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Everything posted by steveerkcanjerk

  1. If 1 guys is giving 5 guys trouble that is a skill issue like through and through. There isn't really a class that is dps that should stay up that long unless that player is just that much better. And if you are all tunneling mitigation tank and its a taking a bit that is also a skill issue. Well if we are being fair they just removed a stun in these notes and replaced it with a root. Crowd Control and playing around it is also a big part of not just this mmo but many. And if we take a step back we look at the notes - a stun being removed - Madness got its cc nerfed - We picked up a slow field that can be easily avoided, goes on a 20 sec cooldown, takes a gcd to cast, and does not apply hinderence, has to be picked against other tough choices especially for pt, so i would say overall CC actually went down rather then up. Funny part is the stealth scan actually makes a whole lot of sense and we also get to test it on pts so these notes are totally finial. They already added changes based on feedback so I would say thats a W. And after playing WoW pvp swtor cc has nothing compared to WoW. Makes you almost wish for a resolve bar.
  2. So for PVE if you want to keep cancelling your serise of shots you can. But the reestablish range became baseline outside of the knockback. And now if you take the knockback you just get 25% suppressive fire dmg with it. But I don't think saying because I can cancel something so it should be okay when its not designed that way is not really a great argument. I would prefer not to cancel my channel. Do i think its still gonna be tough as a sniper/slinger yes, but alot of those other utils are pretty loaded with stuff on them and it does seem like they are trying to give us as many options as possible which is why not every "essential" effect is all on one thing. But I will say when i queue with a healer and tank kiting + guard + getting heals feels alright. Giving the group diversion is also pretty clutch. But solo play still might be tough, but i can still get the damage out. I am not saying that you are wrong about sniper survivability or anything like that but it did go somewhere overall and we just got the knockback back in there so you can keep it. Personally I am gonna be taking that on engineering especially. But they are clearly watching and there is a PTS, and we are getting some back and forth. Its nice to see adjustments being made even before the pts goes up.
  3. Idk i get queue pops pretty quickly and regularly of both arena and warzones. Maybe i am on at the right time. But I don't think removal of ranked would hurt a queue full of players that never even touched the mode. Also its been a bit since season started, pop is gonna go up and down just kinda how that works. Other games come out, people do other activities in the game itself. Jedi Survivor is about to drop this weekend i imagine that will effect the games pop.
  4. the TTK is defiantly not too high lol. And honestly feels alot better to me at least. 6.x everyone had a dcd up almost all the time and now you actually have to use them well. A dps doesn't just get to hit 3 buttons and take the tunnel of 4 people, it also makes the tank and healers really have to be on their A game to keep a team alive. But the TTK did not go up at all, it actually went the other way.
  5. Hatred is one of the best parsing specs in the game, a nerf should honestly not come as a shock. And in terms of offering things to a raid there are plenty of times where shrouding a mechanic is not bad. We literally on NiM TFB have a hatred sin rotate a shroud in for a slam so the tank takes basically no dmg. But I would not call hatred sin horrible in pvp. Is it the best spec ever in pvp nah but is it the worst nah. But the nerf is probably coming from a PVE angle, because their numbers are actually pretty crazy.
  6. If i have to guess it is to make the parse far more consistent. I also think the fear for it is really over blown. If you get 3 supercharges from thermal det just because you are at 8 its not big deal if 1 is extra you will still get to SCG faster. And if you pair this with the volatile warhead skill mod that 3+2 supercharges in 2 gcds. Honestly the uptime on SCG might be kinda nuts.
