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Posts posted by Andyonme

  1. [DAILY] Mission: Thread Bumping


    The BioWare corporation, once our friends and allies, have turned their back on us. Their newly formed alliance with EA has provided them with a long forgotten technology and they are severely impeding our graphical capabilities. They have already taken out one of our options, the "Medium" option. Even our strongest PCs are no match to their devious tactics. The community is suffering heavy losses, including women and children, and we need your help. Our only hope is to perform the dark ritual of "Bumping". Widely frowned upon in the community, the ritual is often performed by those know as "Trolls" and is associated with the conditions of "flame" and "rage". Do not let these consume you. I sense the posting is strong with you. You must help us keep this thread bumped. The survival of The Old Republic depends on you.





    Provided Rewards:


    [Advanced Graphics] [stim: Critical Gameplay] [Adrenal: Enhanced Fun]

    2x Community Commendation



    I have accpeted this mission, but i can't find out where I have to go to complete it!?!?! Is it a bug?

  2. I share his opinion.


    Are you sure you're talking about the "MMO" part of the game, and not just the leveling/questing that is mostly single player..and not the raids you can complete with 1 tank all the way through, pretty much putting people who want to tank out of what they want to do if their guild has a tank..or maybe the fact that nightmare is the same as hard just with more HP..I mean, the game reeks of design flaws that could have been easily avoided if the developers of the "MMO" Portion of the game could have just looked back and saw what other MMO's had done to make these experiences better.


    But, they did not. If this is the Best MMO (Emphasis on MMO) you've played? I'd question your bias. It's the best single player with co-op star wars game I've ever played, that's for sure. But I came here for an MMO. Not co-op.


    Completly agree. This isn't a mmo, its a single player game from 1-49, fp's and op's are so easy you don't even need to concentrate on what your team mates are doing.

  3. Except that Rift never sold more than maybe 500,000 copies of the game (1 mil trion accounts made for the game includes all the free beta versions) They never gave an actual count of copies sold, most likely because they never reached a significant milestone. SWTOR sold over 2 million copies within their first month, and 2 weeks after the first month was over, they have retained 1.7 million accounts. No game in the history of MMOs has seen such success, not even wow.


    That is because it was linked with one of the most famous franchises in the world. Being related to SW will not save it if the devs fail to address the players major concerns or if this legacy idea is a complete failure.


    And i wouldnt believe all the facts that Bioware give you to be solid truth...

  4. No, you are wrong. It was way over 2 million activated accounts. 1.7 million is the number of paying subscribers as of end of january.


    And I think it will be over 5 million by the end of the year.


    5 Million, what are you smoking? This game really isnt that popular in the gaming scene anymore. The only reason its doing ok at the moment, is because of the relation to Star Wars.

  5. It's quicker just to ask the question by sending out the invite. The invite is the question. The only time one needs to actually type it out, is when it's not obvious why the invite is being sent. If we're both killing the same mobs; There is no need to whisper.


    This is what I do. Must of done this 20+ times on the imp and rep sides. Never had an invitation request rejected yet.

  6. edit: Sorry I looked back at my comment and it seemed derogatory.


    You should really try a 25/16 build for pve raiding, you will see an increase in damage and almost unlimited force. The main issues with 13/28 is the force management against higher health bosses. (HM OPs can have bosses with up to 2mil HP)


    If you do a constant madness rotation maximizing DPS you will quickly go OOF. With lightning skills you will see an increase in overall consistent damage while never falling under 80% force. This allows you to bubble healers, help offheal in critical moments, able to blow cooldowns without worrying about going OOF if a boss needs to be burned during a certain stage, ect. ect.


    Agree. I don't understand people who say you will not run out of force with this build. Just doing the standard rotation with no healing, you will run out of force. Added to the fact that occasionally you might want to put a heal on someone, your out of force even quicker!

  7. Two of the names I reported were LEGACY names. The players are still here, I see them on the fleet quite often, but they had to change their legacy name even though they still have the same main name. I might add that those legacy names were not offending or racist or trademarks or anything similar, they were just breaking the naming rules listed previously (I can give the names for obvious reasons, name & shaming is forbidden by the forum rules).

    Another guy was a smuggler with a rule breaking first name. There's still a smuggler with the same legacy name around which I see on the fleet, but he no longer has the same first name.

    It's obvious that Bioware are caring and that it's not me who lives in a "fantasy bubble". Which is good news for those of us who value immersion, and also good for Bioware to show us that rules aren't just there to look pretty on the website texts.


    Wannabe police officer? Always the teachers pet?

  8. This is so silly.


    1) u earn legacy levels globally, even if you play only one char. thus it totally doesnt matter, besides that you earn more points killing higher stuff, meaning that an alt player will be slower leveling his legacy points than someone, who just grinds xp on his lvl 50.


    2) u dont know what the legacy feats will be!

    How about this: I am an Alt player and I gonna whine whine whine now, about how I do not want to have to spread out all my (future and potiencial and thus imaginary) legacy points across all my alts, while you!!! the hardcore-single-char-grinder not only make legacy levels faster BUT can focus all your legacy points on your one and only char! Now how unfair is THAT!?


    (in case u havent noticed: that was irony)



    please, someone shoot me for arguing with trolls. 8-)


    I wasn't talking about points, I was referring to the family tree.

  9. Finally: Why does it matter? If you do not use alts, this really does not affect you. If you do, hey you get a nice bonus of whatever they plan to do with it.


    This is the part that annoys me. It seems to me that if you don't have an alt you will be missing out on extra content or whatever the legacy will give to you when its released. So effectively they are forcing you to make alts.

  10. I've done those but my current favorite is 0/23/18. The small DPS decrease from losing Conduction and Polarity shift is more than justified by the instant Whirlwind. That isn't just a PVP ability. It comes in handy in PVE to CC something that needs it (add, de-CC'd mob, etc.) mid-fight. It's also very much a PVP-worthy spec.


    Lightning Effusion, which is up constantly, together with Force Lightning regen, means you'll have a tough time not being at 80%+ Force no matter how long the fight lasts... and this is going full blast.


    There are a few tweaks that could be made according to personal preference. If you don't want the 3-mob CC + reduced Electrocute CD, you could increase the Shock DPS if you find yourself kiting a lot or take a 2% damage reduction.


    On the Lightning side of things you may want the extra range for CL instead of the unnecessary point in electric induction and/or you may want the 15s CD reduction on WW instead of the Overload root. Neither of those affects your DPS, just your utility.


    Why do you waste 2 points for 100 force?

  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=110906


    How this could pass quality control is beyond me. Im actually in awe. Cheating yourself through college and to a job at a world renowned company is pretty impressive.



    Wow, I can't believe that got into the game! :eek:


    The armor in this game is a joke, no imagination and it seems the designers spent 10 mintues during a drinking competition drawing on the back of a pizza box.

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