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Everything posted by Uuhwee

  1. Ein weiteres verwöhntes Kiddy macht nen qq-thread auf!
  2. Da keine Addons erlaubt sind, wäre ich sehr stark für eine exakte Sekunden-Anzeige. Ich schätze mal das ist auch nicht sonderlich schwer hinzukriegen. Details machen leider das Ganze und viele Details sind total fürn Arsch in swtor! Meine 30 Tage sind eh vorbei, aber ich werde es noch bissl verfolgen bis vielleicht Änderungen gemacht werden die mich zum resub animieren. Ewig werd ich nicht warten.
  3. Jetzt weiß ich auch wer den crap hier verfasst hat: http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/forum/topic/3225376354
  4. this crapy engine!! In previous mmo´s i drove a ferrari! In swtor u drive a bycicle!!
  5. Hitting 50 a little too soon?! Soo its ok that the low lvls suffer, but its not ok that some 50´s have to wait.
  6. Get a new pc....nice try! Perhaps u dont recognize it because ur brain works to slow, perhaps ur brain got the same engine? Few secs...ill post my pc. Here we go: Intel Core i7 2600k 4x 3,40 GHz 8MB 8GB DDR 3 1333 Samsung RAM 2.0TB Samsung HD204UI SATA II 5400 3072MB Gainward GTX 590 GIGABYTE GA-Z68AP-D3 Z68 LGA 1155
  7. The engine is just crap! Switching targets is also delayed? How poor must an enigne be, that it needs 1-2 secs to change the picture of the avatar? It is a shame that this game cost 50bucks. BW should pay us for testing this beeshizzle. Its Star Wars and u screwed it......!
  8. Uuhwee


    I guess its a joke?! Playing a healer in pvp is more than ridiculous. You get about 2k dmg per special attack/skill plus the dotdmg (200-600dmg per tick). My problem is (perhaps its only my problem and not one at all) i cant survive versus one dps class with hots up and spamming my healskills, because a noncritical heal is about 800-1000 (2secs cast). Crit is about 2k(crits are very rare) ~3k dmg vs 1k heal (dont forget the 2secs casting time) Is it intended that u cant keep yourself alive vs 1dps? And its not even close, its like my heals going into nowhere. I dont want to outheal a few opponents, i simply want to stay alive vs 1! dps. The dotdmg negates my 2secs healcast. Its elementary school math: 3k dmg vs 1k heal 600 dottick vs 200 hottick Last but not least.....healreduce effect@warzones! Whats wrong with the devs? To be honest, i wont play this game for more than the 30 days. I think its just unfair. Have fun with it guys, honestly!
  9. As i told, i just want to mention that there are hardly 1v1 situations. I said its not a problem. I really like the teambased pvp, but i also like some 1v1 fights where you learn, how and when to use your skills. To hear that they will implement brackets sounds good.
  10. Holy shhh... how about some keybinds.
  11. Stopped reading after that.......................
  12. i guess u are already 50. And thx for your full sentence.
  13. Its obvious that BW is punishing Players who dont rush the game. Especially in pvp! You guys made any thoughts before u put all pvpers in the same warzones? People with 15k hp and full pvp gear farming the lower ones. Im getting sick of these lvl 50´s spamming one *********** skill and you can do nothing! One other thing is....map design. Was it your intention to build up warzones where you can hardly find a 1v1 situation? Its quite impossible. But this is not a problem! Thanks for punishing the slow players. I guess its an mmo feature!
  14. Canceled 4 days ago. 50 bucks for an unfinished game. no! Its a huge company, i am tired of excuses.
  15. The gameplay has to flow like a river! At this point its clearly not flowing. Please give this "issue" a high priority. I want to use a skill an be sure that i used it. At the moment i keep a constant look at my skillbar because i dont know did i use it or did something else happens instead. I repeat myself, but pls make this a major priority thing!
  16. No its not the same thing like in wow! If it would be, this thread wouldnt exist.
  17. Keep posting, they can not ignore a 200+ Thread. If they really do, we know how they will act in the future with other essential problems.
  18. Come on BW pls respond! Cant see the forest because of all the trees? It would be awesome to read something about it in the developer tracker.
  19. Uuhwee

    Sith Sorcerers In PVP

    If focused, any class goes boom! Ím tired of this wow-mentality. The game is out for 2 weeks now....and from day 1 (13.12.11) people are complaining instead of leveling up. Im sick of it. Why cant they just get 50 and see whats happening. If you dont like it, pls quit.
  20. 150 sites long thread and no response from Bioware? Do they realize how important this "issue" is? As the author wrote, it will make swtor or it will break it.
  21. i simply enjoy the game! And im not thinking of an expansion, this is up to bw in a few months.
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