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Everything posted by Ironcleaver

  1. Cathars... that's good to know.. I've been calling them Thundercats all this time.
  2. My last post before my time runs out. Take care all, you're a fantastic community!
  3. Standing on the fleet station, staring out into the emptiness with memories of once was. Abandoned. Forgotten. Alone. Never Meant To Belong:
  4. Good times... I cleaned the secondary lateral drain to our house last night..
  5. Awesome.. Just logged into my server (Darth Bandon) and there are 4 (four) people on the fleet station and now no more transfers till next week?? To leave a handfull of servers hanging for another 3 or 4 days, over a weekend, is dissapointing to say the least. There can't be many servers left, just stick it out and pull a 16hr day and make people happy. I worked in a parallel industry and sometimes you just have to do a "crunch-day" or even a crunch-week, and even sometimes two solid weeks of 16hr days. It's difficult, I know, but it's what has to be done. That's all just part of the industry.. But you all know this..
  6. Omega Class Destroyer. Awesome.
  7. go with a finger-tip track ball - you'll never go back to a clunky mouse again.
  8. Then you had the enchanters that would transform themselves into the closest object, including "monk-droppings" (dropped coin)... Then people would try picking up the enchanter becsue they looked like coin on the ground... good times. it's little stuff like this that's gone from games these days. :-/
  9. I completely and totally agree. If they posted the infomation there -and- on the forums, no issue at all; to post information -only- in social media and -not- here is very wrong. Example: That's like having to visit Taco Bell's website for important news about a recall on my automobile. :-/
  10. Thank you for the kind words Keymod, it is always wonderful to meet another person with an interest in 3d. I trully wish I could spend $2.00, or something, a month just to keep access to these Art Forums, I'd do it in a second!
  11. I can't speak for anybody else, but the oversimplification is one of the reasons why I am leaving. Sure i don't want a second job (ok id kill for a RL job since I am one of the unemployed in this country, but the point remains) but at least -some- complexity never hurt. MMOs are not in the same genre as console games for a reason. :-/
  12. 1) It's nothing great at the moment, but new vendor equipment will be added soon. You can change the jukebox songs up there but that's as interesting as it gets. (I have the digital deluxe edition version myself and havn't purchased a thing off the vendor we have access too). 2) CE vendor is for CE only. :-/
  13. Frustrating how there is a reply on Twitter about the issue - thanks for sharing it here Helin... They should know by now not everyone uses Twitter, cares to use Twitter, or heck like me, even owns a Cell Phone to receive Tweets... Perfectly nice boards here... :-/
  14. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=468634
  15. Seems someone tied the RNG to the Login Server.... /snickers Just joking.... aww... come on.. it's funny twist on a serious issue.. lighten up.. heh..
  16. Ok just happened to me, just keep trying though, it's up and down every few seconds.. Good tiems.. :-/
  17. I remember a buddy of mine moved down south and was picked on for having a yankee accent and not a "southren" accent. heh.
  18. I normally jump on the forums a lot for any game I play - I generally find them more entertaining then the game(s) themselves.
  19. I just tried and was able to log in without a problem. I have not logged in for a few days so there was a small patch, but after the play button came up and I was able to get to the character select screen. (note: I'm US, east coast.)
  20. I like th think of this issue as... we are in the distant past, lightsabers will be much weaker then they were in the films. Game balance aside, it's one of the few logical reasonings I can thing of.
  21. The biggest positives i can think of are: Class Stories 100% voice overs Companion Characters Keeping with just strong positives, that is....
  22. Short answer: No. Slighly longer answer: Sadly, It's just not the right game for me. They peed too much console into my MMORPG cheerios.
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