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Posts posted by Vakyoom

  1. naw, carnage needs a bit more dps and marauders in general need a tiny bit of cc immunity. 1-2 sec after charging we should be immune to knockback effects and slows/roots. Stuns could still work to make it not overly un-fair.


    Personally you should be able to position yourself so that knockbacks are not going to kill but of course its not always possible in omg-get-the-ball-quick moments of huttball, but 12 sec force charge makes it a little nicer.


    Wish we had force push too tho... silly that we don't. 1 of 2 advanced classes with no relocating effect. Just us and operatives... lol the only two i play right now.

  2. I've had mercs and sorcs spot me from 20 yds away all day. from different tiers of the huttball stage... that doesnt seem right...


    Just had a spot in pvp where cloaking screen did absolutely nothing. I was fighting a guy one on one, no dots on myself, had about 15% hp left. I used my CS, threw the smoke bomb on the ground and never actually stealthed. I felt like an idiot getting charged 2 sec after i tried to stealth away...


    *** bioware. ***.

  3. Lv28 .. still now pushing out as much damage as other classes... Feel soooo weak.. I hope one day they add a NPC that lets you go from Marauder to Juggernaut.


    do you know how many juggs at end game say the same thing about us? Get to 50, i know it's a struggle and i know it's not always fun -- i almost quit my mara like 5x during the 30's alone, but i stuck it out and not i'm a powerhouse, you run from me if you're anything but a powertech -- but when you hit 50 and get some pvp gear under your belt you start wrecking people. Just keep at it, you'll find your niche and don't quit yet! So glad marauder was my first class to 50. It's fun being so good at a class that's so skill based.


    underpowered? -- no.


    Gear dependent? -- yes.


    Player dependent -- absolutely.



    and to the guy who said we have a stun... we don't... We have a mesmerize and a suppress. Nothing that just lasts for 4 sec that we don't have to channel for the whole duration. That's about the only thing i'd like, other than force charge having a guaranteed connection with your target.

  4. Force Pull would make a lot more sense than Force Push. Why should a tank have Force Push anyway? Why make a massive gap between you and your enemy? I can only think that a ranged should have that ability, not a melee and certainly not a tank. Give us Force Pull instead, that so called much needed gap closer that we all want.


    it refreshes your charge ability instantly. Relocating an enemy away from a group of enemies, then charging that far away to them is a great way to finish off a healer 1v1.


    As i said, it would be way too good on some marauders and others just wouldn't get it (or would mess up stuff in raids)

  5. The Enraged Charge discussion is, and has been, a PvE tangent.


    Try to keep up.


    what... you make very little sense with that quote there... i still don't agree with your logic on "filler points". The bottom of the rage tree is all "filler points" but you take it to get somewhere. I don't want 6% crit for just my force attacks but i'll take it because what else are you gonna get that's doing you as much good?


    I take defensive forms whenever i spec anything... to not do that would be silly and would just be not cool man, not cool.

  6. Ok so after reading this tread, I'm going to be changing my spec up a bit to this:




    Question that I have is since I can't rely on Rupture to provide me with a 30% slow, isn't sneaking in that other ability that we have (the 50% one, forgot its name) which applies a slow effect to the enemy going to be counterproductive? I mean, it's one more ability added to the rotation and it costs 3 rage (instead of the 2 rage points that Rupture costs; almost 1 rage since one point is refunded to you).


    Otherwise I think this is a great built, I'm just really uncomfortable not having the 30% slow that's added on top of the Rupture.


    for PvP seeping wounds is a must have. I only use hungering on my pve builds. Check this one out for PvP, i use it for a long time.




    Effectively gives you all the control without sacrificing any damage. You can take or not take those points in Ravager, up to you i don't most of the time. 50sec choke is great for huttball tho.


    I would recommend skipping both malice and enraged charge for PvP purposes. Both are overshadowed by better talents for warzones.



    edit -- i'll look into 1/2 empowerment and 1/2 cloak of carnage tonite. sounds thrilling.

  7. Charge does around 800 where Assault does 1000 with the offhand proc chance.


    It gives you 2 "filler rage", which you spend on Vicious Slash. Generally speaking, you have sufficient rage to proc Pulverize every ICD, so that is a low factor.


    So all you get is the damage from a VS. VS does a few hundred more damage than Assault.



