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Everything posted by ReFlexionn

  1. im not sure anymore, what would be the real difference between then 2? sin have force pull, hide, sprint that cleans their snare, a 10m snare, cc, stun, sexy heals and their dmg is not bad at all and a buff that makes their shield chance to close to cap( 50%) they in a very short cd juggs have force charge( i love that), aoe snare, a cc that don't CC them if they spec for it( force choke) 40% dmg reduce for 10 sec for a 3min cd and more stuffs that i forgetting TL;DR what would be the real difference between the 2? who has more dps/tank abilities?
  2. why would you feel cheap for a skill that basically helps your being a "tank"?
  3. game is in beta, it will be fixed once the real game comes out
  4. i came for the free booze build plz, i see that dark embrace so im not sure how high you went for the madness tree EDIT: i made an alternative to what you might have, but im still interested to know your build
  5. Bulwark's back is too strong to get pierce by maul, he learned that from Chuck Norris
  6. 40% dmg reduce every 3mins vs another dps i'd take 40% all day and use it at the right situations
  7. not sure if u are tank spec or dps spec or both lol
  8. juggs hits for 4k with impale on a 9 sec cd lol
  9. she reminds me of that jedi in KOTOR
  10. i'd use obliterate when i get kb off the edges in huttball, it lags the skill and it's like u didn't get pushed back at all
  11. make it a 30 sec cd and immune to CC for 10 sec
  12. and a new couple is born on the internet:o
  13. marauder rage < jugg rage, just look at the tree and you'll know why
  14. but but but....hardness darkness is missing
  15. me neither as darkness with some deception stuffs
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