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Everything posted by Cherokeewill

  1. I love this idea as well. But for implementation we must be realistic. We can't say to raiders that we should be allowed to raid with our companions and you should just take a flying leap. Our question is, "Why should I be denied content because I don't want to/can't find a group?" Valid and perfectly rational. Their question, "What's the point of designating Tuesday as Raid night if I can run alone with my shipmates any other night of the week, and get 4 times the gear drops?" Also valid and perfectly rational. Problems with implementation; 1) One person should not be able to get all the 4H/FP loot that would normally drop in a run. Four man FP has a drop rate and drop level to make it worth the while of four people spending time in there. 2)One person able to obtain 4 times the tokens/loot will ruin the group experience for those that do want to run with friends/guildies. 3) Dynamic boss fights requiring specific action, inaction and reaction would be nearly impossible from the current AI stand point. Possible solutions; 1) Lower drop rate by 1/2 or 1/4 to reflect the number of PCs present. 2) Leave drop rate intact but drop companion specific named gear; i.e. great for the companion but BoP and worthless to vendors with some PC loot thrown in. 3) With items 1 and 2 above; a)dumb down the boss fights to tank and spank. It's the story, companion interaction and sense of doing something with them we want anyway. b) OR Institute a pause and command feature that allows the issuing of basic and complex commands including way points for kiting and target priority. c) Companion responses to fights including appropriately timed watch your back, get out of the area, etc. as would happen in many boss fights with PCs as well as bickering, congratulations and other personality driven dialogue. Like I said, I'm all for this idea but non-raiders should not get access to raiding gear just as companion FPs should not make raiding unnecessary. Take both into account and I do believe you can please most of the people, most of the time.
  2. Ashara seems incomplete to me but at least she's compelling to a degree. She's got a story line going where she struggles with the loss of her Jedi identity, she's a little hard core on the battlefield in her utterances but that's to be expected during any personality crisis. One clings tightly to ingrained falsehoods in the face of new evidence until you shatter and reform or construct a new reality in which you deny the existence of said evidence. Remember, she's been indoctrinated since she was very young. I think with the right prompting she can be turned into a proper Sith easily. That part of the story just isn't there (YET - Hint BW). We're stuck in the clinging to old identity phase and that's why she's so annoying. We just want to shake her and say "Get over it! You're not one of them and they'll never take you back! They could never appreciate you the way I do. Let me show you the meaning of true power..." I liked the attempt but I didn't like the implementation with Jaesa. Jaesa seems to have been written by Lucas himself...Bad things happen to me - I had a bad dream - MUST KILL CHILDREN!!! Episodes I, II and III anyone? Don't get me wrong. I love the rest of the SW story line but with Jaesa the SW either gets a blood thirsty tart or a boring prude. There's little truly compelling in her character either way for me. There's definitely no arc. You get her, she's one or the other, and you're stuck. Everything I've read points to the voice actors having been put on retainer so unless they wish to break their contract and the hearts of millions of fans in this game, they'll be back. Besides, after the script is written how much actual time in studio do you think any single actor spent?
  3. This will sound a bit troll-e but you don't have to have conversations with her. If you like her in battle you can summon another companion before the cut scenes and then whip her out to cut through the enemies. If you're just trying to get her affection up for Skill crits then you leave her to stew in the engine room begging to talk to you and ignore her. At least she doesn't betray you. Removing her entirely seems harsh. She's not a truly good person, she's just deluded into thinking she's good. But then, isn't that how truly evil acts all begin? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I just want to drive her down that road to hell and right now we're stuck on the on ramp.
  4. Maybe her conversation was locked and the writers intended to create ship cut scenes that they never got around to. The in world conversations that she responds to are REALLY odd. Last night on Belsavis; She is not a Jedi. She has no real love for the Republic other than hording their memorabilia. My problem isn't the conversation itself, or even the rails it is on. My problem is that it's incomplete. She's falling hard and fast toward the DS, I just want to help her along and all I get to do at the end is fain as though I'd go to the Jedi Council for her. The stack of bodies outside the Masters' Office of Marriage and Unions would probably be compelling reason enough not to let me in.
