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Posts posted by tokosan

  1. Missed the Dev post much?


    oh you mean that post that makes empty promisies? It's not like they have a good track record with resolving issues atm. Forgive me for asking them actually prove themselves first. Until they actually do something right, I am going to raise a stink until the day they ACTUALLY fix it.

  2. because, its what the masses want. and what the masses want is more DUNGEONS TO CRAWL THROUGH



    most people that play are bad at the game, and can't see the ability delay because they are too busy looking at their keyboard for how to turn around and face their attacker

  3. OP, did you just say something about classes with radically different skills?


    Like every class in this game has a 4s stun, a 2m cooldown "trinket" ability and a cast-stopper at close range, and a companion that plugs any hole their class doesn't fill


    how are the classes that radically different? Its like they took all the wow classes and shuffled em together and here ya go! Its a paladin... but RANGED!!! *Gasp*



    i cant even count how many abilities EVERY class shares. its a shameful number i can tell you that.

  4. yeah, but you are forgetting what the OP said. He said the participation awards are not as good as the hard mode stuff. The hard mode stuff is SLIGHTLY better, but not insanely out of reach for others.


    You are acting like everyone gets awarded top tier gear almost instantly. That just doesnt happen, you are ignoring half his post and quoting out of context.

  5. yeah, its true that the animations in this game are god-awful bad for the republic. But in their defense, they said they're going to fix it. and that's an easy fix... they just have to change the timing on the animations.


    But seriously, i just do not see them ever being able to fix this faction balance. It was NEVER this bad in wow.

  6. nope. Unfortunately I've been here since early access and love the game but some how my woman, work and motor sports still seem to take priority. Hit lvl 38 last night but got lucky twice, made great over time cash and bought a new seat for my Harley. But I do want to see level 50 too! Really.


    harley! come on bro you know triumph is where its at


    stop not waving to me because my bike has colors other than silver and black. that's just rude!

  7. Ok everyone. You can stop bashing the OP for being an anti-social and lazy, stinky jerk that noone likes and everyone ignores, now.


    There is no point in debating here. Every single one of you is entitled to your opinion. You are all entitled to play the game the way you want to play it. You are entitled to form groups via general chat, /who, your friends list, your guild or whatever. To each his own.


    Fact is, it doesn't change a thing. The LFG-Tool will still be implemented. And the people who want to use it are going to use it. There is absolutely and ultimately nothing you can do about it. Nothing.


    Play the game you want to play it but stop forcing your way of playing onto others.


    stop trolling, holy god man.


    can we have an adult response for ONCE?!?!

  8. what went on in the genre before WoW?



    Who cares? Pretty sure all those "hardcore" MMO dev's are banging their head against a wall, wishing they thought up blizzard's model.


    Because what are blizzard exec's doing right now? Sipping top-shelf bubbly on their nice boats off the malibu coast.


    yeah. and i'm glad for it, because i enjoyed the hell out of wow. more than any other game.

  9. Levels are the real problem

    When each major expansion changes the level cap, you make the players feel everything they did was useless


    what? dude.


    you are playing a video game. nothing you do advances you in real life. No one actually cares that you have a shiney robe on.


    Get a life, like the OP said, its not about basement nerds who want people to fawn over their epics they grinded 500 hours for. Its about the MASSES


    because thats who buys EA execs their nice new boats.


    see? its very simple.

  10. dude...


    i quit due to this a long time ago, like 5 days after i installed it.


    But uh, i just realized they charged my card again because I'm a dummy and forgot to unsub.


    SO now i'm here complaining on the forums. Get my 15 dollar's worth.



    So yeah, that's where all the people who saw this as a real issue are. Gone. Because it's unfixable, because THIS GAME HAS A HORRIBLE BADLY OPTIMIZED ENGINE

  11. And yet TOR adopts levels, which are the fundamental timesink tool. A truly clever MMO would sidestep that initial grinding phase, and simply jump straight to an end-game state which keeps you playing with entertaining activities.


    levels aren't. Quests that say kill 40 mobs are. Gigantic maps full of pointless mobs are. Repetitive quests are.


    And SWTOR has those in spades.


    Also i don't think the OP was trying to say that SWTOR was some revolutionary step forward for MMOs. Hes just dissing stupid MMO elitists.



    mmoRPG. role-playing game. Ya know it's always had levels for as long as ... since it's been invented, mister.

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