  7. Well I hate to break it to you but this is kinda how its been since well ever lol. Also alot of these "issues" aren't even issues they are just the nature of PVP in any MMO. Play ESO, WoW, GW2 etc. Some are less previlent then others like for example vet players vs new players. That requires population to be really high for any game to not feel that and you still feel that. WoW has cross server queues and one of the biggest pops not just in mmo's but in gaming. And you still see new players get put in a BG against vets because it just happens matchmaking can't be so picky that people have long queue times. Even MOBAS like league have the same issue come up because the reality is that its not possible to get picture perfect matchmaking. 1. Premades just about every game has them. At this point it is a little silly to complain about them, people working/playing together in a multiplayer role based game is going to just be better. Make friends find 3 other people to queue arena with, its not that hard and the game gives you all the tools to do so. Especially if you are a avid PVPer you should be able to communicate with others if not you will just have to accept that sometimes you gonna get squashed. And also if you are queing and a group was on the other side, dont instantly queue right back up, be smart. 2. IDK what server you are on but on SF full 5+ player premades are not common. We have players complaining about being solo and to think its common for a full group of 7 above average players to be a common occurrence is a little silly. Especially when there are measures in the game where they don't get instant pops so you should be skipping them most of the time. 3. Stealth trick in huttball is well a strat. There is an easy way to counter it, dps well and control the middle of the map. If a guy sits in the endzone all game that means his team is a player down everywhere else on the map. Or find and remove him. If you see the ball carrier running towards the ledge start dropping AoE on the ledge. The huttball throw does not have infinite range. Or better yet win the fight at mid. If they are just killing all of you well...do you deserve to win a pvp match? Probably not? 4. CC lol okay. So alot of the classes lost their hard stun as a gurantee choice. White bar isn't going off as often because you are not being hard CC'd as often. Which means you can fight back. So if you are using a breaker on slows then your goofing. CC is a contention point also in just about every role based game. Overwatch to WoW it will never feel good to get CC'd. But to say that its happening "more" would not be accurate. But there are alot of tools in the game to counter this and survivability of majority of the classes went down in 7.0. And its also the job of a tank or teammate to peel for you, personally I dont want to go back to each class having a bunch of health bars or reflects galore all over the place. As a dps you should die under tunnel and no support. And if a group of 3 players wants to cycle CC's on you well tough. You are outnumbered. 5. Scoreboard bugs okay ill give you that. But that doesn't drive new players away. 6. Poor matchmaking is not an issue they can fix at this point. The skill gap between players is something that just has been an issue in this game for a long time. There are just flat out alot of players who just dont want to improve skills, gear correctly, or learn their class. But they enjoy just coming in and hitting buttons. Find friends who want to get better or enjoy playing well and you will find your experience will improve. This goes for any MMO at this point. But if there are only 40-50 people in queue there is only so much you can ask from the match maker. 7. Meta so right now the meta is pressure, just like at times its been burst. So if we look at classes that are doing pretty well in PVP - Madness, Leth, Veng, Pyro, Engi (if skilled), Carnage, Arsenal, AP, Rage, Deception. For DPS I would argue all of these specs are very good right now in PVP. Thats a really good chunk of specs to be viable in a meta. Its nice to play some arena and not just see double AP (that is still crazy to go against). And you could even argue fury could be in there. And for supports Healers atm any one of those 3 is a solid choice. Merc probably being the easiest to do well on. Tanks same thing, sin lags a bit behind pt and jugg but right now they are dishing some great damage out and have good utility. So this is defiently not the worst meta ever. Are some specs easier then others, yes. To say only 3 specs are good sounds like crying. Just like the old meta shifted eventually so will this one. 8. Two cloaks is not broken lol. And buggy abilities ill give you that but you will find that in alot of mmo's especially movement based ones. But to address the point, if this is enough to make a new player stop playing then every mmo is going to stop them from pvping. If you are new, you should expect to get stomped. That is in any game. When I first start PVPing in any mmo happened to me to. There is a learning curve. Making friends, finding people to play with is the key to any team based activity in video games and irl. You also can flex more builds in a group, leth giving you trouble? Nets and anti heal options are nice way to deal with it. But if you are playing alone and investing everything in self preservation yeah its not gonna be as easy of time.