  5. As a victim of the infighting and backstabbing of the Darth power structure I don't find issue with Ashara's conversations. This is not an indication of a healthy society. I'm DS3 and I have to agree with her that a strong RATIONAL Empire is the most sure way to victory. I'm not on some holy crusade like with Jaesa and my LS SW but destroying entire ecosystems doesn't help win a war. If you can't inhabit the world after winning the battles, then why fight at all? And if the Sith truly believed only the strongest should survive they'd be a society composed of one individual. If you disagree whole heartedly with this POV and just want to watch the galaxy burn then I can see your frustration. But it seems that in the story arc she comes along at just the right time to make your toon question what and who they have been fighting for. It's also nice not to romance a sycophant or psychopath. She seems like a real personality that is trying to come to terms with her new station and overcome the brainwashing the Jedi did to her in her youth. I just wish BW had inserted more world specific companion dialogue into the questlines. If Ashara is along with you on Belsavis then you should get some interesting side conversations about the evils of the Republic as she assimilates the new information. Same with LS Jaesa on the SW. Andronikus or Talos on the other hand would probably wouldn't be phased.
  6. Technically SW do not turn Jaesa so much as she turns upon becoming your companion. I disagree with this manner of implementation and the resulting personality archetypes but that's another discussion. Your point is true though, we should be able to turn Ashara. I've been very surprised at the affection gains in conversation that result from my spoken desire to destroy the Republic. My SI is on Belsavis now and considering the evidence of Republic horrors that are thrown in Ashara's face it just gets under my skin that she still whines about being a Jedi. My SI is DS3. Not full blown KILL THEM ALL!!! but pretty close. I don't mind that in conversation she'd like me to be a scalpel rather than a bazooka but these loyalty issues have got to stop sometime. Unfortunately this goes to a deeper immersion issue SWToR has which is the companions don't interact with their environment. Reasons Asahra should be turn-able or turning abound in game; Even the seduction has been manipulative. My toon is saying what he thinks she wants to hear, not what he truly believes. Cater to her ego long enough and she'll find the Sith very inviting to someone of her skill level. And getting a little nookie while coaxing her down the dark path is a great fringe benefit. I sincerely hope these are things BW will address in future patches/expansions.
  7. Please correct me if I'm wrong but the only companion I've received any class quests from has been Vette. All the others are *fade to black* and "I'm back." I know that BW needed to make the companions have stories but I'd rather live it than have it told to me after the fact. As much as I want to care about Jaesa and as fantastic as she is on the battlefield I seem to be playing second fiddle to her He's not my favorite but the same goes for Quinn I understand time constraints but it's one of those things that makes the game feel incomplete and I'd like to see expanded upon. That, and interaction after 50 with your "spouse." This is a game. If I wanted to be with a partner that never talked to me I'd still be married.
  8. Vette seems to be the most pragmatic and fleshed out of all the companions I've had on my three toons thus far. The romance for her boils down to how you treat her. She's very good at rationalizing who you are in your various roles though I do wish she'd realize when I'm being sarcastic referring to Baras as "My Lord." In the end you simply have to treat her like the center of your Galaxy and she won't care what you do on the battlefield.
  9. My Juggernaut is a nice guy to everyone Baras. I tired very quickly of being a jerk and couldn't bring myself to ever shock Vette. This locked me out of the DS Jaesa storyline and "romance" but honestly that seems like nothing more than two extraordinarily sick people just getting it on rather than any kind of relationship. My Jug waits until indications are otherwise that the NPC deserves respect. Once he's annoyed at you though you probably won't live too long.