    So it's close to a wash. You lose some damage by using charge and "gain" it back by using VS. In order for you to actually obtain this "wash", you need to spend 2 filler points in the first tier of Carnage, and 2 points for Enraged Charge. That's 4 talent points for a net = 0 DPS delta. GG wasting talent points.


    Instead, spend those 4 talent points on the VS crit talent and Ravager.


    i'm reading what you've written and it simply just doesn't make any sense. Why would i be using my extra gcd on a VS if i've got my other abilities to worry about first. Sure VS would be on the list yes, but i've got rupture, annihilation, ravage, battering assault and even vicious throw to work in first.


    Also remember that VS costs 3 rage initially, even if it does refund the 1 rage at the end every single time.


    Also, what are your two "filler" points in carnage... If you're talking about defensive forms i'm going to laugh boldly in your face and call you good day. if you're actually picking cloak of carnage instead of defensive forms, you've got me on the floor i'm gonna be laughing so hard.


    ALWAYS take defensive forms, no matter what spec you are, especially in PvP. That's the biggest no brainer of the whole class... 2 fury every time you're attacked. you're gonna make a conscious decision to not take that? really?! Dude...


    I'm glad you're not the guy arguing about the malice talents but i'm not at all a big fan of the 15% VS crit because i don't find myself using it unless i have rage to burn and i usually don't. Again, this is PvP so keep all regards in mind to that scenario.




    This is all still egregiously off topic, since this is a pvp thread and i won't be taking enraged charge in pvp-- as mentioned eearlier.

  8. I'd give my marauders left foot...







    To switch Force push and Force choke as warrior/jugg abilities... It would be freakin awesome!! give us that cc we desperately need. This makes sense in several occasions... Only the biggest of warriors should be able to choke someone, plus i've got my hands full of lightsabers so, what do i have to put it away before i choke someone out?


    They're both on a 1 min cd, both have a dismally short range (which is fine!) but lets ask ourselves what juggernauts get out of having force push all to themselves... They get to relocate mobs as a tank, k... not really necessary. They get to relocate mobs as a dps, k that's a little better... They get to jump to a guy on the huttball rafter, push that guy off, then jump to a baddie on the flat before the end zone, then intervene a friend in the endzone.


    Fantastic and all that, but why shouldn't we get force push too... It makes more sense for us to have a quick blast of energy without having to put our sabers away for a long, stand there and get interrupted(unless youre rage spec woohoo) stun, where you don't even get to utilize the stun time for more damage on the target... Just seems silly.


    So moral of the story is... I'd gladly trade away force choke for force push.


    This could be a petition sure, but i highly doubt it will ever happen. Some marauders would complain but me... I'd be much happier being able to take out healers in 3 sec less lol.


    Disrupt a heal, charge on their next heal, Push em away during their 3rd, when they land charge em again for the 4th interrupt and disrupt is off cd again, wooo!


    This will never happen of course, good marauders would be way too OP with this move and bad marauders would ruin games/flashpoints but still... it makes much more sense.


    Physically, mechanically and lore wise honestly.

  9. i do not agree with #3 in your bottom list.


    synchronizing anything to ONLY carbine burst is just a bad idea... Sync it to the probe or to overload shot or something... A talent deep in engineering could make overload a 20/30yd range, anything but carbine burst... which is a measly range with a slow/delayed activation time.

  10. Bad Marauders get 2/2 Phantom.


    If you're not getting phantom 2/2 that's ok with me, but i'll get it every time because i'd rather play with survivability oh-s##t keys than heal for 2% of my hp with bleed crits. Phantom has saved my a** 100 times, hungering... not even 10% of that.


    1. There is no such thing as a 77% surge "cap".

    2. That much surge is probably too high nowadays.

    3. Str and crit have separate crit DRs, so you probably want to mention a certain amount of crit rating as a breakpoint, rather than generic "crit".


    1. Yes there is... No class gets above 77% surge right now. Operative buddy of mine had 94% before 1.1.whatever, now he's at 77%. Jugg buddy of mine had 84% surge, it got reduced to 77%. Talk to the classes that stacked surge, they actually know what they're talking about.

    2. already explained. The surge for bleeds doesn't show up in your char sheet so the only thing applying to your surge % is your surge rating. So it's easy to know when to stop, when you hit 77%.

    3. That they do, but you'd have to take off all your str gear and put on your crit gear to see what came from what...


    However, a buddy of mine recently tried adding 80 crit to his 300 crit rating and recieved .07% crit, nice right? So assume that 300 rating is the cap, because if 100 rating extra gives you .1% or something it's not worth it.

