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Posts posted by frauzet

  1. I took the liberty to ask the wonderful brightephemera if she were able to help you out. She consulted her thread statistics. Here is her reply:


    Hoo boy. So according to my records no story with the prompts Gift, To Market, or Canned Responses has involved Quinn and military supplies. That gets you up until: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7944293&postcount=5359 , my last recorded story. That’s the best I can do.


    Thank you, bright <3

  2. Wow, that was great from start to finish. I forgot my cold while reading :)

    I love the introduction with the description of the even less nice parts of Nar Shaddaa and the comparison to Jonas.

    Darmas at his best. At least I think Joans isn't underestimating him. Full throttle, trouble ahead :)

    Looking forward to the next part. <3

  3. Yay, able to log in today :)

    I love Andronikos, and you caught him well. A little bit of insubordination, just the right amount, never hurts.

    I wonder if your Nox were strong enough to bind Valkorion on any other planet than Nathema and Ziost. But then, on any planet ripe with the Force V's ghost would be stronger, too. I am still fighting with the options on this for my own headcanon.

    Otherwise I can only echo Misha.

    Looking forward to see what happens next.


  4. A very enjoyable read.


    I like the parallels to the SW romance in game. Poor Quinn and his pre-existing obligations.

    My favorite part in this chapter was the conversation with Theron. Professional courtesy albeit somewhat grudingly is very fitting for him immo.


  5. I am with Jonas, although it was only coffee I've been choking on :D

    Some interesting connections you're introducing here.

    Darmas is just another way to spell trouble, and I feel like Jonas may have inherited some of this feature.

    I like the end and wonder if there is still hope for Jonas.

    Looking forward to see where you're taking us, and especially to meeting Kira and Doc again. A lot of companions have been gone for far too long now.

  6. You maneuvered Aric into a position where it's absolutely believable he'd fall for a friendly Sith. Seeing Kit act with her crew, he must be painfully aware about the deficiencies of his own CO. The higher ups turning a blind eye has to be very frustrating. When the only kindness he receives comes from a former Imperial and a Sith that has to shake his faith in the Republic. I think it's easy for him to lose sight of the bigger picture.


    Looking forward to the next part. And of course to more flustered Jaesa :D

  7. Not sure anyone is still waiting for an update, but I am certain nobody is expecting any schedule by now.


    A big thank you to Luna and Misha for commenting and boosting my morale <3







    Booming echoes ripple through the raining dust. Astonishment and incredulity war on Vemrin’s face. His weapon clatters to the floor, dropped from a hand too limp to clutch at the hole in his chest. Death wins with an unspectacular last shudder. I have seen this old acquaintance at work far too many times to leave any room for uncertainty. The Sith is already dead when his body hits the floor.


    “No!” no more than a whisper. “No!” more vehement. Ciner spins towards me. The fiery flecks in his eyes combine to a red glow embarrassing many a billboard for certain establishments on Nar Shaddaa.


    I take a step back. My grip on the blaster tightens. I fight the urge to aim and shoot. It’s too late for that when he makes a familiar gripping gesture. This time the target aren’t my ankles though. I release the blaster and with it every coherent thought. The only intent left is to get rid of the stuff constricting my throat. Claw and scrabble as I may, there is nothing to get hold of except my own skin.


    A hiss manages to penetrate the fog of my struggles. “He was mine!” Ciner’s nose almost touches mine. “I told you to stay out of the fight.”


    “No!” I croak as best I can without much air left and try to shake my head. “No, we’re a team!” The pounding of my blood drowns out my own words.


    Somehow the Sith gets my meaning. “You were only supposed to open the damned door.” With a shove he releases me.


    I stumble a few steps and collapse on the stair. The gulps of air taste wonderful, the staleness merely a faint aftertaste. I search for the water bottle, take a few sips. There is fresh blood beneath my fingernails. The scratches on my throat burn like hell. If only I knew less about infections.


    Ciner has gone back and closed Vemrin’s eyes. “He was a worthy opponent!” he says. “Still, you should not have interfered.”


    And risk the other @sshole winning? Don’t think so. We already agreed on Ciner being my best chance out of this mess. He might not like my lacking trust in his abilities, though. “Had to speed things up. Wasn’t able to concentrate on my task with all the ruckus you both made.”


    “Have you ever tried to accept responsibility for your actions?”


