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Everything posted by Pennaith

  1. Just cause you can get something at 40 doesn't mean you need it. I didn't even bother getting the higher level speeders until I was 50.
  2. I leveled exclusively as infiltration and I never found it too worth while to use Theran. I know a lot of people love him and I tried to, but honestly I found that things went much better with Qyzen and keeping him geared up. Holiday is awesome, but still ultimately with Qyzen doing some AOE damage I found it went more quickly so I could pick off targets and also like you mentioned you could get shadow strikes off as needed. For some tougher mobs you will need to use your taunts to take some of the damage to give Qyzen a break, but for the most part I had no trouble getting to 50 as infiltration. That being said, once I got Nadia PVE got much more fun as Kinetic spec you can just melt everything. (Most things are still do-able as infiltration with her, but it takes quite a bit of attention and good use of CCs) Cheers.
  3. Thanks for these guides, lot of good info. Cheers.
  4. Not everything needs to be available to everyone.
  5. Pretty sure this already happens if you stay in the start zone too long.
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