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Everything posted by Metsuro

  1. YOu have bad information. Please provide proof. Oh you can't because they weren't full and no queues? Aww poor baby.
  2. I paid 59.99 for the game didn't you? Get over yourself. I paid for the game already. I cant play it. Theres a problem.
  3. No the total amount let in today will be more than yesterday. They may have done 100k yesterday and 110k today.
  4. They wont cause they havn't let enough people in to fill the ones they have and wont any time soon.
  5. Lines have ques, this one doesn't Shut up.
  6. Thats because in are in que for the ride. We arn't in que.
  7. Not in the slightlest. Rift launched in a day with 750K preorders. Stop making things up.
  8. Ya, but statsically when you look at who gets what done first. Its always pvp servers in mmo history. Pve is a thing of the past.
  9. I know roughly 600 people still waiting to get on pvp servers. PvE is the past my friend.
  10. I paid 59.99 on origin at the time of my preorder. Go away.
  11. He paid for his product that included 5 day early access. He is a pay customer.
  12. No, up to 5 days implies more than one. SR just promised 1 day after you paid. That is called bait and switch.
  13. And of course this is a lie. Most pre-orders are done after beta.
  14. Please learn to comprehend up to 5 days, is a guarantee of more than one day. SR said you are now only promised a single day. That my friend is called a bait and switch. They implied you'd get more thatn 24 hours before the offical launch. Which you wont get, and they informed you AFTER you paid that oh well no now we are only going to give you a day.
  15. That lack of information regarding the staggered launch is the problem. Please read a single post before trying to be "witty"
  16. 8 am CST is 9 am EST when the launch today was 7am EST
  17. Nope. the 19th. Straight from the horses mouth. http://twitter.com/#!/Rockjaw/status/146705008350609408
  18. Aion had 10 minute 200 man ques the first week on all but one server, that took less than 10 minutes to get in once the afk shop exploit was fixed, that had 2k wait. Stop trying to troll.
  19. Invalide point, when areas are instanced.
  20. Stop complaining please. Follow your own instructions.
  21. He doesn't feel self-entitled. He bought a service that included early access. Bioware than changed the service to allow certain people premium service for the same price. Bioware effectively pulled a bait and switch and doesn't want you to notice.
  22. I had to pay a pre-order free from oirign. So please stop talking.
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