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Everything posted by TrooperRCH

  1. Tuck your ****** in OP... if you're on a PvP server, it's the name of the game. If you're on a PvE server in a PvP area, it is again, the name of the game. Get some friends of your own and go gank the campers. I do it all the time. A few minutes in fleet, I can get a group of 5-6 people who would gladly help go gank a few lame campers. This is after all, an MMO.. I think the acronym has eluded you. You must be on an empty server. Oricon is where I do some of my best killing.
  2. Where did you buy your magic ball? I want one. But on a serious note, you are WAYYY off too. I often have two sets of gear on me in WoW, and in this game. My main spec gear (DPS), my PvP gear, and some off spec tank gear I've been collecting along the way should I ever decide to go tank (My main is a Sin) I never come complaining about it as I have never had an issue with space. You are grasping at straws with that argument against it. And dual spec would just be icing on the cake, and give me motivation to PvP more since I can switch spec/gear on the fly, anywhere I am, instead of having to travel back to a trainer and re-do all my skill points. Regardless of how anyone looks at it, there really is no drawback to dual spec. And for those who don't like the idea, no one is forcing you. I love when people throw stuff like that out, as if it's supposed to somehow take away from any valid argument I might have... Unfortunately, I've been around quite awhile, have my founder title, etc, etc...
  3. Depends on the time of day. Some times Imp rocks WZ's and GS, and other times (mostly over night EST), Imp just blows... Play during the day (EST) if you want wins.. play during the night if you want welfare credits. The only true way to play GS IMO.
  4. No one would be forcing you to. So don't do it if you don't want. Those who do want, who can live with what you said, will be happy. Stop trying to hold the game back for your selfish views. No one is twisting your arm.
  5. Dual spec is also great for people like myself who do a lot of PvP and PvE. Being able to spec between PvP and PvE builds and gear on the fly would be a great addition, and encourage me (and I assume others as well) to do more of both. There are times when I am doing some dailies, and get the urge to do some PvP, but don't queue simply because I can't be bothered to go back to the trainer, unlearn my talents, re learn my talents in a PvP optimal build, set up my PvP build, get my PvP gear out, and then do it all in reverse when im done the WZ and go back to doing my dailies. I don't understand how anyone with an IQ higher than a shoe string could be so vehemently against dual spec.
  6. There's obviously a lot of people who would want/benefit from dual spec, especially tanks and healers who also like to go DPS from time to time and don;t like going through the hassle of going back to the trainer, re-doing bars and talents, etc.. just for a single raid, and then wasting the time to go spec back again. It never ceases to amaze me at the dinks who say things like "NO! I DONT WANT DUAL SPEC! DURRRR!"... well, ok? Let them impliment it for the rest of us, and you can keep running back to your trainer and re-do all your bars and talents every time you want to try another spec. No one will be forcing you to use it, so stop trying to block it from the rest of us who could really benefit from it.
  7. Anyone who has ever played FF on the console, or DCUO, you would shudder at the idea of an MMO of this style showing up on console.
  8. This would only really work if they allowed for same faction bounty hunting. Otherwise the chances of actually coming across someone with the way the planets are designed are next to nothing.. and most players hang out in fleet where there's no world PvP allowed, waiting for their PvP or FP instance to pop, so good luck actually finding the person from the other faction. It would be cool if it allowed cross faction bounties. You can follow someone on fleet, watch what they say in chat, figure out where they are going, then following them to the planet and killing them for the bounty in the same fashion as right clicking and dueling (only it would give the player with the bounty on their head no choice but to fight). Players with bounties on their heads would be notified naturally, so they know to stay low.
  9. My legacy is called "The Al'Queda Legacy" (I called it that for sh*ts and giggles to see if it would work and it did, so I kept it lol). TEH GOVERMINTS IS WATCHIN MEH!
  10. You've never been to Oricon I take it.. With that attitude, you will most likely get your rear handed to you in every WPvP encounter you have, unless you noob out and go start ganking lowbies in lower level planets, but usually when people do that, someone announces it in General chat, and people usually log on to their mains and come hunt YOU down. Those on the PvP server usually leveled on that server. Not pussed out and transferred once they felt their manhood was large enough to kick it with the "big boys", so we have been fighting our whole time. Come to Prophecy of Five if you're a pub.. we like killing cupcakes like you.
  11. MMO's don't usually give monthly statistics on subscription numbers. They usually do it at the end of the fiscal year when they need to answer to their shareholders. Don't listen to people who say things like "if they are silent, it means it went down". That makes no sense. They are silent because it's not the end of the fiscal year yet. Come that time, they will have to tell the numbers whether they like it or not.
  12. I've been playing since launch, and my original server (The Fatman) had the same topics/BS going on in general chat now as it did back then since the server mergers. Nothing has really changed IMO.
  13. LOL! 10 to 1? Do you have any stats to back that up? I queue for WZs and it pops in minutes. I queue for FPs and it could take hours.
  14. All you had to do was say no.
  15. Is there anywhere that shows recorded stats (wins/kills/deaths, etc) yet in GS like in WZs? I can't seem to find it.
  16. He's not trolling. He's serious. He got butt hurt in another thread when I called him out, so he made this thread thinking people would agree with him. Worst backfire of the forum so far lol.
  17. I like how he made "Bioware" in big letters... truth of the matter is, they aren't coming to bail him out of his dumb comments lol.. He's on his own..
  18. Well, looks like this thread really backfired lol.
  19. To each their own. You pay your 15$, as do I. My definition of fun is taking objectives and fighting off enemy players trying to take them back. I was simply commenting on him saying that I am apparently what's wrong with gamers, because of the way I want to play (play to win, instead of play to have fun, which makes no sense.. playing to win is having fun for me)
  20. I never said that at all. Can you quote me? In fact, my comment made absolutely NO mention of the word "fun" at all. Now you're just making stuff up. Stop already. From dumb comments to lies. Where does it end? In fact, not only did I say you can do what you want in this thread, but I said that same thing in the other thread. Want me to link it here for you so you can read it again? I jumped on you because you made the dumb comment that anyone who plays to win, and not have fun (which is an oxymoron), is the problem with gamers. That made absolutely no sense what so ever. Like I said, you made your dumb comment, just live with it. Or you can drag this on and continue showing your true colors lol.
  21. ralphieceaser, you made a dumb comment, so just live with it. Don't go all nerd raging and open new threads on it. You said I was a "serious issue" because I played to win. Winning is fun. And as I said, if you want to fly around driving miss dasey style, enjoying the view, and firing off your blasters to watch the pretty colors, giggling away, more power to you. Just because I play to win doesn't mean I'm an "issue" that "gamers have". You have fun doing what you do, and I have fun doing what I do (trying to win). End of story. PS: If you're going to try to quote me, have the dignity to quote my whole reply. You left out the part where I said you can do what you find fun. Personally, I find winning fun, so I'll go after/take/defend objectives if that means a win. Your logic that this is somehow an "issue with gamers" is WAY out of left field.
  22. That's fine, but that doesn't really address my reply to him. He is of the impression that "doing what you're supposed to, to win" is a problem with "gamers" these days, which I disagree with 100%.
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