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Posts posted by Vakyoom

  1. Alacrity is not all that noticeable on concealment tbh. Accuracy is not needed really, so....if choosing between the 2....grab alacrity?

    I "think" I could lose both and not even notice? :(

    I use power/surge as others have stated, I recommend you do the same. Sprinkle some crit to taste? Done.

    And yes, ymmv. :D


    by the time you get to 174 gear you will start to run out of surge DR and you get upwards of like 77% with companion bonus.... those last couple %'s past 75% with companion are really really not worth it.... You can get about 3.5% alac off of that 2% surge. I stay at 76% surge on most days. I'll drop it more as i replace more gear.


    It's noticable for me because of the GCD lowering... If i'm getting attacks off every 1.4 sec that's a burst increase, more so than an unfathomably low 2% surge for the same stat points.


    Don't worry about alac until you get up to Dark Reaver gear but about 4-5% is my eventual goal.

  2. Some of us have the enjoyment of trying to punish those groups of 3x assassins + a healer for holding the pylong too tightly...


    Don't forget there are not only achievements for killing orb carriers and there's also one for killing someone with your own orb explosion...


    If you want to do Gree dailies there are plenty of other non-PvP dailies for non-pvp-people to commit to. If you venture into a FFA PvP zone in PvE gear you had either bring 3 friends or expect some difficulties.


    it's Open World PvP, not Open world PvE... bring the appropriate gear/numbers or you need to be sneaky enough to finish solo... If you can't do that then you're doing open world PvP wrong during this event. Go do the PvE dailies and let the people in the bowl have their fun, you don't need to fuel it but guilds are still showing up for 10v10 rumbles like it's crack....


    Last thing we need is complaints about people not enjoying the random pvp that comes with a random pvp zone. If you need to do dailies quickly or something switch to another Ilum instance, they can't occupy them all at the same time...


    Please, just being on a PvP server and PvP'ing a lot does not make you a serious and mature player and just because you enjoy the open world PvP in the bowl does not make you a selfish baddie who needs to sneak up on every single person trying to cap an orb... And most importantly, not everyone is on a PvP server so we don't get these chances all the time... don't ruin everyone's fun because it happens "all the time" for you....

  3. I'd rather them work the carbine burst damage buffs into Lethality (after they completely revamp the skill to not blow, of course), and buff frag grenade for concealment, yeah. Would make more sense, as well, since Lethality uses their rifle faaaaaar more than concealment does.


    Then, that 25% damage utility could work like some other utilities do, where for Lethality, it could buff your carbine burst damage, and if you're concealment, it would buff your frag grenade damage.


    Idk man that seems like a better idea for Lethality, linking dot spread and frag grenade while giving frag more crit/surge %.


    More single target burst would be nice and i'd love a reason to use corrosive dart more often.


    I like frag grenade and all but that wouldn't make you do a lot more damage since you're relying on cd's and not TA/energy like when carbine burst did work... it'd be a trade off either way.

  4. HHaha yes, i was out for a while just watching. Stealthed up on a rock, protecting the pylon.....


    I wouldn't pick on people, actually i would clean up after groups would pick on somebody doing pylon or the Gree Destroyer. There was a group of 4 imps that chased me around the bowl because i took out 2 of them for attacking a pub group trying to kill the Destroyer... Doesn't matter what faction, wait til the NPC dies then attack... common courtesy!


    So i took out several groups after they had finished fighting... the long wolf taking out the big dogs. The amount of tension and the heat of these battles were very intense. At one point there were two assassin FotM'ing the pylon, attacking all groups of people that would come up... The amount of times that i killed one of them and actually got away with it.... I think i only died once all night and came out with at least 25 kills thx to the achievement.


    I like the idea of re-vamping Outlaw's Den with Daily rewards and perhaps making new locations for this event to happen every-other-week but that would be tough since ilum is prepared for that level of pvp already. it just needs to be permanent!


    Hopefully we still get valor for world PvP kills, but getting some comms for every 25 kills would be sweet.

  5. It reminds me of the old days on Ilum where you could barely move and 50 people were fighting at all times...


    Please BW, update all of the pvp zones on Ilum for lvl 60 quests OR continue some sort of PvP quest thing in Ilum after the event.


    If i'm missing something then that's ok, maybe it already exists in a permanent form and i haven't noticed yet. Either way i've had a blast with the FFA world PvP today and it needs to be a thing in this game a LOT more often!



  6. It's at the very top of the tree in Concealment, somehow i hadn't noticed it until the other day and it is pretty unbelievable to force a buff onto a non-rotation move.... We can't simply opt out of it by avoiding the awful talent anymore...


    I will now present my suggestion for replacing "Imperial Ammunition" with something that will help people while leveling and will help with energy usage and damage in PvE or PvP.


    Lethal Injection


    "Whenever you gain Tactical Advantage you have a 20% chance to grant Toxic Advantage, causing your next Corrosive Dart to deal double damage on the first tick and cost 10 less energy. 30 second cooldown."