  11. Assault does significantly more damage.


    People with far better analytical capabilities than you have invested far more time actually assessing the value of force charge as a rage builder.


    Perhaps you should try learning something for a change.





    Check the PvE build I linked.





    It's only close to the best Anni PvP spec. There are some variations you can do depending on your priorities -- for example, Ferocity is useful if you actually want to blitz Alderaan/Voidstar or whore Huttball that badly. If you're slow on heal interrupts with force charge, you can take 2/2 CQ.


    If you find a reliable opening sequence with immediate Annihilate to be critical (which in all honesty it's not, but if you really like it), that's an option.


    However, I consider Defensive Roll a high priority considering how much AOE is spammed between CL procs, Death Field, pyro spam, DFAs, big Smashes, spam Smashes, Wither, Discharge. For only 2 points, you get a major reduction to a pretty good fraction of damage that is thrown out.


    So you're saying that 40% more damage is significant enough to waste two gc'ds?


    if i get 2200 damage(each of mine does about 1100 damage with both rakata weapons) from two assaults that's great.


    I'll do charge and get 900 dmg then get a gcd to do whatever i want with that 4 rage. i'm gonna use annihilate and add 2800-2900 dmg to that from the charge... so, assuming we can do math that's about 3800 dmg in that same window, if it crits even better... Your two assaults would both have to crit to match that damage in the same window of time.


    But you can do math, right? You look at your abilities and test things out for yourself, yes?

    So i guess you've tested and shown that less is more?


    Then you should try using assault as much as possible cuz its a dps increase. Why bother with a rotation, or maximizing efficiency when you could just roll your mouse button all day weeeeee


    Even if i do just pop deadly saber and then have to assault again for some reason, at least i got 4rage per 1 gcd instead of saying 2assaults > 1 charge + 1 major attack. that's just wrong.



    edit - and to the guy above me, you'd never catch me with 3 min cd on my frenzy unless i'm carnage, and if i'm carnage then i'm PvE and the 4pc gives me 15sec off frenzy anywho... the fact that you skipped out on "valor" for the "zealous 2% heals" is just puzzling. You'd be able to use predation 2x as often for your premades. We're buff monsters and we need to be able to do that as fast and as often as possible. If you're not, you're doing it wrong.

  12. Enraged Charge is not effective for PvE.


    Better to use Assault to build rage, as it does significantly more damage.





    K so you'd rather waste two gcd's to get 4 rage instead of one gcd to build the same 4? and assault doesn't do "significantly more damage", it's not going to make or break your damage to do 30% less damage for ONE gcd. Plus the mobility of most fights necessitate the use of force charge, so why not the free extra rage? And most importantly... what else are you gonna put points in that helps your dps?




    now kindly direct that "baddie" comment at yourself, where it belongs. especially for posting that "best pvp spec ever"...


    Just wow...

  13. No one is getting the 100% Reduction from force camo?


    always have it. it's a second undying rage, or a way to get thru butthall obstacles.


    And yes, power will start to dr after 400 rating, all the "ratings" start to dr eventually you just may not have hit the point where it starts. Str is the only stat that doesn't technically DR because we technically can't hit those numbers yet. which is why stats are as such...


    Acc (to 108% white hits) > Str > power > surge (to 77% cap) > crit (300 rating) > balls

  14. This is the build i just went to for my mara




    I like all the points you made but i never skip out on close quarters, seeping wound, subjugation or any talent that helps in that case. Using charge like a second interrupt gets me more healer kills than carnage could ever produce.


    Having the two points in phantom gives me just another way to stay mobile and alive. Honestly, theres no reason not to get it. You could prevent -- in 4 sec -- well over the 2500 hp you'd make back from hungering+berserk in 15 sec. It's not always ideal for 1v1 scenarios but remember, in this game damage isn't dealt until you're hit with their projectile. SO if you camo before a tracer missle hits you, congrats you prevented 2-3k dmg right there.


    It also make force charge a rage generator on boss fights, which is why i get enraged charge in my pve build. But this is a pvp thread.

  15. Well the thing is with that 100% damage reduction on cloak you're dropping target anyways and usually getting out of PBAOE range. Like the only thing i can find it good for is going through hazards in huttball and that's 1/3 of the warzones.