    “How much responsibility do you concede someone wearing a slave collar?” I don’t wait for a response. “You asked me for this dance. Don’t complain about me stepping on your toes. Because as long as you’re lead, it’s your own kriffing fault.”


    “Says the one unable to follow. This dance would go a lot smoother if you did not try to hijack the lead every other step.”


    I glare at him. A fine dancing couple we are. “Look, I wanted to help you. Everything happened so fast. The guy jumped, you weren’t in my line of fire, I shot. I didn’t think about it.”


    “Lucky for you, you did not think. Otherwise you would not have been able to surprise him. Not at this distance. He could have killed you. You took an unnecessary risk.”


    “That’s what I do.”


    “Taking unnecessary risks?”


    “No — I protect people who hire me. And though the circumstances are unusual,” I point at the shock collar, “I still kind of work for you. The payment is certainly generous if not invaluable.” My situation does look better when I put it this way. The collar adds a whole new flavor, but the rest is still familiar. Most of my life I’ve been doing what I have been told. At least people expected me to.


    “A pragmatic approach. I will try to remember you are guarding me and not the other way around.” He sounds serious, only the sparkle in his eyes ruins the impression.

  8. I've been lurking for a while, mostly because of reading when I wasn't able to respond.

    As you said yourself, some parts aren't easy to digest. Still, overall I am intrigued and looking forward to see where you will be taking us.

    I especially do like little Ka'van.

    As for your comment on the latest part, Baras' spy network bugged me, too. In my headcanon my SW also takes control of it with the help of another OC who has been working inside Baras' network. With the additional input from the Hand there is little that will escape the new Wrath's notice, which makes them even more dangerous than the last. The Council will do good to tread carefully.

    Regarding the question of whether being a Council member or the Wrath is the better job, that's down to personal preference. While the single Council members still have to answer to the Council as a whole, the Wrath only answers to the Emperor, or his Hand respectively. The Council members may be able to use their spheres for personal gain to some degree, but they'll be watching each other Argus-eyed. And all those endless discussions during Council meetings...

  9. Another enjoyable read, thank you!

    I love the comparisons of worlds at the start. For one because they are very fitting and second because they are a subtle reminder of everything that's happened in the past.

    The reencounter with Theron is a painful one. Well done! Lia isn't good in forgiving other's it seems. And Theron isn't the one to come begging, even if he were able to forgive her.

    Lia's conversation with Senya portrays Lia's trait consitently. Senya shouldn't expect sympathy there.

    That's one neat powder keg you're building.

    Looking forward to the next part.

  10. A very enjoyable read!

    I like the many small details you added, like Lia wondering about Senya's eyes. And of course I immediately recognized the name of the ship Lia stole. I <3 Andronikos!

    With your hints in the other responses I'm looking forward to the next chapter even more.

  11. The latest chapter made me wonder if Lia ever thought about trying to get rid of her pheromones. Though I have to admit I can't remember if/when she learned about them.

    It has to be very tedious to work with men who will all fall for you to some degree. How much unwanted attention does she get? How much doubt accompanies her relationships/friendships, whether people are/were really interested in her or addicted to her pheromones? Friendship with a woman? Would probably only work if the woman wasn't married / in a relationship with a man.


    As always looking forward to the next chapter.

  12. What a pleasant surprise to log in to a new thread of yours. I am glad to see you back with another story, and am looking forward to your take on the events.


    I like your description of the scenery, and this was my favorite sentence:

    Time had no meaning here, but the scratchy rhythm continued out of spite, forcing time on a plain where it didn’t exist.

    With 'out of spite' this sentence masterly sets the mood for the rest of the chapter.

    • Like 1
  13. Yes, it's very likely, Cipher Nine wasn't the only one being subjected to the restraints.

    What is Keytor's main motivation? Would he be looking to find a cure without his relationship with Tilas?

    And I am still curious about Tilas. Did she know about the restraints at all? Did she know Keytor knew? Has he used them before? Did she know about Keeper (since Keeper didn't know about her)?

    As you can tell, I am curious how this conversation continues.

    Looking forward to the next part :D

  14. @Lunafox: Thank you for the encouragement. They are fun to write.






    Everything goes well till level 43. Ciner leaves me alone, and I have everything under control. And then my luck takes a break at the wrong moment just like it has been doing so often of late. My plan works fine, only one more matching piece to fill the gap in my construction. More than enough show up with the right shape, but they have the wrong color. I should have seen that coming, should have had a contingency plan, maybe even a con-contingency plan like Ce’na would have had. I don’t. Instead I lose another life. My kick smashes one of the small skull bones littering the floor against the knee of the closest statue. The bone bursts in pieces. “Kark!”