  10. This idea that seems hinted at by BW and expressly stated by trolls on this post that "they're Jedi and following the code" is nerf $#!T. As soon as Ashara or Jaesa join you they begin a killing spree of republic personnel that leaves no trace of doubt about their allegiance. Heck, Ashara helped me take out Jedi in her very first quest line with me. If these are the actions of persons trying to redeem me or of true patriots to the Republic then the Empire has already won. It's complete nonsense logically and only detracts from the immersion experience. They should either walk away at odd moments during combat or stop telling us how torn they are. They are Sith no matter how you choose to define it. Both are my toon's dark minions to do my bidding whether I choose to be a scalpel or a bulldozer on the battlefield or treat NPCs with dignity or contempt in conversation. The trolls can't have it both ways. They cannot say that the lack of interaction is because of some code that the has no consequence in the game and then hide behind consequences of decisions as the reason we should be ignored or belittled for our requests to break said code. In the end it comes down to a puerile notion of sex=bad? Why? This is a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Original Sin hasn't been invented yet. Companion realignment, long conversation tree seduction, companion betrayal, jealousy and same sex relations must be a part of this universe as long as companions play such an integral role.
  11. I liked Thana as well but in the end I had to take her out. Maybe if she hadn't been such a tease in the prison cell she would have survived. I mean the ingratitude of letting her out and then being told she'd rather make it with a nerf. Really? (At least that was the subtext... ) There have been many NPCs I've met along the way that I'd love to have as companions, even RATHER have as companions. Thana might slit my throat while I slept but Andronikus only seems loyal to Zash and I'm not sure how I fell about that. (I can't bring myself to gift him or run with him at this point so I don't know his story)
  12. I'm not sure where this idea that intimate relations are necessarily evil comes from. Why should teaching someone to draw strength from emotion lead only to being able to draw upon hatred and dominance? Heck, go watch the Galactic Timeline and you'll notice at least one entry regarding a "fourth generation Jedi." Leaving obvious and tasteless jokes aside, when did the Jedi become Catholic Priests? Exactly! But she's less so as Dark Side IMO. And promiscuity is a VERY narrow minded view of drawing strength from intimate relations. In essence she's committing assault and is only in it for the power (At least that's how it would be characterized for a man). Not my cup of tea.
  13. Signed/ All arguments to the contrary are simply knee jerk reactions to fan suggestions. I'm honestly under the impression that some on this forum take fan suggestions as heresy with the venom they spew. It's sad really so I expect the same visceral reaction should any of them be able to get all the way through this post. Now here is one way I see it progressing and it makes for a pretty good story if I do say so; First post expansion conversation - SW and Vette (Married) Vette: I need to be honest with you. I feel a bit jealous about all the time you're spending with Jaesa. I know she's your apprentice but is there anything I should be worried about? 1 - Lie: You're imagining things (negative affection with Vette; a wife knows these things) 2 - I'm sorry but my feelings are conflicted (less negative affection with Vette) 3 - My heart will always belong to you (terminating Jaesa romance option) Second conversation - SW and Jaesa Jaesa: Master, I promised I would never use my power on you but Vette's emotions are overwelming. Is everything alright between you? 1 - Lie: Just a little misunderstanding (Negative affection Jaesa, she's empathic afterall) 2 - She's jealous of us, but my devotion to her is unwavering (terminates Jaesa romance again) 3 - My feelings for you have grown and I don't know what to do. First post expasion conversation - SW and Vette (Unmarried) Vette: I've been giving our little family some thought here. Jaesa; you love her don't you? 1: She's just my apprentice 2: I think I do. 3: You're the only one for me. (Marry Vette - Terminate Jaesa romance option) Second conversation - SW with Vette and Jaesa SW: Am I interrupting something? Vette: Just some girl talk. I'll leave you two now. *Whispers* By the way, I approve. SW to Jaesa: Girl talk, huh? You said you wanted to speak to me. Jaesa: Master, Vette has told me you might have feelings for me and I'm concerned. My Jedi training and my desire to follow the light have forced me to deny what's in my heart. I've watched you draw power from your passion and I feel that being honest with you may give me the same strength. 1 - You are wise to deny these feelings. 2 - My feelings for you have grown too... 3 - Passion is a great source of power but it must be guided by honor. A questline would then take place in which Vette is kidnapped and you must use Jaesa to rescue her. Maybe the next time you send Vette on a Skill Mission just to explain how they got her off the ship If married: In the course of this quest more conversations would arise between you and Jaesa exploring your feelings. The SW would always have the option to "do the honorable thing." The dis-honorable thing would always stop short of any unfaithfulness. Not even a kiss. If these dishonorable options are taken though, Vette will not be saved or she decides to leave SW and go live with her family. Sorry: can't keep the Ex onboard after all this. (Maybe the smuggler whose vessel takes you to the location she's being held captive loses their ship and joins your crew) If unmarried: Again, conversations exploring feelings and the power of passion and a code of honor to maintain control. Vette would be saved and start referring to Jaesa as her sister and even look forward to rearing your children. There would of course always be the asexual option for those who prefer neither If married and faithfull: Same conversations exploring the power of passion but no flirtation options ending with saving Vette and Jaesa's commitment to your offspring. Maybe in a twist it's Pierce or Quinn that ochestrates the kidnapping because you've turned your back on their ideal of the Empire. This could be based upon responses to previous conversations and since we're talking light side here, we'd always be able to forgive and welcome them back to the crew. Refer back to the smuggler option for replacement crew should you not be forgiving.
