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Everything posted by Morath

  1. I am struggling right now with how much tougher I feel in PvP with Masked Assault and Fade.. In PvP I run 23/17/1. Because pvp battles dont typically last forever I can stealth in and out and Masked assualt plus the cloak time reduction plus the 30% damage reduction on area attacks seems to help a lot. Not to mention I can cloak run to healing node and stay in stealth and receive heals. There are so many goodies in the infiltration tree right now.. Honestly Im trying to find some good logic for pvp not to run this build. I can guard so much better it feels.. the problem is damage is fairly low overall.. the spikes I get from shadow strike are nice and the force regen is very good coming out of stealth and then mask assault.. Maybe this will change when I am full war hero. Right now I am full augmented battlemaster with 2 pieces of war hero gear plus I do have a few WH mods from legacy gear I transfered over from another toon. I ran 31/0/10 and 27/0/14 and 23/1/17. I do miss FIB for cap stops but the extra 5 second reduction on force speed helps some.. not perfect. I dont get the area damage from slow time but I do get better single target burst with shadow strike.. Someone please tear this build apart for PvP. What would make 31/10 better. My view on damage is leave that to the DPS toons.. Gimping a tank for a little extra damage is not smart.. Coming from a Vanguard its just silly to focus on damage really at all other than some burst when you are peeling.. another reason I like this build..
  2. Grass snow for me because I can use east west left right for anything else. Sorry it's just plain cool. Plus sometimes I'm on vent with my bro leveling an alt when he is talking about his gameplay. When he says grass or snow I know exactly what war zone he is in.
  3. You need to add more info to your question it would give you a better idea as to why. For example: Pug Faction Class Team Win/lose ratio For me it does not matter. Hate it and I hate the option of not being able to choose other than quit the warzone.
  4. Agreed, not feeding the ones that have no logic to back up their arguments.
  5. No its not. What exactly is your reasoning for it being a terrible Idea? You want to force people to play stuff they don't like? What the rational? EA did it with warhammer.. I wouldn't be to sure about that..
  6. Good then all you you people who want to play huttball can choose it. You should have no que problems. Let the rest of us choose the ones we like to play. There is enough people playing that que times should be just fine. Personally I would que for all other warzones and then every once in a while play huttball. Let us choose. Its ridiculas that we can't choose what we want to play. Besides quoting an 11 page post which we all know that the actual posters in this community as a percentage of those who play is small at best. Your stats are worth very little. Oh and for the record I know many many people who very much dislike hutball and would prefer never to play it.
  7. I have this to say to the above stun lords. If you think there is any real cost to throwing out stuns you are mistaken. Look at the list you presented. There are so many,some area which increases the number even more. Am I really hearing you say there should be a reward for timing stuns? It's a joke and just a few seconds later it starts all over. You listed the stuns and made a big deal about the per stun timing which I still think is too long. What you failed to give stats on is the trinket timers. My vanguard alone has 2 of them one 45 second and one specced can be 50 that is a stun rate of one less than every 25 seconds. Let's compare that to trinket cooldowns. Let's factor in numbers of people all running around like this. the descrepency multiplies. This does not include nor is part of the discussion snares, roots knock backs or mezzes...yes I do understand the difference... Point still stands, there is too much of it (stuns) and it recycles way to fast. As one person said this is stun wars. It is simply too much and not fun.
  8. Its the same issue it doesnt matter how many people are stunning you if you can't control your character at all by either 1 or 3 people whats the point of playing? What Im saying is if I have 2 people on me they should be able to still kill me but to completely make it so I cannot fight back is ridiculas. Let me go down swinging dang it...lol..
  9. There are still roots, snares, knockbacks, pulls and the initial stun for Huttball. I don't see a problem with it. The immunity would just be for the complete loss of control.
  10. Just to be clear im talking stuns not interupts not snares not roots. I am talking about not being able to fight back or completely losing control of your character while being stunned back to back for an extended period.
  11. There is no probably about it... there absolutely should be an immunity timer. The stun timer may be fine but the back to back is ridiculas. The immunity probablly should be longer in all honesty. They need a balance to this which currently they don't have. Having the stuns the way they are now takes just about as much away from the game as if you removed them completely. Oh and by the way.. I have 2 stuns on my vanguard 1 is 45 seconds and the other specced in is 50 seconds. I won't even talk about my scoundrel.
  12. Please help me with your math here.. .2 x .09 = .018 = .218 in my math. Unless im missing something then even with the Aim buff you come up short as it would be .2 x .14 = .028 = .228 < .23. Steely resolve plus the sage buff = .14 or 14% What am I missing?
  13. How is this fun? I am in war hero gear except 1 piece all augmented. I get stunned for 3 qtrs of my life and then 5 seconds later Im stunned again. I don't care how resolve works or if it is "working as intended" it simply is no fun when you cant control your character for that long. Before all the stunlords come to defend, I know the difference between a stun, a root, and a slow. Simply put if your gonna have to burn a cooldown on a stun you should have at least 10 seconds of immunity to everyone. If 2 people cant burn you down without having you be able to fight back at all then something is wrong. Just to be clear. I don't mind getting cc'd, but this is freaking ridiculas. If you have to boost the dps of some classes then do it but nothing is more frustrating than not even being able to fight back. Ok.. I feel better LOL..
