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Everything posted by SoonerJBD

  1. Quite frankly, I also didn’t like Fury very much because of the way you generate Rage. I don’t love the mechanics requiring Hatred stacks. Carnage was an exception for me because you used them to increase alacrity and get an extra stack of Ferocity and combine it with Furious Power to supercharge your big damage abilities. It felt like it was actually doing something, and the Massacre spam in the middle of the rotation was more satisfying than having to use your basic ability constantly. That’s gone now since they got rid of Fanged God Form. To me, it gave the spec an identity. The animations made it look like you were attacking very quickly and felt fun for me. Maybe if I get the required legendary it will work again, I’m just not sure I can grind it that far.
  2. There are lots of ways to passively generate rage as a Jugg/Guardian in any spec. Tanks spec really requires you be taking damage because that is the main way to regenerate passively. The DPS specs can also generate passive rage when they get controlled. But they also have more skills that don’t require rage if you get a proc. My Vengeance Jugg never runs out of rage. You use the one big rage builder on cooldown, which also applies a sunder armor debuff. That’s it. You never have to use your basic attack.
  3. Yeah I think the strangest thing about this one is that it is clearly going to cost them money. I can’t imagine they are selling CM weapons at the same rate they were.
  4. The pistols are also pretty bad. They look like some sort of toy ray gun that would have been sold in the 1950s.
  5. All of them look bad, but I think the worst is the sniper rifle, which looks nothing like a sniper rifle and is smaller and shorter than the regular blaster rifle. I feel like a clown using this thing. I am disappointed Keith mentioned nothing about weapons being left out of the outfitter in his update. This is really annoying.
  6. It’s great that you listened, but now you need to listen to the overwhelming “loud and clear” feedback that they Wat you chose to address this was just as bad or worse than the issue you were trying to address. Players are still seeing lots of repitition with the FPs they get in group finder, sometimes even worse than the Hammer Station spam. And this isn’t just because of the issue with limited low level FPs being available. Many players simply don’t like running the longer FPs, so they deselect them as an option. As a result, all of us are getting the same ones over and over. I got Athiss and Battle of Rishi way more than any other FP this week. And frankly, you aren’t making a lot of players happy when you force them into FPs that no one wants to run because they take forever and no one knows the mechanics. The real solution to the problem is obvious. Make the rewards for doing the longer and harder FPs worth the time investment. This solves the entire issue and you no longer need to limit what is on the queue. This solution you came up with instead was a lazy option that doesn’t reward players and instead simply keeps people from making the complaint you got tired of hearing and instead gives them a new one.
  7. Loadouts mean you no longer have to do that. Just save an AOE load out. And honestly, I don’t think you even have to do that. The only potential change in abilities here is if you normally use Furious Power in that tier, and it is just going to disappear if you switch to blood rites and then reappear in the same spot if you switch back.
  8. I share the disappointment most people have with 7.0, but I do want to highlight one thing I like, and that is a change to Vengeance Juggs that makes them absolute AOE monsters. If you take Blood Rites in the level 43 tier of the skill tree and pair it with the Cut to Pieces tactical, it just becomes so supercharged that you can spam Vengeful Slam and do incredible AOE. Blood Rites makes all your bleeds tick and massively increases their crit chance when you use Bloodrage. That triggers Cut to Pieces so often that it ends up being off cooldown faster than the GCD. You just leap in, apply one or two of your bleed effects to one mob, Vengeful Slam to spread them and then hit Bloodrage. This is especially satisfying on FPs like Spirit of Vengeance that have multiple gold and yellow trash mobs.
  9. One of the nice things about the game from the start has been that you can pretty much do what you want and ignore parts of the game you don’t want to do. If you wanted the best possible PvE gear early on, you had to do raids. Even that changed later, and you could grind for gear however you wanted. This philosophy seems to have changed, and I really hate it. Since you can’t get certain of the mats required for upgrading gear, you are basically forced to do certain things like heroics. It’s very frustrating since one of the best things about this game was its flexibility. You could PvP and do nothing else. You could play completely solo. If you wanted to leve totally by doing FPs, you could do that. Not anymore. Som weeks there are no low leve FPs, and even when there are, you get precisely one. I don’t like being forced to do things a certain way. The flexibility to play how you wanted was one of the best things about this game. If that philosophy has changed, which seems to be the case, it is going to drive a lot of people away.