  8. that is fair and like i said it really depends on who and what i am fighting. If i feel i am being tunneled more frequently in my matches i change my mods and such to accommodate. So if there is someone in queue who starts tunneling me or something i grab RS. Similar to how i change my mods and such with depending on who i am playing with. So if i am in a cleave comp i grab more AoE mods. Which also brings me to another point solo vs group play. If i am in a group there are more instances where i can take RO over the Reflect. In a solo environment i would say Reflect has more uses. If I need more mobility also just switch to IO over arsenal. And so far it has served me well, but I was very used to kiting merc since forever and even back when it was considered garbage tier in arenas i was able to pull off a gold or silver in many seasons. This also isn't a "balance is perfect" statement i think RO should break roots for example. I dont think you should be immune to dmg because that is the operative and warrior thing but I think a root break would be super fair. I can't tell you tholl how many times people give me free charges with RO and i can zip around an arena all day. Its actually pretty fun as well, will someone eventually catch you? For sure, but did they just spend an eternity to do so and most of the time someone on their team is dead. But I just play into my playstyle and build that i am running, stand where its hard to hard swap or dot spread. Play and edge for knock back, net at the right time etc. And if the other team wants to open on me i just stay back or take a reflect which is great case to take but i am not always first focus. And when fighting an AoE heavy team which is a big part of the meta atm, being out of that has been more useful then trying to time a reflect against leth, madness, or veng. At least on Star Forge the vengence and rage jugg i normally queue alongside gets tunneled first where I think the solo vs group choices come into play.
  9. making it work is a stretch. Alot of people these days do not use this functionality and many of those games have console versions and such that need it. While on PC its easy for us to type and use third party to communicate. It would honestly be a massive waste of dev time. Hardcore players already use third party, casual players will just keep it off, and that small % of players that would want this would not be worth the effort pleasing. We already have target markers and text chat tbh thats all you really need to communicate. If we are comparing mmo's if we want to compare to other games like shooters well voice chat is more essential because many of them dont have good pings systems and those that do you will notice people dont use the in-game voice alot. Apex legends is a great example of a ping system and comms system that doesnt need a guy saying top left top left. But when I turn on Rainbow Six or Valorant its a different beast where a ping and a more detailed call is life or death in literally snap of a finger. SWTOR all players can be seen, tabbed on to, debuffs and buffs visible, they are on the map etc. I don't need to tell someone over and over again to stop tunneling the tank, or swap off a guarded target. Aside from moderation there is just no reason why it needs to be there and swtor is in a genre that generally doesnt use in-game voip. The closest games i can think of are more sandbox games where pvp is enabled but you need voip to tell someone to not shoot really fast.
  10. i guess its more of an issue for you then me, and I am not saying reflect is useless, it has its uses and you and me can sit here go back and forth about use cases but that is highlighting why its a choice. They both have distinct use cases, and you and me going back and forth about what we prefer seems to be why its a choice. I prefer to kite my enemies down especially when i am first focus you prefer to have a reflect. And there are some fights where i also prefer to have a reflect and i just change the mod out. But I have sit nearly every match at the top of the dmg board, have 70% win rate between both seasons in arena and a 65% in warzones so i would say its working out just fine for me. I am sure as a veteran merc player as well it is working out just fine for you to.
  11. beginning of seasons felt pretty solid but then it the activity fell off pretty quick. Like after 2 weeks or so even at prime time things got very stale. Running into the same few people on their alts is also not super engaging or fun. And if you are a tank good luck finding matches past first few weeks and when you do, you better hope that you are either way better then the other tank or at least same skill level. Because either 3 things happen 1. You both go at it keeping each other stuck at the same elo for a after noon juggling the other 6-9 dps in queue between your teams. 2. He farms you and should not even be matched with you. 3. You farm him for like 2 games and he drops out of queue and now you sit there. It was also way to easy to cheat. Just tell your homie to get on a support role and throw against you. Because you have people who literally watch leaderboards and then added person to friends or track through /who and throw on them to send them down. Its also not something that is easily catchable and bannable. Someone could "just not be playing as well" at that moment. And they get themselves enough of a stat line to say darn we just lost. But ranked hasn't been healthy or close to it in a long time. I enjoyed it but i can't pretend to be shocked that it has finally gone away. The only MMO that i have seen that has some what of a healthy ranked playerbase is WoW and thats just because well its got alot of players. Even GW2 gets really quiet towards the middle of a ranked season, FF14 1 week in starts getting 18-30 min queue times. ESO doesnt have ranked, BDO has arena of solare but that shows up once a year and is dead after 2 weeks, so yeah ranked as a mode tends to not do well in mmo's for the most part.