    “Kark—ark—ark—ark—ark,” the hall yells back at me as if to voice its outrage at the desecration of the rodent sacrifice.


    The Sith hurries back from the corridor. “What’s wrong? You failed!” he accuses.


    With thumb and forefinger I press my eyes shut, trying to control the rhythm of my breathing. “I still got one life left!” I snarl.




    The simple question, spoken softly, without accusation, takes me off guard. “I am kriffing afraid, I won’t be able to make it,” I admit, my tongue once more faster than my thoughts. I fight the urge to smash the pad into thousand pieces.


    Ciner puts his hand on my shoulder. The gentleness surprises me. “I believed in you from the start and I still do. You will open the tomb!”


    I suspect he trusts his soothsayer rather than my skills, but I don’t get to voice my suspicion.


    “He will open the tomb or he won’t live to regret it!” a no-nonsense voice announces.


    Drawing his weapon Ciner spins around to face the newcomer exiting the second corridor. “Vemrin! I expected you sooner!” A mocking undertone has entered his voice.


    “How did he get past the trap?” I wonder aloud and Ciner throws me a warning glance to silence me.


    Vemrin steps out of the shadows. Human, reddish-brown hair cropped short with some fancy shaved streamlines, scars crisscrossing his otherwise ordinary face. Only his cruel sneer would make him stand out. He progresses to the center of the chamber. Okay — maybe he’d stand out even without it. In build and clothing he matches my friendly neighborhood Sith, even his gait is similar. Two trained fighters, both with a commanding presence that’s hard to miss.


    “Get on with your task, slave!” he orders, “I am tired of waiting! I expect results after I killed your current master, this sorry excuse for a Sith. Bonding time is over!”


    My current master? So he plans to take over, does he? And what does he mean, he’s tired of waiting? Has he been eavesdropping? It’s obvious, he and Ciner don’t get along. Given the circumstances I was doing rather well so far. Chances, that’ll be the same with Vemrin, don’t look promising.


    With a wave of his hand Ciner keeps me silent. “Do as he says. Dealing with Vemrin is my task.” Three strides bring him close to his opponent, who started to circle the chamber counter-clockwise.


    Their first few blows do nothing but make the chamber ring with their echoes. Dust trickles from above, and I can’t help checking whether the statues are moving. Their eyes are still closed, but the shadows between them are in uproar, the turmoil growing with the fight below picking up speed. Mimicking the duel, they pull now for one then for the other combatant. Offering no certainty regarding the ceiling’s stability the dark demons urge me nonetheless to pry my eyes away to concentrate on the two fighting Sith. The strikes they are dealing are almost to fast to follow. They are not only fighting for their lives but also for my own. Forgotten is the order to find the key, to keep playing. As if anyone would be able to concentrate here on anything beside this fight. At the last moment I roll out of the way of a wild swing that would not have decapitated Ciner but me instead. I retreat with my back towards the gate and place the datapad in a corner on the floor, out of the immediate reach of shuffling feet.


    Vemrin on the offensive, they trade several blows bringing them back to the center of the floor. Ciner sidesteps the next attack and gives Vemrin a kick in passing, making the other one grunt. They both are already breathing hard. None of them is holding back.


    “You were hiding in one of the ventilation shafts!” This is not a question, Ciner states a fact.


    “Even with Tremel’s help it’s a wonder you got this far. You’re spoiled rotten, and ignorant!” Vemrin spits at Ciner’s feet.


    “I could not detect and disarm the trap because it had already been removed.” Ciner starts the circling this time, his eyed glued to his opponent’s face.


    Vemrin’s expression speaks of disdain. “Anyone with half your education would have been able to pick up the remaining Force resonances.”


    “Next time I will.” Ciner owns his fault.


    “There won’t be a next time for you!” Vemrin spews. Weapon raised overhead he jumps to his next attack.


    The volume of the shot surprises me as much as everyone else.

  15. @alaurin: Nice to see Tia and Aric are still alive and kicking.


    It's also good to see there is still some life left in the thread. I won't complain, though, since life keeps me busy myself. Too many ideas too little time. (And too much work in RL that needs to be prioritized.)

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