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Everything posted by FtDParadox

  1. I think the professional gamer thing was an attempt at legitimatizing an argument. Not a very good approach considering everyone likes to troll, throw your e-peen out and you've staged an instant contest of comparison. Aside from this, I agree with most of what was written by the OP having played in a few tournaments myself (Guild Wars). What I've noticed that made Guild Wars a supremely competitive skill based PvP game was indeed animation and sound for each individual skill. There are a lot of other things (excuse my vagueness) that go along with a well rounded (competitive) pvp game. I don't have the patience to outline my feelings on it all, its not as simple as responsiveness and animation.
  2. Guild Vs Guild solution game play Empire Vs Empire Republic Vs Republic Empire Vs Republic Dosent matter at that point which side you rolled, considering each side has a mirror class of each other. This is my dream, lol. A bit bias coming from Guild Wars. At any rate I'm fairly pleased with doing PvE right now.
  3. LOL These threads are great. I love the fact that you cant que with more than 4. These warzone areas are clearly not intended for massive group play, if they were you could group with more than 4. Logic is your friend, use it.
  4. Really man? Thats your meaningful contribution to this topic? In all fairness the game is pretty decent right now. I agree the PvP is lacking but its no reason to do the "I'm un-subbing tempertantrum." My 4 year old has better sense.
  5. In regards to the open world PvP I have this to say: There is none. Will this improve with time? I am hopeful that it will. I consider myself a pretty hardcore PvP oriented player. On the same side of that illustrious coin I do not enjoy the "ganking" and "greefing" associated with PvP in most MMO's. Its been my experience skilled PvP players shine (not only individually but as a group) when put in *hypothetically, I.E. as an exmaple* in a 8v8 setting where core healing is mandatory, positioning is imperative, and communication is key. Also a ranking system that seperates the casual players from the elite would be necessary. One shining example of how this is executed comes via Guild Wars. Quite possibly the most ballanced PvP game created with guild ranking systems that would match you with someone along the same rank as you, giving you the opportunity to work up to the higher echelon of competitive PvP. With this system lies great oppurtunity for tournaments that are based on skill rather than equipment. I also believe a skill bar to be managed with over 24 bindings is excessive and hard to really balance. For the best results in a competitive PvP setting skill bars should be severely limited as to pick from core skills that designate a specific class to preform a specific function (I.E. you have a list of 100 skills, you pick 10 each class. You have 8 player slots, you make the best team build out of the 80 allotted skills. Otherwise you are looking at 8-16 players with 24+ skills on each bar which equals to pure chaos on the subject of PvP "balance."s It would become an unnecessary and unrealistic challenge to tackle. I would love to see some sort of Guild vs Guild option that is CROSS-SERVER & GAME WIDE. Give us a chance to fairly compete against everyone, and when its all said and done have a tournament for the top 25 guilds in the game. The top 3 get some sort of cool accommodation that shows who they are and what they earned. GIVE ME A GUILD CAPE OK? I really really want it. Thats it, over and out. <<Dark Side>> Zergy of the zerggiest, zerg tasticly zerrgy.
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