  12. Well in arenas you don't really need reflect against every comp. And it its also very map dependent. If there is any elevation just boost people off taking no dmg is the best dcd. If the other team has alot of stealth reflect becomes more valuable because they can reset fight alot. Reflect doesn't work against good players because everyone stops attacking you and begins to drop AoE. Atm dots and pressure is the meta, so getting out of cleave is alot more valuable then popping reflect. Naturally this changes depending who and where you are fighting. But atm Leth, Vengence, pyro, hatred, madness can give 2 cares about the reflect but if they can't spread to me or have to waste time catching me thats more valuable. Second why does melee get to keep that stuff well because their classes literally become unplayable without it. And if will become a defacto choice every time. That is their primary engage, you take that away and they have to walk up to enemies. It is not on the same level as our dcds. Sure a really good player can keep up with you on rocket out, but i get to keep doing dmg, I have some self healing, I do heal from direct dmg off energy shield, I also have 3 other teammates who should be doing something. If you run around for 30-45 seconds, netting, rooting, kiting, jet boosting dps off and your dps on your team fail to kill anyone thats not your fault or the fault of your class. Can the balance be better i am sure, it always can be but tbh we have really short memory. It wasn't too long ago jugg tanks had 5 health bars, or AP PT and Pyro had meteor brawler and free heat, or mara could stealth in and out in and out. I personally dont have any issue with using rocket out, i have played hundreds of arenas in the past 2 seasons and extensivly played ranked when it was around, its not that big of an issue. Also as a merc i do have alot of good dmg, I have a net, i can sap, and a pretty juicy burst window on both specs. This isn't me saying roots and slows are not an issue that can be looked at in some shape or form. But the merc is not this helpless class that is a free kill in arena. I do pretty damn well on it and often in the top dmg in a match. Edit: Oh and they don't keep all their gap closers. PT's have to spec into rocket out, Jugg's into mad dash, Ops into their holotraverse thing, Mara's in predation, etc. Everyone is making choices here and tbh I have personally enjoyed pvp more. I am hard cc'd alot less, everyone doesn't have a ton of dcds and ttk is alot faster. It got really old when every class it felt like had a ton of dcds to go through. Is it perfect nah but it was nice not fighting through a bunch of health bars.
  13. I think stuff can defiantly be looked at but one thing i will say is i really have enjoyed less hard CC. At least with roots or slows i can still fight back more often now that not every class just gets a 4 sec stun. But because of that I think we are noticing the roots and slows more because players are utilizing them more and we are spending far less time white barred compared to pre 7.0. But with that said there is alot of stuff that break roots and slows. Alot of states that make immune to them and slows don't stop movement abls or gap closers. But natrually like any pvp game some stuff can be tuned. If roots and slows contributed to white bar there is alot of other considerations. This would make the melee super strong, not only do they have very solid gap closers some classes with 2 of them, but that is one of the primary ways ranged classes keep their distance from melee. Also keep your teammates in mind, roots and slows are baked into some rotations so it might get really annoying when your teammates is white barring people when you are trying to get a real stun off. I would rather some slows and such get nerfed rather then contributed to white bar personally. I think white bar should be reserved for things that actually make the enemy player stop fighting back. Techncially even if you are rooted or slowed you are not helpless, there are abls that break roots, you can shoot back or use a ranged abl, etc. Like if a i get rooted and i am still able to do dmg to you should i get a white bar? Probably not. And for those that are specing into CC it makes their choice less valuable because more people will just always be white barred. And as a merc I personally prefer rocket out over reflect but you have alot of tools that just need to be well timed. E-net is a death sentence for a op, jet boost is solid, rocket out also grants you leap immunity. One thing i really enjoy about merc and as someone who has mained it in pvp since 2011 is that I do like the return to avoiding getting hit by damage. We just had many years of face tank merc and when a merc who was really good at kiting not only had those tools but also strong defensive tools felt oppressive. Not to mention specing into explosive dart gives you a nasty slow option against your foes. Only time i ever spec into reflect is when i hop into an arena and i see alot of stealth on the other team or double pt otherwise rocket out is amazing at keeping you alive. Also something alot of peopel forget as a dps cleanse yourself. You can remove alot of damage taken increase debuffs.
