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Everything posted by Failheals

  1. Or they could simply not allow server firsts until the 20th..
  2. Thanks for clearing that up, in b4 lock lol
  3. Adj. 1. satyrical - of or relating to or having the characteristics of a satyr. sa·tyr (str, str) n. 1. A woodland creature depicted as having the pointed ears, legs, and short horns of a goat and a fondness for unrestrained revelry.
  4. <-was just waiting for someone to throw down a 'your mom' joke. Creativity - 0/10
  5. I'm rich and like to flaunt the fact too. LOOK AT ME!!!!
  6. I STILL fail to see how this is the players problem...the players cannot fix this and probably just want to pvp but are queing to empty battlegrounds.
  7. Once more people log on, the warzone populations will even out and you won't see this except for maybe late at night or off hours. This is why this is BioWare's problem not the players. If you've ever played an mmo with battlegrounds before you see this, do those players get banned? No..it is not within the players control to set how many people there are q'ing for battlegrounds/warzones.
  8. -A thin line of drool slowly slides down chin.-
  9. Thanks for the info. Much Appreciated.
  10. the one legit question here gets ignored lol bump.
  11. Just wondering for those of you that have played if the servers are instanced to help with population problems?
  12. Ya I tried contacting a forum mod about where to post off topic comments so that threads wouldn't be deleted, no response, so I continue to flood random forums.
  13. Killing off my off-topic threads in this forum, guess I could be posting QQ like everyone else lol.
  14. »»───(knee)───►
  15. Read all the funny QQ posts and trolling on these forums, and probably go smoke some dank and kill some dragons in Skyrim.
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