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Everything posted by SoonerJBD

  1. Fair warning, this post is going to address the end of the Legacy of the Sith storyline. SPOILER WARNING Can we take a quick break from discussing all the ways this flesh eating bacteria of an update disappointed us to talk about the tiny bit of new story we actually got? I have only played through on Imp side, but I have to say it annoys me that we are keeping Malgus alive for no good reason other than they want to use him as a villain again down the road. We went through this with Tenebrae/Valkorian/Whatever. Just make new, interesting villains instead of digging the old ones up long after their decomposing corpses should have been left to rot. I mean, they are still leaving open the idea Valkorian could come back again after the third or fourth “you killed him for real this time” storyline. Is it so hard to just find another evil Sith for us to fight?
  2. At this point, the only Schadenfreude worth celebrating would be a Dev being stuck in an elevator looping Nickelback for three hours.
  3. The classes are different to start with and have different choices to make. Some have stuns that aren’t part of any optional part of the skill tree. Same with defensive s. Certain classes can be left without any CC or stun or without a single defensive cooldown. While there are similar choices for some classes, they are not the same for everyone.
  4. The choices aren’t the same for all classes. This amounts to a major rebalancing of the classes, which is always tricky but especially when it is pushed out so poorly as this bleeding ulcer of an update was. The irony is that balance was one of the best things about 6.0, particularly when it came to PvE. It’s weird to have balance threatened because they are taking abilities away rather than adding new ones.
  5. With all the problems in this botched nose job of an expansion, if you are mad because female characters can have stubble, you really need to get your priorities straight.
  6. There has to be a middle ground between “zero bugs” and content that is virtually unplayable. The new FP is the flagship of their highway overpass collapse disguised as an expansion. They made a six minute cinematic trailer for it, and the final boss fight is unplayable for many people. There is simply no excuse for that. Imagine if you bought the Lich King expansion for WoW back in the day and every time you tried to fight the Lich King you got auto killed by a bug. That’s just unforgivable. That FP should have been tested and retested, and there is no way it should have been pushed live when people are clipping through the floor and dying of fall damage repeatedly on the final boss fight.
  7. It’s honestly hard to decide which part of this Olympic doping scandal of an update is the worst. Bugged final boss fight. Rolled back class abilities. Fewer group finder options. Horrid gear progression. Paltry two hours of new content. Any one of these features would have made this COVID variant of an expansion a disappointment. I’m just glad I don’t PvP because as bad as the class changes are for PvE, I can get away with not having a stun in raids. The Sophie’s Choices they are forcing on PvP players should be investigated as a war crime.
  8. Yeah, but they didn’t identify or fix bugs, either. The final boss fight in this sexually transmitted disease disguised as an expansion is bugged to the point it is unplayable for many people, and that is just the most conspicuous one. The list of known bugs is longer than the roster of cockroaches at your local hoarder’s house. There is no excuse for releasing anything with this many bugs when you have a PTS.
  9. You got lucky. He does an ability that is supposed to pull you to the middle. For me and many others, it sends you into the floor, and you die with fall damage. Repeatedly.
  10. Figured that out. Would have been nice if that was mentioned in the article. But why would I expect them to be honest or accurate about anything in this sexually transmitted disease disguised as an update?
  11. Of all the frustrating things about this Hindenburg catastrophe of an update, this probably gets me the most. You hype this big final battle with Malgus, and the fight has a bug that insta-kills you, and it isn’t even avoidable if you are melee. This is just mind boggling. You have a public test server. You even postponed releasing this war crime of an update for a couple of months, and you didn’t bother fixing the final fight of the disappointingly short story you added? Imagine you worked at a real office job. You worked for two years on a major project, showed up to present it to the boss, and instead got up on the conference table and took a massive dump in the middle of it. That is what you’ve managed to do here. It would almost be impressive if I wasn’t the one forced to smell it. How do any of you keep your jobs?
  12. So according to the official article on itemization, from level 75-79, I should be earning 308-318 gear. So far, all I am getting is <306 gear. I did my three weekly group finder FPs, which is supposed to give you a guaranteed upgrade. Nothing. Why does nothing in this update work they way you promised? This so beyond frustrating.
  13. Forcing people to choose which of their abilities they would prefer to ditch is not “new content.” I think the trailer for this thing was longer than the actual content you added. Meanwhile you made wholesale changes to gameplay that were completely unnecessary. The classes were supremely balanced in 6.0. Most of these changes just make no sense at all. Just canceled my sub. I am struggling to find anything positive about this update. The key selling point, which is being able to add a new play style, is pointless. Just roll another toon with that play style. This is just beyond disappointing.