  14. I do really miss open world pvp but I think swtor pvp is still pretty solid. I miss ranked but ranked WZ's were pretty dead and idk if i can honestly say bioware failed them. Like they put alot of incentive to pvp from mats, to unique rewards, flairs, etc. Like idk what more they could have done to push people to play ranked. But from a gameplay standpoint alot of those mmo's should not even be on that list. And I think eve and planetside are way to different to compare. And as someone who has played most of those games and plays alot of mmo pvp in general, alot of those games while had cool wpvp ideas, their gameplay was really sub par and thats why they died. Archeage literally had 1 shot builds, in what world is that good pvp.
  15. Also that is another really good point. Alot of people don't consider the fact that they might have premade on their side to. And if your premade gets stomped by the other well you are gonna feel it to. But 8 man premades are very rare in reality. I have also been dabbling in the new pvp season in ff14 that started this week and its no different. Even in a 100% solo queue one team usually stomps the other. Its even like this in WoW and i say that as a 2,000+ rated player in arenas in there that stomps happen there to more frequently. I think this is because well the skill gap in mmo's is really big between players. Like even in a shooter right you can get lucky head shots or gernades etc. on the a player. But in a mmo, you can't just 1 tap a player better then you with luck. The TTK is longer and if a player knows more then you well you aren't gonna win most likely in that fight. This is just how rpg type of pvp is because its more about knowledge and timing abls more then anything and if you know all the classes and when they are weak vs a player who maybe has played 2 classes well guess what you are gonna get stomped because while you used your whole burst into my mercs energy shield i held mine until your reflect fell off and took out 50% of your hp while mine went back to full. Or when I see players go full tilt into a Enraged Defense meanwhile i fired 2 rapid shots removed it from them and then bursted them back down in 2 gcds. Or my favorite when you dps on your team tank tunneling then going like "why no one dying?"
  16. bro this happens literally all the time especially when i play on my tank. As someone who actually guard hops and i am just gonna be honest is pretty good at pvp everyone says premade premade. Just because i put guard on my healer or a dps being tunneled or taunt. And when i am on a dps and hard swap to someone they think we are all premaded up. When in reality you should be watching dcd's and health bars. There is alot of L2P issues for alot of players. And now that ranked is gone alot of us who played the game as hardcore pvpers are now being put in the regular queue and its pretty easy to stomp people and i dont need 3 or more other players to do it. There are literal players who back pedal, don't hit dcds, pop all their dcds at one time etc. and then cry about getting globaled. Its funny and even when i do occasionally go up against a premade of players its weird how my damage taken is higher then most of the team but yet i am still competing very close with them in dmg. Its almost like if you space out dcds. Premades didn't make you pull 3k dps in a pvp match. Thats a you issue, thats a skill issue. And these aren't new players either I have seen people with filled out legacy achievments pulling like 2k-5k dps in 2023. There is no amount of matchmaking thats gonna fix that.
  17. This is for the new season i did not play my scoundrel in the last one. Played about 55 matches for warzone and 120 for arena. Warzone: 55 games played, 37 games won. Arena: 120 games played, 91 games won.
