy. New operation... cleared on hardmode by many on the release day. That basically leaves a lot of the same 'ol same 'ol until the next operation comes out. As for PVP... I had heard a lot of grumbling during the so called "testing", but had to really experience it to see how much the PVP game has changed. It is indeed a zerg fest now and has lost the tactical feel that made it fun in the first place. Add on an awful reward system on top of all the other negative impacts and many of my fellow PVP friends and I have lost interest. I didn't realize the changes would have been this bad, but many others knew and were pointing it out well ahead of time.
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