    The predation is eh, i'm popping berserk for the damage and heals most the time anyways.


    and naw at the 75k heal medal. I picked up hungering to better self sustain. IMO the healing is a must.


    meh again, i take a healer or don't worry about self sustain. I can't heal myself when i want to so 300 health ticking every 5-10 sec is kinda meh... I'd rather run faster to my objective because using berserk for more dps in warzones is kinda funny, at least as annihilation. The goal isn't to do the most damage its to protect and help your team with objectives as best you can.


    Popping berserk gets you 2x damage from 6 DoT ticks. healing you for a max of about 1600 hp. over 12 seconds. That's less than one grav round. Not worth it. Now if you had the extra malice points it might be worth it lol but 300 hp every 5 sec (or about every sec for 12 sec)


    OH MY GOODNESS, i forgot about the 1% heal that berserk gives to you and your party! omg! making that heal over 12-15 sec for a whopping 2300 hp, less than a lvl 30 medpack would give you instantly. So, that's 1.5 grav rounds or less than 1 grav round crit. Still not worth it... When it hits 4% or 5% with berserk up lemme know, til then i'll use predation every time for the defense and the movement speed.


    Which is why that 30% speed from the predation talent is nice, but i admit i don't always get it.



    Ok calling huttball 1/3 of your options is hilarious(since you don't get to choose which to que up to for some reason), it's at least 60+% of my wz matches since it can't always find a full republic team. And then sometimes is been 5x huttball in a row vs empire and the 6th one will be vs republic now... great thinking bioware!


    If you don't know what else you can use 100% dmg reduction for i'm not sure what help i can be lol.


    Orbital strike

    Flame stuff on the ground (powertech move?)

    Death from above

    Sorc AOE thunder crap

    ANY and ALL DoTs

    Force crush

    explosive dart (doesn't deal damage for 3 sec)

    fire pit

    poison pit


    If i had more points i'd get both defensive roll and phantasm but for now... i'll pick the phantasm as it's more situationall useful, and pvp is all about scary situations where i'd rather be able to get away scott-free instead of dying while i'm invisible lol.

  16. I play on the swiftsure pvp... i d say on the imperial side the situation on the US prime time( many aussies, so server has 2 prime times) is very decent

    up to 3 imperial fleets, 4 illums and pvp que is befor you even log back from previous WZ

    in average its lower offcoarse


    And the most i like is many ppl QQ abou huttball, but i love huttball, since its maybe 20 % chance


    try 70% for huttball. it's a miracle if i get anything else 2x in a row, then i get butthaul 5x in a row... so lame. Cand-ordo is 1:2.5 empire/repub, but it's only standard. Haven't seen a que time in a month but our server was "full" last night... weird.

  17. woops didn't mean defensive forms... that was my bad, i always get that talent. no matter what i spec... my fault, that's a no brainer.


    the 30% aoe reduction is what i meant, i've tried it and i feel it's just not as good as having 100% dmg redux on keypress.


    i would get hungering if it were more than 300 health per tick. If you use berserk you get double that sure but predation is the better option a lot of times in PvP, since you'll likely need to get somewhere twice as fast or whatever. If i get the chance to use berserk in pvp i guess i'll do it but it's more about the objectives, the team playing and keeping the other team off your door/turret/ball carrier. Healing myself is moot since i either have a healer or go full rambo for objectives/kills on their healers.


    and if you marauders pick up hungering for 75k heal medal then lol@you. (not sayin' anyone did, but IF you did...)

  18. Lol Stop wasting peoples time with your nonsense posts. Seriously.


    We have an ability that gives our bleeds 100% crit chance and you can pop it enough that 4% bleed crit is not going to matter at all with the amount of fury we generate. Do you not understand that crit becomes less valuable when you can control the ability to crit?


    My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMcGzZhMMZo.1



    Oh and if you're opening with charge 100 times in a single warzone you're bad... Oh wait that's right you made a post to QQ about knock backs and tried to say we need an ability to avoid them. We have one it's called running up hitting the person then getting knocked back.





    Yeah as you can see i'm not the only one who gets this.


    PVE - http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::efefe4fe4fe5f4ef8efef15ef8


    PVP- http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::e8fde3fe5f4ef8ef16ef9


    The only boss i've never been able to charge in on as part of my rotation is Soa, since he bugs out and won't let you charge him 70% of the time during phase 2 and 3(every so often he doesn't care... which is just so strange)


    Again, lets be perfectly clear that enraged charge and malice 3/3 are PvE ONLY talents for me. I'd rather pick up Stagger for 1sec longer immobilize.


    Must we do fury generation and berserk uptime math to make you see what the real deal is deal is?