  18. All joking aside alot of those game are like actually dead. Like you won't get matches or see people. Like archeage has been dead for a long time. Like on steam chart, 72 players was the 24 hour peak. Its fun to rip and say dead game but like alot of the games on the list are actually dead or average less then 1500 players.
  19. They put old school runescape over tor? Gloria Victus? Archeage? and anyone who has played BDO knows that pvp is super overrated where you get CC'd and literally die? Mortal Online 2? This list feels silly. Like these games are not better then tors pvp. Idk how dead games can have a better pvp then tor. And some of those games like eve online and planetside 2 I think are way too different to compare. But like alot of those games are super dead. If they had that much better pvp you would think more pvpers would be playing those games. But at least we are on the list lol.
  20. Umm no? You should have to pvp to get the rewards skilled based or participation based. Otherwise people will farm them through the path of least resistance. Having exclusive rewards to specific pieces of content is really important for an mmo. I agree but I think this comes with a double edged sword. Cheaters, specifically win traders. People are gonna throw for each other if this is the case. It is probably one of the main reasons we lost ranked rewards in the first place was there was alot of cheating that occured in ranked queues. Players will pick the path of least resistance and often that is cheating. Even FF14 has similar issue with their ranked season. So for those who do not know FF14 also attempted a pvp revamp like swtor. 1. They added a battle pass system like we have based on participation. 2. But they also kept ranked. Ranked in there was notorious for people cheating through win trading because just like swtor their pvp portion of the game does not have enough pop to stop queue syncing. If any skill based rewards are gonna come out I would like there to be really really tough safe guards in place to stop this and really punish people who do it. But here is the thing, how much resources do we want the dev team to give that? That is even less time spent on the actual game, fixing bugs etc. Nobody has a job just to sit and watch for cheaters especially on a smaller dev team. And right now we have people crying about premades and matchmaking. What happens when you through an incentive to win trade and manipulate games as well. I think all the queues would be plagued.
  21. I think this says it all. "I am not playing". Because muck like commando i have been playing all the time. Evening prime time, afternoon, hell on weekends even some 3am stuff when the queue gets quiter. (crazy thing is you still get pops). Because your logic doesn't add up. 1. Group ranked was not dead because people couldn't make groups. Group Ranked was dead because most players are not good at this game. Even PVP players didn't do it because of this. It was a waste of time. You literally got hard stuck bronze because unless you could beat the top 5 teams on the server there was no point so solo queue was the only other ranked option. 2. Solo ranked fell into another issue, you couldn't play with friends which then alienated more players from trying it. Do I play the game with my friends at prime time? Or hop into Solo ranked? Ummm hmmm what a hard choice. Even good pvpers would rather play with their buddies after a work day. 3. And if there are sooo many more solo players in the game then players grouping up then those groups would not have as big of an impact on matchmaking statistically. If 5 games are going on at once and 60% of the queue is solo players well...maybe 1 or 2 of the matches will have a premade and that means 4 or more. 1-3 player premade is not unstoppable. There is alot of different type of people in queue. And instead of standing around waiting for the "perfect" match i would rather get a damn game going. Most people have like 2-3 hours to play in the evening and if I have to sit around for 15 minutes between matches. Here is the reality, what is worse for bioware having you stop playing? Or a whole guild/group of players stop playing? Thats why MMO's especially or even shooters don't enforce these rules. Even in competitive games people can play together with higher level players but for some reason swtor is this game that needs to change it up why lol? And if you want to look at evidence MMO's that have tried your suggestions: 1. FF14 - this game still has only solo queue for casual pvp. Do i even have to explain the state of pvp in ff14. Its boring, you can't do the activity with friends and guilds, so guess what everyone avoids it unless they have to grind out a battle pass for a piece of armor they want. 2. ESO - they implemented solo only queues due to the same feedback you keep giving. It took 6 months and the game reverted the changes. PVP guilds left the game, players stopped playing because they cant play with their friends, so ZOS said nah we going back and haven't looked back since. So in what universe is this good for swtor, why would they do it? Every time it happens it hurts the game that does it. It sounds awesome on paper and i am sure everyone here can agree we would love perfect matchmaking to make sure everyone is the same skill etc. in a match but thats not real life. The reality is for all mmo's not just tor that its not possible to make sure all skills, roles, and group sizes are even. Its just not, even in crystaline assault on ff14 i get put in miss matched roles because pops need to happen. So yes to commandos point it starts to look like a crusade. But if you literally play pvp in any other mmo its the same thing. Game is multiplayer, communicating and playing in a group > solo. Its a huge draw of these games. Otherwise if i just wanted to grind loot by myself i would just play diable or PoE or something. But in a role based pvp game killing groups has lead to disaster for the game. Edit: Something I can agree with is that 5+ player premades is a bit excessive and that I am perfectly fine with it going back to 4 players. The thing that i don't agree with is solo vs group queues. But I can see bioware changing it back to 4 player max in the near future.
