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Everything posted by BiggDirty

  1. Same thing on my server. The so-called "best" players are average at best, but since everyone sucks so badly, they think they are awesome.
  2. For the record, the OP is lying through his teeth. Sentinels are actually very underpowered in sub 50 until they get close to level 40. At level 13, they are lacking most of the key abilities that make them such a dominating class.
  3. So I'm on Balmorra, leveling my shadow, and I decided to test out some numbers on my attacks to make sure I'm using them efficiently. Step 1, how much damage per force does double strike actually do. After about 20 attempts, I simply could not get this ability to hit WITHOUT critting. Then I started to wonder, is this move bugged to crit ALL the time? So I went around and did nothing but double strike for the next 30 minutes, and even after at least 200 swings, it crit 100% of the time. Nobody else has noticed this? I mean, I'm not gonna complain, but that seems like kind of a big deal if it's happening to fully geared 50's in pvp as well.
  4. Your advice on playing defense in huttball is way off. The key to defense in huttball has nothing to do with killing or attacking the enemy ball carrier. The most important thing by far is to be aware of the location of his TEAMATES, and make sure that NONE of them are in position for a pass, pull, intercede, etc.. The biggest mistake that I see in huttball by far is that people zerg the ball carrier, and then he simply passes, gets pulled, leaps, or intercedes to the goal line. Think about it like this: If you were playing football, what do you think would happen if you sent your entire defense on a blitz to the QB, and left everyone else wide open? Yeah, sometimes you'd get a sac, but a QB who recognizes that you are doing this is simply going to pass immediately and then your team is completely screwed. Obviously you still have to kill the ball carrier and his escorts at some point, but you should ONLY go full attack mode when you are positive that he has no way of quickly getting to your goal line.
  5. I play a sentinel, and I feel sorry for ranged classes every time I attack them. In all honesty, if you are having trouble with pvp on your sentinel, then you have a lot to learn about how to play this game.
  6. Did you just reference the scoreboard as an indicator of skill? ...
  7. The devs are equivalent to casual gamers. They don't understand the ins and outs of pvp because they simply do not play it on the same level as the best players in the game do. The only true way to balance a game is to get the opinions of the elite players in the community. These players understand the game better than anyone, and more importantly, they get to look at the game from a perspective that 99% of us do not, since they are playing at the highest possible level. A good example of this concept is the street fighter 4 community. To the average player, the character "Ken" is considered cheap and OP. But in high level play, Ken is barely used at all and is in fact considered mediocre. The character "Rufus" on the other hand is considered horrible to an average player, but at high levels he is easily one of the best. Point being, if the SF4 devs listened to the average player, Rufus would get buffed, and Ken would get nerfed, which would only throw the balance of the game completely out of wack. Luckily, Capcom understands that only the elite players are qualified to give their opinion on "balance", a lesson that MMO developers have never learned, and probably don't want to learn, because it would hurt their bottom line.
  8. Who said I get my butt whooped? I don't have any problems in pvp thx. And btw, this entire debate was sparked by a video showing a juggernaut who massively outgears his opponents. So I don't see how it being rated warzones has any relevance.
  9. How about when I'm solo defending a node and there's nobody there, and I feel like running around randomly because I'm bored? How about when I'm in the pit and I want to leap to someone who is just a bit too far for me to get line of sight, so I'm jumping up and down spamming my leap key while moving back and forth slightly since it's impossible to actually measure the exact spot that I need? How about when I'm 1v1 against an infiltration shadow and I don't want to turn my back to him so that he can use shadow strike on me? How about the fact that I don't play every single minute of this game like it's the olympics, and I just don't FEEL like strafing because it's simply easier to press S and it makes no god damn difference anyway in a WZ full of scrubs who I am going to dominate either way. The part that you idiots are continuing to ignore is that I can strafe any time I want and the majority of the time that is what I'm doing. The point is that just because someone backpedals for 2 seconds in a 15 minute game, does not mean he is some horrible noob, and anyone who entertains that opinion is a giant moron.
  10. Learn to read. There are situations where it DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE whether you backpedal or strafe. Pressing S for half a second is a lot more comfortable to me than holding RMB + turn quarter circle + D + hold LMB + turn camera quarter circle. Why would I make the extra effort to back up 2 steps when the situation doesn't warrant it? Just so I can feel awesome about myself for being a non-backpedaler like you?
  11. Twinking is possible in this game but it's not worth the effort because you level so quickly through PvP that you'll only get to enjoy your twink for like 10 games. On my sentinel I bought all of the level 40 PvP gear in advance, and when I hit 40 I was completely destroying people for a few days because my stats were so much better than theirs. You can now take this even further by adding augments to all 14 slots, but that would cost quite a bit of money.
  12. This ridiculous argument is still going on? I've been playing fps games for 15 years, using WASD for movement. It's second nature to me and I'm not gonna unbind it just because I can achieve the same result a fraction of a second faster by strafing in a situation where it really doesn't make a single bit of difference. Keyboard turning is bad. It severely limits your ability to play effectively. Clicking is bad, it severely limits your ability to play effectively. Backpedaling once in a blue moon when speed is not a concern is MEANINGLESS and has no relevance to a player's skill level. Let me reiterate, I realize strafing does the same thing and does it faster, but in any situation where I do choose to backpedal, it makes ZERO difference at all in regards to the outcome, because if the situation had called for strafing, then I would have *********** strafed. Now for the love of god ****.
  13. The backpedaling argument is beyond stupid. I strafe 99% of the time, but if the situation warrants it, I have the backpedal key as an option. I'm not hurting for keybind space, so it doesn't affect me at all.
  14. Call me crazy man, but maybe, just MAYBE, there's a random element to what you're seeing. You know considering there's thousands of warzones played every day which are comprised of thousands of different people. But nah you're probably right, you played 2 games and saw a pattern, so that's probably 100% representative of the current state of PvP.
  15. I'm not ashamed at all. If you enjoy playing at a disadvantage, that's your problem. I like to win.
  16. BiggDirty