  14. I have been running four characters in tandem keeping them all at relatively the same level and keeping their crafting skills at or above their player level. I have all crew skills selected at this time except arms and armor and will likely be dropping slicing for arms soon. That said I can make the following observations; 1) In world gathering is great you just have to find the spots. - There are plenty of dead areas where you won't see any nodes and then there are areas where the nodes spawn so quick and so fast you won't realize you've been farming for an hour until the notice that your bags are full appears. 2) Open your map and select Resources on the left side. Nodes will be displayed on your map that may be farther away from you than your mini-map displays and you're missing a fortune. 3) Mission skills are a money pit but necessary and they will not break you. When you don't need a specific item simply spend the least credits and/or least time required to raise skill level. Any time you log out or are running around a city without a companion on a mission is a waste. 4) Mission skills WILL NOT replace in world gathering but refer to item one; you should be able to f ind your spots and roll. 5) Reverse engineering has a great proc rate BUT you cannot learn the next level by reverse engineering something above you character level. (I learned this the hard way. RE-ed ten level 23 items at level 21 without a proc. First RE at level 23 and BAM! new skill. Never had to waste that many items before.) So far I find the most useful skills to be Artifice and Cybertech because of the upgrades. I can make anything for any toon with a mod slot other than barrels so far but I haven't gotten to Arms for that yet. Hope this helps and if anyone would like to add their observations or disagree with the above let's hear it.
  15. Yes. I you switch you will start from 0 skill and have to work your way up and if you switch back you will have lost any progress you originally made and have to work your way back up.
  16. In anticipation I find myself rewatching the trilogy and seeing things I never really picked up on before, especially with the prequels *ptooey* behind them now. Many of the exchanges don't make sense anymore but I'm not as concerned about that. My question to you is, What was the plan the Yoda and Obi Wan were working on? It honestly seems to show the ineptitude that lead to the downfall of the Jedi. Here's how I see it; 1) Obi Wan gives this force sensitive child over to two of the only other people in the galaxy that knew Anakin Skywalker, on his home planet, living right next door to grave of the mother whose death began the journey down the Dark Side. Of course Vader wouldn't get sentimental at any point in the next 20 years, right? 2) Obi Wan gives Leia to Bael Organa, the man Anakin thought was having an affair with his dead wife. Of course Vader wouldn't get unnecessarily vengeful in the next 20 years, right? 3) 20 years go by, Obi Wan stays close enough to know that Luke is a good pilot but never chooses to make himself known and begin his training at a young age for full indoctrination. Training Anakin at an older age than the rest of his Padawan classmates worked out so well last time, right? 4) Yoda has apparently been keeping an eye on Luke from afar as well, or at least his state of being (Never his mind on where he was...) Yet, there was never a directive to influence this behavior? These are just some of the questions that arise. If the twins truly were the last hope of the Jedi, why was it fate and not the last remaining Jedi that made them what they were? With this kind of forethought and planning it's no wonder they were wiped out by Order 66. It almost seems to me that Yoda's plan was to allow the Jedi to end with Obi Wan and him and the Sith to die with the Emperor and Vader but Luke needing to save his sister ruined everything and they made the rest up on the fly. So, let me have it. Am I really that far off the mark or do these things get to you too?
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