    Of course it's all up for debate and this will probably never happen but man i think that's a cool idea and a reason to use corrosive dart more often than just when mechanics happen and you have the time/energy cuz you're running around.



  7. only, combat isn't really where the issue is... It's positioning and jumping all over the screen and that can be done outside of combat...


    I see your point zoom, you don't want to believe that this is a possibility... I have been playing this game and plenty of other games long enough to know when there's is lag or when there is a larger problem. It may not be as simple as lag switching but it's not as simple as "those people are better than you because they outposition you while porting all over the place."


    There must be a reason why only a couple people have this god-like power.... Snipers and sages should not appear 30 yds away from me, charging a Snipe while i get to figure out that they're gone just as the cast completes..


    It's not all the time but it happens enough to be an issue and it is absolutely not with every player or i wouldn't bother bringing it up. And as far as 'learn your class' goes... just don't assume that everybody is bad. it makes you look bad.

  8. Burst spec or not, arguments aside, the 2 specs could 'in theory' put out the same damage over a long fight, simply by having the Concealments damage come out in bursts and the Lethality Op gets his as he keeps his dots up properly... The tweaks could leave the 2 specs sharing the Op spotlight but currrently there's no reason to go lethality over concealment and THAT is the issue, not the burst or sustained but why? Why should i take Lethality?


    There's no good answer currently.


    edit - and i am speaking on PvE for this part :)

  9. And buff sustained. It's a joke that Concealment has the same dps as Lethality.


    Why is this a joke? is there a reason that Lethality and Concealment can't be on equal footing in both PvP and PvE? The burst just needs to be higher in PvP and lethality could be up there. Survivability is a spec-wide problem that conealment only gets a lapsed fix for(immune roll) but other than that, with burst i think Lethality could be a contender in PvP, just like Concealment is a contender in PvE.


    I like the OP's idea for Corrosive Assault but Toxic Blast should be left alone... Taking it off the gcd(but still having it deal damage?? if that was the intent) is nice and all but concealment doesn't need that much...


    A little burst and a reliable DoT spread and i think letahlity will be in a much better place.


    edit - After a little thinking, taking Toxic Blast off the GCD could work IF they made it act like Deadly Saber(Anni Marauder) and have it give 3-5 stacks that last 10 seconds. You now have those 10 seconds to do as many corrosive assaults as you can to use all those stacks AND those stacks buff damage dealt by CA just like normal. The extra damage and a free TA re-grant could be given to CA for the first charge to compensate for the lost damage/TA by changing from the old Toxic Blast.


    Food for thought!

  10. We all feel you, i lost over 100 rating playing all day on a saturday(even with about 10 wins or so for the day).... more people are playing those times and i decided not to play that often during heavy times again...


    Honestly, the lesser will fall far below 1000 and those of us who can win games will continue to win and slowly climb our way up to those who were lucky enough to win games in the early days and stay up high.

  11. eeehhhhhhh bad idea, honestly. it would have to make it so people at the top didn't just stop playing ranked, sit at the top and then just get a free 150 pts every week...


    Maybe 100 if you're below 1000, but it would HAVE to be gated for different ratings and then cut off completely after a certain rating as well. The top 100 on each server would be a real ****** battle if you could get free 'wins' every day plus a free load of 'wins' once a week...


    sorry mate it's just a bad idea since i doubt the time would ever be taken to ensure proper diminishing returns....

  12. I can tell you right now that if you personally are lagging it has nothing to do with other players.


    The clients are not in any way connected to each other, they are only connected to the server. If someone wanted to lag someone else out they would have to go through the server, which simply isn't going to happen.


    it does not come out of the game as 'personal lag' however, it's frame rates taking a dump or watching 1-2 players blip all over the screen while most of them are tangible targets...


    If i can't hit someone i stunned right in front of me(after rooting them in place) because they're actually 10 yds in front of me after 2 seconds go by there's a problem... If that consistently happens against a FEW players and not against the entire enemy team then there is an issue that goes way deeper than any simple lag...


    I'm not looking for solid evidence to help BW to stop this, that's not my job... i just want to know if there's something i can do about it(other than avoid certain guilds/players when they PvP) or if there is a way to help people figure out what's really happening instead of "OMG DIS GUY CRIT FOR 20K, HAXXX!"...


    There really can be hackers out there, it's just not as obvious when it feels like it just happens at a certain time of day...


    edit - ty for the DDOS explanation, i just didn't know how to explain what i was experiencing.... it's more like the rubber banding(or lag switching) that was mentioned above.

  13. Volatile Substance is equivalent to Blood Boiler? Explodes on an internal bleed shot? I love how a full set of PVP gear makes Blood Boiler crit at least once every minute, guarantees at least a 9-12k hit in the middle of my Sucker Punches and back blasts.