  10. I got my first Copero of the week tonight. Plus Lost Island again and Athiss three more times. Another part of the problem is there are limited ways to grind the mats needed for this new gear progression. If you are like me and don’t want to PvP or GSF, you are doing a lot of FPs.
  11. Except that isn’t what this thread is about. Under your logic any thread about any option in the game should prompt you to complain about Twi’lek and Zabrak customizations.
  12. Except you aren’t doing nine FPs every week, which is the whole point. I’ve only done three this week. I’ve done Athiss six times, Battle of Rishi five times and Lost Island three times. That’s it. I saw more variety before the change. Sure, you would get Hammer Station more than any other FP, but others would also pop. Particularly since they are only allowing one sub-50 FP in the queue now, you are always going to see that one more than anything else unless you jeject any group that has a lower level player in it. The repetition. Is worse now, not better. It is just a different FP that gets repeated each week instead of always Hammer Station.
  13. I like Athiss. It is one of my favorites. But that is kind of my point. I like it less when I am forced to repeat it over and over because nothing else is in the queue that week.
  14. Seems to me aquatic resource matrix and decurian isotope stabilizer are the limiting factors for improving gear, not the cap on medals.
  15. Last week it was Black Talon/Eselles. This week it Athiss and Battle of Rishi for me. If the goal of reducing the number of FPs in the group finder queue was to make me hate more FPs because of repitition, congrats. You’ve succeeded.
  16. I’m sure you are right. There is just little chance I’m ever going to get around to it because the spec is so awful to play that I am unlikely to ever get a legendary for it at all. The bigger problem is I don’t really like playing the other specs on the class, so it is unlikely I’ll even run Rage to open legendaries and then switch back.
  17. In 6.0, without FGF, it was not viable in raids. Period. FGF was the only thing that made it functional. Sure, they could have fixed this with some other mechanic, but they didn’t. They still haven’t. If your argument is, remove FGF but replace it with something else that makes the spec functional, fine. Cool. That works. But they didn’t. And your “mash buttons” comment doesn’t get any better when you repeat it. FGF still required you to follow a strict rotation if you wanted to perform at a decent level, just like any other spec. You still had to learn a proper rotation, and in fact it was even more crucial to not make mistakes in that rotation because it wasn’t one of the better performing specs. Again, this was a solution in search of a problem. Your insistence on being insulting and rude doesn’t change that.
  18. You’ll find out on six years when they release 9.0.
  19. Read it again. Try to comprehend this time. Fanged God form made the spec function. Without it, the spec was constantly resource starved and did even worse damage. That tactical gave the spec an identity and was the only thing keeping it viable in raids. Also, I don’t expect to convince you. I’m writing for others who have the ability to use logic and reason.
  20. It was the only thing that made the spec functional. This is, quite frankly, a nonsense response. Plenty of other specs never have resource management issues. Still don’t. Learning a spec means learning the proper rotation, using utilities properly, etc. Resource management is only an issue in some specs, and no one complains that Lightning/TK or Marksmanship/Sharpshooter let you just “mash buttons.” Frankly, because Combat/Carnage didn’t perform with the better specs, it was even more important that you learned the rotation to get the most out of it.
  21. Maybe I’ll try it again if and when I ever get the mats for that legendary. I just don’t ever see that happening. I never really liked playing the other two specs, and Carnage was the only reason I played my Marauder. There is zero chance I’ll grind things out for it now. Frankly, I’m not sure I will even have the patience to level It to 80.
  22. That makes no sense. Marauder had two other viable specs. Only reason anyone played Combat/Carnage was for fun. Fanged God didn’t make the spec somehow OP. And I can’t believe their intent would ever be to have specs so bad that they aren’t even viable for raids.
  23. Commando DPS stinks across the board, but at least Primed Ignition makes the rotation fun. Combat/Carnage was down there with Commando DPS even with Fanged God, but like Arsenal/Gunnery, the rotation was fun. It has no identity without Fanged God.
  24. What gets me is there seems to be no reason for it. The AP Powertech tacticals got removed because they became part of the skill tree so were no longer needed. They got rid of the double sleep tactical to reduce skipping. I may not agree with that, but at least I understand the motive. What possible motive was there for getting rid of Fanged God? It isn’t like it made the spec OP. There is seemingly no explanation.
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