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Posts posted by bicuspid

  1. lol christ people


    this patch does nothing for itemization because as others have said you're still forced to take one of surge/accuracy/alacrity in your enhancements. there is no "stacking power", and there never was, because the best power enhancements will always be saddled with one of those stats, and the mods are main stat/end/power and aren't affected by surge nerf


    even post patch, surge is still better than accuracy or alacrity for most dps builds, so in effect this patch did nothing except nerf crits all around and make rakata surge adrenal obsolete


    if you were in full surge/power enhancement before there is no need to swap them out for anything new.

  2. World of Warcraft was so much easier and so much cheesier than Everquest, that nothing really felt like an accomplishment.


    That ship has already sailed.


    have you ever actually tried the ops dungeons or even the wow raids? literally 4/5 in karaggas is a tank and spank. I cant think of any heriocs that boiled down to more than tank and spanks or at the best kill some adds or do some losing, or not stand in huge red circles on the ground or some crap like that.

  3. No offense, but IMO anyone who blew through ALL content (which I highly doubt) less then 8 week after release needs to get out more and probably needs a job. The fact is all MMO's have little end game content at release and they all add content as they go. Make some alts and wait for content, whining about it wont get content added any faster and just makes you look like a petulant child.


    more like anyone who doesnt have kids or a 50 hour job should be 50 by now unless they play about 10 hours a week


    this is the least content mmo ever. unsubscribing from this mmo was the easiest unsub ever for me. ususally there are things like man, all those memories, all these guildies, do I really want to unsub? for TOR, theres basically nothing of that nature

  4. thats why I unsubbed. my guild of 80 cleared everything, everyone has their pve/pvp stuff now, and whenever i log on there are like 5 people out of 80. its not just my guild its the entire republic, a lot of names I dont see anymore


    its not about being hardcore its about there just being very little motivation to do anything. heriocs? no thanks columni/tionese isnt even better than that champion gear it took me less than 2 weeks to get every single piece. rataka? whats the point? I can do all pve with my battlemaster without holding anyone back. I have rakata set, its in my bank permanently.


    so why do I log on? what else can I do to improve my guy? theoretically I can optimize mods on my bm set by buying specific bm pieces. do i really care to do this? this is simply doing the 2 dailies every day and then logging off. do I want to pay for that?

  5. instead of 3 ops camping the 1 ops of republic, it would just be 15 groups camping 4 groups. nothing really will change until they balance population per instance of the zone.


    its not like if you have 15 groups they will all go their separate ways, they'll just zerg around in a less cohesive but still facerolling mass

  6. On first sight thats not Bioware's fault my firend. There are just not enough people playing pvp. :(

    However though, as smooth as this launch was, they still made mistakes with too many servers and too low pop cap. So in a way BW created this problem with some servers having not enough people on it


    common exploit to get up to 11 people on your team and has been going on since beta


    please educate yourself, it is 100% bioware's fault for not fixing this despite hundreds of threads on it



    also in 6 v 8 starts where there is not enough republic, that is ALSO biowares fault, because they are dumb enough to start a game when the queue has 5 people on both sides, only for the republic it will take another 10 minutes to find 3 more people while sith will have 8 by the time the game starts. so the game starts 6 v 8, and if the republic are lucky they get 8 somewhere during the middle, though of course they are screwed already by then.


    if bioware acutally played their game they'd know that no popups should be given until at least 8 people from BOTH factions have joined queue

  7. I think the fact this thread has been up top of the PvP forum for the last 24hrs with no admin reply/delete speaks wonders.


    There are no admins in this game. None that care anyway.


    Screenshot updated on OP.


    lol I've been using these exploits on and off for a month. i've told exactly how to do them in general chat so that every republic on vulkar highway can do it. I've also posted multiple times exactly how to pull each and every one off on the forums, thinking at least they'd have to patch it if everyone knew about it. additional people, /stuck abuse, stealth caps, water abuse, everything. the only thing they do is have their forum moderators delete the post




    to be honest at this point I'm so disgusted with their lack of pvp design or basic customer service skills that a ban would just put me out of my misery playing this game. I guess I will have to play another 3 weeks until my sub runs out.






  8. for now I'd take just making it so WZ's dont start as soon as both sides have 5 in queue ... sure the imperial side will have 8 by the time the countdown is done, but republic on most servers will have like 6, or 5 still



    I would rather not queue for a 6 v 8 *** kicking BW. I would be happy to wait an extra few minutes for a fair game.

  9. i cant believe i'm being bashed for defending a game i like


    how many threads do your problems need to be repeated in?


    the people pointing out problems will always find something to point out no matter how many times its fixed. you are like those plastic surgery women that are never satisfied with their face.


    how many times have they fixed the wz not counting toward daily?


    "no matter how many times its fixed" what does that even mean. fix it once correctly maybe?

  10. It actually does contain many of the WAR team.



    I don't know who came up with that decision but clearly it was not a decision based on logic, probably personal friendship or politics. They failed so hard at WAR, then they gave them 10 times the budget only to see them fail the same way again.

  11. because at level 14 they have the blues from the first instance/heriocs and thus their gear is up to par for their level, and best the best results from bolstering



    while you at level 38 in your crappy level 20 pvp blues are tremendously underbuffed

  12. pretty much


    do our dailies, then maybe a couple more with our premade, then go play other games


    the only thing is that we are forced into playing more now because half our wins don't count and half the time we get into 8 v 11's which is hard to win


    my sub is already canceled, so they got about 3 weeks before TOR is shelved. and like most players once I give up on a MMO its over forever



    This game was so lucky in that it had 2 things going for it:


    1) Star Wars IP / Bioware's reputation.

    2) No other games coming out to compete with it during the last few months.


    #1 will only get people to buy the game, not play it forever (and people already leaving). #2 is going to change in the next few months as there are at least 3 or 4 games coming out, any of which will blow this out of the water

  13. Oh how much potential you are ignorant of my dear sir.


    The only class i have trouble beating is Pure Healers because i cant deal out enough damage to keep up with the heals.


    Other than that i can beat anyone in a 1v1 9/10 times. Here's the kicker, I dont have a single point in Focus.


    31 points in focus and i can beat everyone including healers, theres the kicker

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