    Yes Vol sub hits harder than anything else in our kit... On fully pvp guys i generally hit between 10-12k crits on that one but i get the occasional 16k crit on someone who just doesn't pvp enough...


    mostly vs undergeared snipers/sorcs... Anyone with gear and we'll rarely see over 11k on a single crit.

  14. accuracy in pvp is a hot topic for discussion. I would argue that lower crit is still better(sub-200 crit) but accuracy is completely up to you. You should have 91% so maybe one piece of gear is worth it but 4% miss chance is hardly going to come up and 95% of lethality dmg is yellow.


    70-75% surge is good since you get auto-crits from the 6-piece set and yes, i'm running 3% alacrity as conceal and it's making a big difference.(5% alac will get toxic blast down to 14.25 sec and GCD down a 1.425 sec... dots also tick faster with alacrity)


    It will make a biggere difference than the accuracy will in the long run BUT it's a personal choice. i'd only ever recommend accuracy for snipers or marauders but that's me :)

  15. high crit builds are only worth it for classes that don't have auto-crits or that don't have crit added to their attacks in skill trees.


    What it comes down to every time with augs is about 17 extra damage(power augs) vs 1.4% extra crit... About 1.4% since mainstat crit still DR's. For an op i'd recommend power all the way, we're already overloaded with crit. Same for marauders. I only play those 2 classes so i won't give info on the other classes but a lack of auto-crits are the real decidicing factor for whether you want Power augs or not.

  16. This all varies per server and on JC server there are absolutely clear times of the day where one faction wins and then the other factions switches to winning as premades disband or as new people get home from work...


    The problems i can't comprehend is how i can play PvP for hours on end and then as soon as i see a certain guild pop up in a match, the lag is unbearable, i'm getting stunned during a full resolve bar, my stuns are no longer working and my opponent rubber bands all over the screen....


    Who knows if it's intentional or just coincidence and i'm not here to point fingers but if there is a server-side lag issue or if players are finding a way to DDoS without punishment then it's a problem.


    Cheating or whatever... idk about all that but massive lag spikes occur ONLY when certain guilds show up in premades on my server... It seems awful strange and i just hope BW is looking into it to see what's actually happening.

  17. The 2 specs simply parse so close to eachother it's really preference, just concealment is easier to mess up with(due to high-mechnic fights) and still come out on top....


    Conceal will parse higher in fights where you have to move around a lot. Lethality will parse higher in fights where you don't clip or let DoT's fall off and you won't have to switch targets as often.


    Concealment is the better choice for MOST fights because you are never on the same target long enough to do full rotations, etc etc... There are only a couple fights where you don't target swap constantly or have to move around all the time... Revan, Master/Blaster, Bulo and Malaphar are the only fights i'd consider Lethality to be better simply in numbers IMHO.


    It's all preference since there is not a clear winner for us, it's all about what feels better and what is going to work best for you. Personally clipping dots is a problem of mine and i lose too much dps so with concealment i can swap or be mobile in all the fights without losing too much dmg.

  18. lol it's funny, when the game got ruined originally(1.2 or something... when the 600k players all left the game at the same time) i gave a very heartfelt forum post and sent them a letter even asking if they really needed help with their game and if they wanted someone to do community outreach, discussions and plan changes by combining what the players want/deserve with what the dev team had in mind...


    I would do it very cheaply and would love to be a part of something this big...


    No responses in either fashion :(


    edit - I'd still take that position BW. I can do efficient work with something that i get regular enjoyment out of. Being able to tie the community together with the dev team is something that has never been accomplished in this game's lifespan... hell i'd even go as far to say that about MOST mmo's but i don't know the whole list... At least blizzard made attempts to do this in the past, even though they ignored 95% of the feedback and did their own thing anyway, ruining yet another 2 years... blah blah.


    Point is, i'm still ready and willing to help out. This game and it's playerbase deserves someone to look after them in tandem. it would alleviate problems within the team and within the community. The ball's in your court!



  19. simple things like toning down the self-healing on hatred sins and moving the tank abilities to the tank tree are not going to effect PvE dps and would greatly reduce the survivability and effectiveness of sins, bringing them in line with the other classes.


    Not every nerf has to be #'s and damage based, simple things can also change the way that PvP happens and can make a big impact on each mode of gameplay independently of each other.


    In the other category, we have PvE being greatly distorted not only towards ranged dps but away from specific classes, opting to take double sin's or multiple sorcs over the other tech classes for HM progression... That should never be a thing.

  20. The fact that target dummies don't fight back is exactly why concealment is proving to be the better spec for PvE right now. With so many mobile fights and fights where you need to switch between targets often, conceal becomes more mobile, defensive and while the damage is comparable between the 2 specs is comparable, lethality just doesn't perform as well in mobile and target-switching fights, which is quite about half.


    My suggestion is to just spend the creds on Field Respecialization so that you can decide which specs work best for whatever fights.

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