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Posts posted by tokosan

  1. OP is one of those uber-nerds who think that 30 min corpse runs and grinding thousands of mobs for a single level equates to fun. In reality its just elitism, but the sad thing is that a high-level character in a grind-centric MMO is not something to be proud of. A dodge viper is. But not a level 80 cleric in some hyper-nerd game that 10 people play.
  2. maybe making it so republic didnt have all the lame races would have helped?


    green people, twi'lek, or humans with blindfolds? Or zabrak (but not the cool color). Gee, i wonder why people don't want to roll republic?


    I can be darth maul... or a human with something on their face.



    Overall, the races and customization of this game is shameful, but did they HAVE to give empire all the cooler races?

  3. Fellow PvPers, thank you for taking on the challenge of player vs player combat in The Old Republic!


    In the first week after launch there were over a million Warzone matches played, with nearly half of all players participating in Warzones. Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future.


    We are all really excited at the tremendous volume of participation we’ve seen in PvP thus far. Your interest and demand dictates what we’ll be delivering in the near future. I wanted to give you some insight into where we are with PvP development and where we are going.


    First and foremost here is what we are addressing as a top priority:


    Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January.


    Open World PvP on Ilum: The planet of Ilum currently allows for open world PvP even on a PvE server, but the mechanics and incentives of the planet are not in as intended yet. We’re working on longer term goals for the planet and for other PvP areas, but expect to see some interim adjustments in January - such as more respawn points to focus conflicts, restricting Companion Characters from the area, and revisions to rewards. Ilum will also become a major source of Valor. Valor buffs will increase and decrease based on the objectives your faction owns. These buffs increase the amount of Valor you receive per player kill. However they do not give anything in and of themselves, so players will still need to defeat other players for significant Valor rewards. Additionally, daily and weekly missions will require player kills to complete. Player kills for quests and Valor credit will have diminishing returns per player killed. So, the more players that are fighting other players, the better it is for everyone.


    Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on.


    We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations.


    Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in.


    This is not a complete list of everything we’re working on that’s PvP related, but we have to keep some surprises for later! Thanks again for all your feedback and please keep it coming. We read as much as we can then cross reference with metrics to take action on features and tuning the game to ensure an enjoyable and competitive PvP community.


    Gabe Amatangelo

    Principal Lead PvP, Operations & Flashpoints Designer


    "Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on."



    That's it? Not good enough for me. What is this, politics? Tell us what you're doing, dammit! We aren't children, we are (mostly) intelligent adults that bought a game we are mostly dissatisfied with!

  4. yep. i noticed this at level one, because its an old habit of mine from WoW days, just when finishing a cast i will jump forward, clipping the cast bar short, but of course in wow the spell had already fired.


    in this game, it does not allow me to do that. i know they are trying to be unique here, but you don't see toyota leaving rear view mirrors off to be "unique" or "epic"



  5. Hey,


    I got to level 30 on my Vanguard, and I've done all the flashpoints that I am supposed to up to this point.


    Esseles was very cool, several cutscenes with voice acting.. but then I did ones like hammer station and every single one past that point (cademimu, mandalorian raiders), the cutscenes either are not there, or just a text-only cutscene at a computer terminal with a "good" or "evil" button to push.


    Does it continue this way? Are there really only 2 dungeons with a story line and actual cutscenes?

  6. god, the fanboyism on this forum is insane


    the dev's have basically acknowledged that the game is garbage.


    if you don't see the responsiveness problem then chances are you are a casual keyboard-turning clicker that would be ecstatic with a 1200 arena rating in wow.


    sad sad days ahead

  7. who cares? i can't even use my abilities without a built in 1 second lag so who knows? maybe some classes just work better with built-in lag than others


    whatever. when is GW2 supposed to come out anyways


    i can just imagine bioware company party on a multi million dollar yacht drinking crystal champagne and laughing at chump MMO players that are perfectly satisfied with playing a game that really ought to be in beta


    (this goes for all MMO's btw)

  8. Bioware and Blizzard? You are adorable!


    More like EA and Activision. And I hear EA's doing alright.


    take an economics class. just because they are owned by parent companies doesn't mean they dont keep track of their own profits, and have their own budgets which are influenced by revenue.


    i am going to go out on a limb here and say you're a fanboy playing sith sorcerer.