  14. Thanks for the info. It just seems life is a lot easier.. in pvp with plasma cell. Doing all the same things you just mentioned but with plasma would tip it to your side a lot more often. I currently decided to run a crazy spec that basically is full tactics but I took paralytic stems which gives you an ammo everytime you get stunned.. its crazy how well that keeps my ammo up. I rarely seem to have any ammo probs. In any event thanks for the info I will try it with my tib spec and then back to full tactics and see how it goes. I assume the tedious part for you is running out of energy but if you do all the same things.. play basically the same way except you lose out on the 5% damage mitigation from ss and steely resolve.. you lose 15% speed and 1 ammo every 6 seconds plus 8% on internal and elemental but you gain 1300 damage or so over 6s every time you hit ion pulse which is used to build PG. And if those dots crit.. its a lot higher. Paralytic stems is probably not as good as the 1 ammo every 6 seconds but I prolly get stunned in a fight at least 6 times in a minute or knocked down or back.. (multiple enemies) Thats at least an ammo every 10 seconds and its when you need it.
  15. Opf, here is what I would like to know. I have read a lot of your posts because I like tactics a lot. Here is the thing. I dont really care about top damage but what keeps me going back to either maverick or a form of tib candle spec is that in 1 v 1 against any decent pyro, or any other decent class I lose a lot more than with the former specs. Now I know this is a team game but there are a lot of times when you just wind up out in the open or guarding and you are the last line of defense. Tactics just doesnt seem to put the hurt on unless it uses plasma cell for me. What are you doing, because in some posts I hear you say you never lose to pyro if you see them first, in another post you said you split 4 solos against a pyro. Again I dont want to focus too much on 1 v1 play but it happens a lot. How do you handle those odd circumstances? Here is what I typically do. If its a pyro and I am full tactics without plasma cell. I charge and when I hear beep beep beep.. up goes my shield. I fire off hammer and sticky as I charge. In 10m i hit Fire pulse SS and Ion pulse and slapp a bleed on them.. then I try to make sure combat tactics is up before using HIB, of course if PC is up 5 stacked I will fire that off which is usually stunned I break, hit hold the line and try to stay behind them. I guess I rinse and repeat.. but I always get the beep beep beep again and usually haved been dotted down before I can get them. I got to be missing something.
  16. I wouldnt be against this if we could pick warzones. I get so sick of huttball popping every other warzone that I want to puke lol. So, many times if its huttball I leave at the beginning..
  17. I have been running maverick in 2 flavors.. one just straight and the other with pulse cannon.. I read the old stuff about having pulse cannon not doing as well damagewise.. it seems very hard for me to tell the difference between the two. Im just wondering why more people are not running it. It has tons of mobility and the goodness of the fire cell..Plasma cell im a vanguard so I dont know all the BH naming stuff.. although I like the bh forums much better. In any event other than heat and some survivability.. why not do maverick with PG. Im talking pvp. I run it with the rail shot talent that gives you energy and paralytic stims which gives you energy.. seems ok with heat or ammo. Sorry for mixing the names lol. Opf said it didnt have the burst of AP or Assualt.. I get the assault but the constant dps seems a bit better since the patch and I can kite better with it since you get the 50% slow from sweltering heat. Another thing about the burst, If I have 3 dots rolling on them plus critting railshot/HIB every 6 or so seconds.. that takes them down pretty quickly. With AP I pretty much felt like I had to be in their face the whole time. Not that that is bad but im stunned all the time.. if they even sense it going off they burn a stun on me.. ofcourse this is pugs.. maybe in organized teams ap is stronger. Also I get the fact that if they burn it on me they are not burning it elsewhere.
  18. It never bothers me when they are trying to survive.. I can easy see and understand that.. it's the guys that have no reason to do it other than watching people fly back..
  19. Why not just pull the point in hamstring and 1 point in ion acc and get 2 points in pg. The slow from hamstring is redundant with sweltering heat and you are refiring plasma cell with every Ion pulse.
  20. Preloading is something I do when I go full assault and I like the idea of it being something your not focused on but when its up use the tool. I just wonder if the decrease in the percent makes too much of a difference on the HIB procs. I would guess it should be fine and worth the tradeoff. After reading the BH forums I think given our current status with the way pg is working I think if correct the slow from the bleed is unnecarsary and actually detrimental because it may overwrite the 50% snare. So you could stick that point in PG for even more use of that tool.
  21. How is the ammo consumption with this spec. While I love the idea of this spec, 2 things makes me wonder. If you are throwing out IR which is a 3 ammo skill on several targets don't you run into ammo probs? Does the free procs on HIB and SS help make up for this? Why not paralytic stims for the extra ammo. I find I get stunned enough to gain quite a few ammos per minute in pvp. Plus you are losing the CD decrease in AS on the shield which adds a lot of survivability. It seems to be up about every minute for me. You lose Shock absorbers on tactics. I am assuming you mean the survivability is better than AS only not on a full tactics build now that I re read your post. Even the full tactics guy who wrote the tactics sticky post stated in one of his posts that he split 4 fights against an AS build 1 v 1.. Not an important point but I do think people tend to underestimate how much that shield helps on surviving at least for me. I am only 35 currently and I am not being negative. I would like this to be a great build.. I am almost broke going back and forth as I love the utility of the low cooldown on RS and Harpoon and HTL is the bomb but love the dots and range of AS but hate getting snared all the time and Im getting over the Big Numbers on AS. I dislike being tied to PG every 12 seconds on the tactics side which makes this build very attractive to me. I do get decent numbers on tactics but unfortunately I tend to focus more on non dps items like pressuring healers and such and using the crap out of harpoon and RS.. this tends to be the reason my numbers drop more on the tactics build as I don't seem to use my area attacks as much as my AS spec. Sorry digressing here.. Thanks..
  22. We are the few, the proud, ... the uh late to pre-order.. You know what I'm totally cool with it. My bro and friends are in and I am happy for them.. in the mean time I am putting the final tweaks on my machine.. and studying the crafting.. Had to do a reformat and by tomorrow my machine will be tweaked to perfection.. yum..
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