  14. I’m feeling like this update deserved an unsub as well. I don’t like anything about it.
  15. I never said they should only give a decent reward to Smugglers. There is no reason they couldn’t/shouldn’t give ever class something nice for completing Act 1.
  16. I’m sorry, but 15k credits was never a decent reward. I played at pre-release, and there is no point in this game’s history where 15,000 credits qualified as great riches. I made it clear that I understand the inflation issues. A nice item would also work. A decent looking crown for Risha, for example. Could be bound. I didn’t write the story. They chose to include a story (more than one, actually) where you are promised a great reward that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. If you are going to do that, you need to follow through somehow. Otherwise, it is insulting to the player,
  17. Back when HK was first released, I absolutely loved using him with my Sniper. He would one-shot a strong while I used Ambush and yikes it so both shots went off at the same time. Extremely satisfying.
  18. Congrats on finding Nok Drayen’s reliquary, Captain. How does it feel to be insanely rich? Mission reward: 15,000 credits. I get that it would ruin the economy to hand out millions of credits for class story missions, and I have billions of credits, so I don’t need a massive reward. But it still annoys me every time I win the Great Hunt or find Drayen’s treasure and the promised riches are enough to buy exactly one stim. They should at least make the rewards for finishing Act 1 something more than nothing. Even 100k would feel like something.
  19. I, for one, just want to see Blizz be the knight in shining armor who carries my giant male Jugg to safety like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold.
  20. The problem is that Lucas gave one message in the original movies and a completely different one in the prequels. And maybe that is intentional because pieced together it tells an interesting story. The essential story of the prequels is that Anakin lets his attachment to Padme turn him to the dark side and nearly wipe out the Jedi. The essential story of the sequels is that Luke uses his attachment to his friends and family to turn his father back from the dark side and save the galaxy from the Sith. I will always take the original trilogy’s view here. Anakin turned because he had to pursue Padme in secret and did not have the support of his fellow Jedi which might have saved him from turning. Love is human nature and it is unrealistic to expect otherwise. What the Jedi need to do is teach how to channel and control your feelings so they do not cause you to fall. Because Luke showed that emotion and attachment can save the galaxy. Love is the better part of humanity.
  21. Great examples this evening. Running daily FPs with some toons... first I get Korriban Incursion. I’m running my maxed out DPS Agent with full set bonus and tactical. I get matched with all sub 75s, but that’s OK because there is a tank and a healer. Except the healer is not good and the other DPS is wretched. He was lvl 70 with an item rating of 40. Turns out he had just used a Master’s Datacron and queues up without buying any gear. Healer couldn’t keep the tank up because the adds in that FP hit hard. Healer eventually quits. The DPS with no gear starts trash talking everyone else and we boot. Requeued and finished it no problem. Sorry, but I gotta ignore someone who does that. You want to use a master’s datacron, fine. Either get some gear some way or another or queue for Hammer Station until you do because it is not fair to a group. And it certainly isn’t cool to talk smack when you are literally dead weight. Next toon. We get Battle of Ilum. One healer and three DPS. We get to the part where we have to **** down the generators. I go stealth them because I’m an Assassin. For some reason, the healer starts running around and pulling every group in the area. Literally pulled four groups and caused a wipe. Then we get back over there and just have to go around to the entrance. But he runs off by himself and pulls another group nowhere near anyone else. Then he posts a LOLOL and quits the group. That’s a solid ignore. Am I wrong on either of these?
  22. I do not care if I have to wait longer in queue. I would rather wait a couple of extra minutes than play with people who are toxic, and that should be my choice.
  23. I’ve played this game since pre-release. Over 9-plus years, you can easily fill up your ignore list. To be fair, I used to ignore every spammer on starting planets and in fleet, and that included guild recruiters. That was probably a mistake, but I didn’t realize there was a cap at the time. Nowadays I only add people who are toxic in groups or say really offensive stuff in chat. It’s not an every day occurrence, but it would be nice to have some leeway.
  24. Delete duplicate post. Did not realize it was moved to suggestion box
  25. Pretty please, with sugar on top. It might also help if it was more sortable, like if it had the date you ignored the person. Mine is full, and there is no shortage of toxic players to add to it. As it is I have no way of knowing who I ignored last week and who I ignored eight years ago. Makes it difficult to decide how to manage it.
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