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10 Good
  1. OMG i thought the same thing and I'm tired as well
  2. I would have to agree with Reid. Him and the others have put much time into making this game and I'm sure everyone is exhausted. No one wants to hear you whine about EGA when the actual launch hasn't even started yet.
  3. Yeah its lonely and dark at the bottom. Just like my grandma
  4. I would just like to get an idea of who is playing Empire and who is playing Republic Maybe there will be more then the other. I guess this should kinda go down like voting or something. Empire should write their replies in obvious red Republic should write their replies in of course blue Oh yeah BTW Bounty hunter ******
  5. I just turned 19 and even a year ago if I asked my parents to buy something for me (Let alone a game titled star wars) my dad would beat me with his belt while he was still wearing it.
  6. Dec 8th, I have a good hunch that December-er's will get in the day after tomorrow (Dec 16th) however this is just a hunch. To keep you busy and get you're mind off of the wait for a minute you should read this. This is cat Is this cat how is cat to this cat keep this cat an is cat idiot is cat busy are cat for this cat 1 times cat minute for cat Only read the first words on each line
  7. So what? Dude you need to get in in your head that the early game access is similar to a line at gamestop. Whoever is first in line gets the game first. Imagine if it was random. Would be pretty ****ed up right?
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