    You should be building 4 fury per attack as annihilator. 4 * 7 = 28. So 8 rage spending hits and you're at full fury, nice. Time to receieve 6 dot TICKS as auto crits. Very very nice. So you pop it and one full rupture tick and probably two stacked DS ticks and one normal one...


    So it's gonna take at least 8 gcd's to get you to 30 fury, plus of course rage builders and the like...


    K basic rotation time... Charge -> Deadly saber (4fury) -> Battering assault (4fury) -> rupture (8fury) -> Annihilate(12fury) -> Ravage(12 fury) -> Rupture(16fury) -> Assault -> Charge off cd again (2-4 rage built from empowerment total so far, maybe i didn't have to use that assault just now) -> Deadly saber(20fury) -> Smash as a spot filler(24fury) (only costs 1 rage for 4 fury, or just use assault to prepare for dot uptime during berserk) -> Annihilate(28fury) -> Battering Assault -> Rupture (30FURY! make sure to pop berserk before your first rupture tick goes off...)


    So that took about 20+ seconds to get your 30 fury and pop it (For this math we're assuming that you weren't a good boy and didn't pop your frenzy about 30sec before the fight started.) It would've taken two more global cooldowns for you to do the same thing WITHOUT enraged charge and empowerment. Built me 6-8 rage right there for doing my normal rotation. That's 3-4 gcd's youre WASTING on assault. How is it not blatantly obvious that less assault gcd's = moar dps overall.


    As for berserk uptime, you can see for yourself that it's only about HALF of your actual dps will be affected by it. The rest of the time you'll be either using frenzy every 2:15 min or relying on your 50% crit chance on bleeds, that could've been 54%...


    Moral of the story is, these talents were meant for PvE purposes in my eyes (as i usually get the survivability and control in PvP)since if you're going to maximize your dps as a marauder, the best you'll be doing is skipping the 6% crit for the 3% accuracy at best(which you shouldn't need if you've got over 115% force accuracy as an annihilate mara, carnage needs more accuracy tho). If you haven't taken either of those talents you're not maxing your dps because our trees are too weighed down with bs that DOES NOT ADD to our dps as a whole... Like half the carnage tree.



    Basically, if youre trying to deal as much damage as possible as fluidly and as fast as possible, you'll pick up empowerment, enraged charge and malice... Because what else are you gonna get that actually increases your dps the same way?? Nothing... thats what.



    Since this is a pvp thread, i'd still take empowerment. You'll miss it when you're wondering why you can't use that rupture you should've gotten for free. That won't change from pve to pvp, promise.



    edit - your build is lols xerain, you skipped out on phantom and stagger for 1/3 malice, defensive stance and hungering?? that 2% heal must really be worth your opponents getting away or you getting killed in the fire/poison/battle when you could escape with force camo... I just don't see your logic, 30% reduced aoe dmg never feels like it's good points invested. If you're focusing on defense go play a jugg. If you want to protect yourself long enough while full locking down your enemy in a group of 4 people, for the kill so you can /giggle @ the rest of their team since they wasted their time killing you while your team scores... That 1/3 malice is crackin me up tho...

  19. Problem no other class faces? Go play an operative(dps) or assassin that isn't atleast 21 points into the tank tree and see how you feel about knock backs.


    assassins get a knock back AND a pull if they spec in to it. Ops are apparently a broken class and need changes different to a knockback or knockback cc, but it would be nice.


    As you can see, i play both the mara and the op, neither of which have a push/knockback move at all and i'm much happier with the operative after getting knocked off because at least i can grenade/explosive probe/dart/snipe for kills.


    Half the time as a marauder i have floor collision issues with the upper levels of the huttball rafters or even on the little hills up to the side turrets in civil war... then i get "can not see target, spell not ready yet" as my gcd spins, which means i'm useless completely until it works and i can get back into action. Then as soon as i get back in i get knocked back immediately again, in skirmishes in huttball you can't wait to charge in when every sorc has a 20 sec knockback and there's at least 4 sorcs per match... Or BH's fill their spots with their knockback on a slightly longer cd...


    Either way mara's need something when they charge so they can at least do their job for 2-4 sec, make those classes use a bit more skill with when to knock us back. Cuz those classes, with the hard cc's and the mitigation and the heals... It's too easy mode, and all sorcs who are worth playing with agree that it's just too easy to do really well for no reason at all. Increase the skill cap and help us not get knocked out of a charge before you even connect with and damage your target.