  9. BYE, go back to WoW and enjoy the Kung Fu Pandas. For ****s sake people, the game is 3 weeks old and **** doesn't fix magically, you have it narrow down the problem, probably meet a few times to determine what all will be effected and then finally make the fix.




    Stupid people are stupid.

    its ok for bioware to release an unfinished game because that's apparently just how MMO's are. MMO - the only genre where they release buggy garbage and the community supports that. Demand some quality for once, have some damned dignity!


    and no, their excuses dont work because THEY KNEW ABOUT ALL THIS CRAP IN THE EARLY STAGES OF BETA TESTING!!!

  10. well, in a game with responsive controls, you'd trinket/tenacity and then either use a stun, heal, or survivability ability in the middle of their burst/lock.


    however, in a crappy game like SW:TOR that isn't an option because, by the time the ability activates, you are either dead, or having to sit through a maddeningly long GCD/UI lag. Annnnnnd, you're dead


    this isn't a pvp game, get used to the fact. The way I see it, pvp is a way to quickly get entry-level ops gear. gj bioware! maybe the next time you can spend 300 million bucks for a decent product! good luck anyways!

  11. haha, fanboys.


    you realize all these unsubbs that are "going back to WoW" as you so eloquently put it, are taking money out of your favorite company in the world bioware's pocket, and putting it directly back into the dastardly blizzard's coffers.


    it would behoove you to encourage bioware to MAYBE MAKE A NON-CRAPPY MMO


    yeah i know, crazy idea, spending this much money on a game that doesnt have so many game-breaking problems WOAH WHO'DA THUNK IT

  12. it's kind of like...


    if you've never driven anything but chevy cavaliers, then the dodge neon might seem great.


    but hop in a mercedes S-class just once, and now the sub-compacts don't seem so great.



    in case you were wondering, in this scenario SW:TOR is a dodge neon. Although... wow isn't really a mercedes... its more of like a full-size nissan altima compared. The MMO market just isn't filled with luxury cars like FPS, RTS, etc.


    /car analogies

  13. the storyline is decent, but quite frankly i'd rather be playing ME2 a 5th time.


    Wouldnt everyone rather they put all their time and money into actual content that you'll be playing at max level? Rather than a conversation that is OK the first time, but gets skipped through the following 100 times?


    I mean i feel like literally all their work went into voice acting and (bland) writing instead of making it an actual good MMO.

  14. Stopped reading at "good parts".


    ROFL WoW is trash. Arenas were trash.


    i'll bet 100 bucks this guy is someone who played wow more than any other game, and only says its trash for one of several reasons:


    - bored of it, because anything gets boring over time

    - class got nerfed

    - not playing with friends, only spent time grinding boars and then wondering why he isn't a high-level raider/gladiator the second he hits max level

    - influenced by others saying the same thing, for the above reasons.


    now granted, the whole pandas thing looks super dumb, but that doesn't mean wow is trash. at its core it's still the most feature-filled and polished MMO out there.

  15. Nice! I like how my class has EXACT copies of multiple wow abilities (cooldowns and all) among other blatent wow mechanics. But why, bioware, why couldn't you have put a couple of the things WoW has that are great in?? Namely:


    - Controls that work

    - Responsive commands... abilities working as intended when i push the button. This is 2012 right??

    - Decent BGs

    - Decent PvP reward system. The one we have now is basically equal to wow's in 2004.

    - Arena?

    - Capability for large-scale combat

    - Capability for city raids (one of the most fun things in WoW I might add)

    - Brackets?

    - No server lag?



    Yeah great job on the PvP bioware. Oh and BTW some of the issues that affect PvP mostly also make PvE worse.



  16. oh and btw the only reason i am QQing on the forums and not playing the game is because my character has been stuck with a little speech bubble over her head for like 10 mins now, trying to figure out how to get out of this crap.



    this is a normal MMO bug that does not anger me. I do not like crappy, clunky controls and unresponsiveness as a key part of the game. it just screams bad game design and rushed development. BAD on you bioware!!


    at least i know mass effect 3 will be good! :D

  17. rofl, you fanboys are just something else. now you are justifying bioware NOT listening to the community! this is hilarious!


    i like eating at olive garden, but i dont want the waitress to spit in MY food because someone ELSE is being a total jerk.


    why does all this crazy logic only apply in MMO's? Oh and BTW if you think any bioware dev's are reading these QQ threads, then you are nuts. rofl.

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