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Posts posted by Andyonme

  1. Interesting. I'm in full champion (force master) gear with the exception of the Lightsaber, I also use mastercraft implants and earpiece with surge augments. My crit chance is virtually identical to yours, but my crit multiplier is 89.53% and my bonus damage is 568.9 (getting the champion lightsaber will close this gap significantly.


    My thinking is take the average dmg of chain lightning from my tooltip 1387.5 + my bonus damage 568.9 and that is 1956.4, yours would be 1387.5 + 630.5 and that is 2018. So you are getting 50 more average damage on non-crits.


    Now for multiplier your 2018 with a 73.38% multiplier gives you 3498.8 average crit, and my 1956.4 with a 89.53 multiplier is 3707.9 over a 200 point difference on crits.


    I'm going to try to keep increasing my crit and surge to see where the DR are just no longer worth it and hopefully get the champ lightsaber soon.


    Exactly my thinking. Ive gone both ways, stacking power which decreases your crit/surge and stacking crit/surge and less power. At the moment, crit/surge is a lot better than power. At close to 90% surge and 40% crit, the damage increase when you do get a crit (which is quite often) is miles ahead of power in the long run.

  2. Completly against this. Are you really that bothered with how your character looks? If you are then buy a barbie doll and you can create the hairstyle you have always wanted.


    There are more pressing issues that need to be fixed / added into the game.

  3. Or one can have a different look on this like: they postponed it so that people who's sub was about to run out in couple of days will have to pay for one more month to see the changes. This way BW gets an extra month of subs from many players who maybe were likely to unsub because of the changes not satisfying them.


    I'm not saying that's how it is, just saying this could be the case:rolleyes:


    More than likely 100% true. The gaming industry was created by nice people and run by criminals.

  4. I saw the name Revän and also saw Obi-Juan and it pissed me off so much. Why are people not creative that they have to use already existing characters!


    Its nothing to do with how creative you are because some people couldn't give a dam about names and don't consider game names part of their split personality or second life. Im guessing you think your character is actually you?



    A guild on my server called: Drop it like its Hoth

  5. Completly agree, we need a LFG tool.


    On the off chance that I have to go with a pug, I don't want to spend 10, 20, 30 mins trying to get a group on the space station. What am I going to do while I wait, nothing! Its a waste of my time. If you don't have the time to waste / can only play a set number of hours per day then its even worse. If this tool allows me to do what I want on any planet anywhere while still looking for a group then it is 100% needed.


    Obviously some people will still moan about a LFG tool, the unemployed/people who can't be bothered to work who are on benefits because they have the time to waste.

  6. More content will be added. Its obvious this is your first MMO. MMOs have a lack of content at end game in there birth period. Dont get me started on WoW. But look at that game, 8 years in and its has plenty to do.


    If you dont understand this then you might not like the wait. but I assure you more content is coming. MMOs need time to grow.


    Not my first mmo and no I didn't play wow. For their budget on the game there is a lack of starting end game content.

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