  22. This is a tough call. Because I don't think it is really fair for a less filled role to be left out of the queue. Like if your a dps player its easy to just say not my problem but those players are filling a vital role pvp is balanced around. But I think it can be better for example: 1. Only 1 tank and 1 healer on a team. I should not see 2 tanks or 2 heals on the same team. You can't premade that comp anyway so the matchmaker should separate the supports. But the reality is we just won't get evened out roles every time. The matchmaker should try but if there isn't anyone available for the tank just get him in there. But I did notice at peak times this issue occurs less. Edit: Also just wanted to add I think we would all like roles to be matched but it just won't be possible.
  23. A little critical thinking would go a long way on this take.
  24. I just thinking its funny how all of sudden this is such a massive issue. Like solo's and premades have always been in the same queue. And the chance of running into a full 6-8 player premade is pretty rare. I feel alot of players blame a loss alot on oh they are in a premade. Sometimes L's happen and sometimes you get stomped. Sometimes you go on losing streaks it happens even to the best players in any game. But literally nothing has really changed they just removed ranked. And all this talk of checking for 2 man, 3 man, 4 man, 5 man, 6+ man premades is going to bog the queue down so much. Like how fractured are you really going to make this games matchmaking? There is a reason other games don't do this. Everyone has a bad experience at different times. What if you are a solo player and there are more 2-3 man premades in queue and you get left out of the queues now you get a bad experience, if you are a group type player in a 2-3 player premade and there are other sized premades you now get left out depending on time of day. Or we can all just play a unranked game, take the L's on occasion, get better at the game and stop pulling 1-2k dps (yeah its insane how many people are pulling less then rapid shots worth of dmg), or maybe find some friends. In a perfect world would we get perfect elo's matches, perfect comps, perfect teammates and enemies, but we and neither does any other game live in that world. The only other game that has no groups and is pure solo queue is FF14. There is a reason why pvp is super dead in that game. I have actually had a 30min queue no joke. ESO had to revert its solo only queue because it killed their pvp scene. So every time someone has tried this solo queue only nonsense it has been reverted or the pvp becomes stale and dead. There isn't a metric, no action, in a multiplayer game that has shown this to be healthy for the game. Lastly there is a huge distortion of facts here. Acting like premades are everywhere and in queue all the time is silly. I don't count 2-3 player groups as a "premade" in the same sense of 4 players or more. Cause lets just be honest if 3 people beat you, you deserve to lose. But no one here knows who exactly is premade who isn't, you might be suprised how many times some of you have come out victorious against a premade. But if you say that solo players way out number group players and that bioware should cater to that would mean that majority of the games are between solo players. And if its the other way around, then that probably means they should cater more to groups by that logic. But most likely the number is inbetween with varying group sizes playing. And there is matchmaking system that can properly handle that without giving everyone stupid wait times at random times of day. I can't say what percent of the games are what and neither can anyone here but tbh pvp has been fun. Both arenas and wz's have been fun. I say that as a solo queue person 80% of the time. I think people are focusing on L's that went badly and ignoring alot of the other matches that didn't.
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