    But nerfing sorcs in general is more important.

  20. Losing is the objective in huttball, remember that.


    Empires been taking that s**t to heart lately on my server. It's like teaching kittens to not be adorable... impossible but somehow hilarious!


    l2p empire! lol



    edit -- do objective points actually get you anything? haven't noticed them actually doing a thing for you, or against you should you not receive any.

  21. you're going to need to rage build after that anyways so the global isn't going to matter and it's not like you're going to kill the person in that time.


    No i'm sure malice isn't a must with the amount of fury generate annihilation has. It stays up a ton and when you're at high levels of gear and sitting on 50% dot crit... your talents are better spent somewhere else.


    Aren't you the marauder that's been QQ'ing about CC and knock backs and was fighting with me about how you should open up with a charge 100% of the time... you have no room to call anyone bad sir.


    Malice is absolutely necessary because thats less crit you need to focus on in your normal build. You can only get to about 29-30% with crit rating anyhow but having 52% crit on your bleeds all the time, and 100% when berserk is up is completely necessary. The crit from malice is very good for annihliation, since you don't need the extra accuracy for ataru form strikes.


    Empowerment is a talent that i missed severely when i tried not taking it, it's basically going to build extra rage for you so you don't have to use assault and waste a cd. You'll have the rage for that second rupture or for a vicious slash incase annihilate didn't refresh rupture that time. As it was stated before in this thread, time wasted on an assault is still time wasted. Rage earned for free is rage you don't have to waste your time building.


    This also applies to Enraged charge. Personally i use Stagger for PvP but for PvE i always take the 1 extra rage from force charge, since i can charge bosses at 0 yd range... I'm not sure why you wouldn't want free rage... If you have too much rage, dump it faster.... it's not hard to run out of rage.


    But i see videos of people using battering assault with 7-10 rage so that tells you a lot about our "player base" with this AC... oi....

  22. lol i love how you used your non-descript "guaca-mole" comment in this thread and another... Have you played other mmo's? Even wow had a lot of classes that were like this(warlocks, priest, shaman, rogue...), but since the warrior wasn't really one of those cd-watchers in that game i guess it should be the exact same in this game, amirite? RIGHT?!


    i think you're just frustrated. Play around at 50 with some pvp gear, spec properly and you'll have a blast. Or you'll keep getting frustrated and roll a sorcerer.


    Just don't let go of the possibility that you just might not be good enough to play a marauder. Then move on, should that be the case.

  23. - Reduce the ammount of cooldowns triggered by our TRIVIAL attacks. (Annihilation has way too much micro management if you want to perfect dps).


    - Slow and healing debuffs should proc of our normal attacks. Ie: Rupture adds a slow to the target. Ravage decrease healing taken by xx%.


    - Add some sort of visual and auditive warnings to our procs.


    - Consolidate defensive cooldowns. Instead of many "low" cooldowns defensive habilities (1 min, 45 sec, 1 min, 3 min cd), we should have less defensive cooldowns but more meaningfull ones.


    - Too much trivial attack skills triggering cooldowns & Bloating User Interface. (we have way too much skills just to be effective in DPS area, consider consolidate skills, make rotations more flexible. Right now it feels I am playing guaca-mole with that many cooldowns. We are forced to keep our eyes on UI and we miss a lot of the action. (Warriors arent meant to be micromanagement class, give this to mages) This game is beautiful! If you dont trust me on that, get a mara/sent to 50, seriously I know a few people who gave up cus of this.


    - The prioritized rotation of annihilation is what makes it fun, does not need to be changed.


    - We already have a healing debuff... you crazy? we're also the only class who has one.


    - Sure but that should be for all classes. Should become readily available after mods/macros go in.


    - They are meaningful and if they're tedious to you don't use them... That's not even a valid complaint, that's just saying you don't like something because you don't.


    - Complete un-validated. If you're having a hard time keeping track of cooldowns and procs then go play a sorceror, or a different game... These problems you have are not actual problems, they're just banter because you're mad about something.


    Yes, i almost gave up on my marauder leveling up but it wasn't because of the rotation it was the lack of a good companion until broonmark came along...


    Try another class man, marauders just aren't for you it seems.

  24. they only share the cd when they're the same exact trinket. i can use the rakata one, then the columi one 30 sec later. Might not be as much sustain as the matrix shard(idk honestly) but boss fights are all about burst right now so i'm sticking with this.
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