    Expertise cap?

    Damage reduction is NOT lower than damage increase, please stop spreading this misinformation. If you have 24% damage increase, your 100 will hit for 124 In order for the opponent to cancel this out, he needs 19.35% damage reduction which will cause the 124 to hit for 100
  17. Tell you what bro, when rateds come out, I dare you to form a team with no marauders or assassins on it. See how that goes for you and then come back here and tell me to l2p
  18. You people are so full of it. I'd give 5 million credits to anyone who can successfully kite me, other than a sniper. We have just as many anti-kiting tools as you have kiting tools. The only class that can negate this, as I said, are snipers, because we can't leap to them. Leap 15% permanent movement speed increase Spammable snare at no focus cost Stealth which breaks roots and increases movement speed 80% speed increase through transcendence Master strike which roots Crippling throw which roots Force stasis CC breaker Awe with no focus cost Yeah, you aren't kiting me liars.
  19. Those things are true, but are not relevant in organized play. I don't need multiple interrupts when the other 3 sentinels on my team are alternating kicks with me. 1v1 doesn't exist in organized play so the self-healing means nothing. The only thing that matters in PvP is utility and burst damage. Carnage can put out 2k+ dps in a short period of time, while annihilation caps out at around 1600. And like I said, 80% movement speed is a game breaking ability, and if you don't have it, you are gimping your team horribly.
  20. Sorry but annihilation is not better than carnage anymore. I put out way more damage as carnage and the 80% speed buff is an absolute MUST in rateds.
  21. Your list of "cons" is ridiculous. I win huttball games almost single handedly between transcendence, leap, camo, and guarded by the force. My supposed squishiness is irrelevant, because ANY class will die in that situation, and since I'm a dedicated DPS, I actually am able to live way longer than I should be able to. Can't do damage to tanks, who cares?? I'm not attacking tanks, I'm attacking healers, and once all the healers are dead, my entire team is on the tanks and they are going to die anyway. Easily kited? That's a laugh. I have NEVER been successfully kited in this game. Trying playing a warrior vs mage in WoW if you wanna know what being kited feels like. We have no cons. And mark my words you will see MANY top rated teams with 4+ marauders.
  22. Already did, and I'm enjoying the game immensely now that I can faceroll my way to victory.
  23. People still think warzone damage means something? SERIOUSLY? It's been 4 months for god's sake. Let me break this down again for the 15 millionth time. Sages use an ability called force in balance that hits 3 people for 2500 to 4500. Sages must spam a very weak DoT on basically everyone they see, in order to proc psychic projection. So, in a typical encounter, a sage will apply weaken mind to 3-4 different people, if it ticks down on all of them which it probably will, this will amount to almost 10k damage. THAT DAMAGE IS COMPLETELY WORTHLESS AND HAS NO EFFECT ON THE GAME. After applying their DoTs... they will then go into their rotation, which consists of FiB every time it's off cooldown. This will hit at least 2 people the majority of the time, resulting in more fluff damage to people OTHER than the guy he is trying to kill. Think about how many times FiB is casted in a 15 minute game. Think about how many times weaken mind is casted in a 15 minute game. THINK ABOUT IT. Out of that 500k, at least 200k was meaningless damage from these 2 abilities. Sage dps is basically worthless unless force potency is up. Any class that has the ability to attack more than 1 person at a time, is always going to top charts. AKA Focus specced Guardians/Sentinels and Balance sages. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEIR DPS IS HIGH OR THAT THEY ARE HAVING ANY EFFECT ON THE GAME.
  24. That may be true for pve... but in pvp, damage is fast and big. Those little 280 ticks aren't going to win you any games. Dropping massive burst damage on to enemy healers, and providing your team with 80% movement speed at crucial moments, THAT wins games. The healing from watchman is nice, but it's not a necessity.
  25. If you think other classes can put that kind of pressure on someone, you seriously need to l2p this game. If 2 sorcs try to kill my healer, I just laugh at them while I heal through it no problem. 2 snipers? LoS, game over. 2 mercs? LOL interrupt / CC / LoS all day 2 tankasins? Not even close to the same amount of burst. 2 juggs, difficult to deal with. What a surprise, they are using the same spec. 2 operatives, also difficult to deal with but can be countered by quick reactions because they are easy to kite. 2 powertechs, difficult to deal with. There is almost no way to counter 2 focus sentinels that are coordinating their burst damage on a healer. I play a sage healer as well, and there are few things in this game that terrify me more than a couple of rage specced juggs or marauders.
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