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Posts posted by tokosan

  1. I dont understand why so many people are complaining about this... I'm Level 26 aand competing for boss/elite kills on a regular basis. I've had random people group with me for a kill so we could both get credit for it.




    the sweet spot right when people start getting bored and rerolling. don't worry around 40 you will be alll alone. like playing mass effect on easy mode with 20 miles of walking in between each battle!

  2. Really? You seriously can't comprehend the connection?


    Ok, here ya go:


    You're on Alderaan and you need to get to House Organna ASAP. You have a the choice between a Nerf that goes top speed 20-30 mph, or a speeder that goes 100+ mph. Which do you choose?


    and a kodo goes just as fast as a horse or a raptor? every animal has the same speed?


    for the love of god, this isnt a star wars tactical simulator, its an MMORPG, and a cartoony/arcadey one at that!


    just give us the damn tauntauns!

  3. dont think that there is one, directly resulting from terrible game design, making one faction very appalling compared to the other, etc.


    this is a pve game anyways, just make an imp and you'll at least be able to get flashpoint groups

  4. So you are mad at Bioware because in a futuristic type enviroment with speeders and spaceships, there are no horses?







    uh have you seen the movies? there are people riding animals ALL OVER THE PLACE


    ton tons? come on dude, go play a game where you know at least a smidgen of the lore.

  5. until my sub runs out, i will let bioware know how i dislike their game, and trust me, this game will NOT have any staying power.


    maybe not free to play soon... but it wont be a long-timer like wow, not ever.



    fanboys will be fanboys though.. up until you are the last one in that fleet and they merge servers..




    OH btw: guy saying i'm lying about the budget: from the new york times:





    look at the bottom of the article "from 125 to 200 million" so i am estimating the low end. its sad, really.


    bioware, you suck.

  6. My opinion in a nutshell:


    WoW's graphical saving grace is that it's style has always been very impressive. Despite a low polygon count, it continues to look great because of it's art. It's art has kind of hit its limit in the latest expansion however, as you can only slap on higher resolution textures for so long before people start to complain.


    SWTOR has a higher polygon count, but not nearly as much style, and so long as the textures remain in their current mediocre state, aren't as sharp as WoW's either.


    So technically speaking, SWTOR has *better* graphics, but WoW has a more impressive style. A lot of work goes into the art style of WoW, with almost the entire game intended to look like some epic painting that's been carefully crafted to be gorgeous from every angle.


    SWTOR is going to have some difficulty with this, as it's much more difficult to make things as impressive as a fantasy game in a sci-fi game, due to it not allowing the "magical" factor. WoW can pretty much use any idea it wants due to not really having any restrictions lore-wise as SWTOR does.


    Blizzard has stated that they have every intention of upgrading the vanilla race models in their next expansion, which I look forward to seeing. But I'm also looking forward to seeing the high res textures in SWTOR even more : )


    So it's just art vs technology. Whatever fits your fancy, but I wouldn't really compare them. Apples and oranges really.

    this guy hit the nail on the head

  7. Empire races:



    Human with sunglasses or stuff glued to face

    Darth maul

    Cool looking blue people with red eyes

    Crazy looking red-skinned evil people


    Hardcore looking bald human



    Republic races:



    Human with sunglasses or stuff glued to face

    Human with blindfold on

    Green human


    Human with horns (zabrak of course, but they seriously look dumb in those colors)




    Hmm how odd, when creating a character most people don't want to look super-lame! Maybe not EVERYONE wanted to be a human character, because on republic that's all you get.. LOL a human with your choice of skin color.


    OR you can be a twi'lek with no tentacle customization options (even though the icon for twi'leks shows a guy with his tentacles wrapped around his neck) But the empire gets that anyways, on the most common class, sith inquisitor.




    ... wait a sec. Notice how the empire has more available playable races? Weird!

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