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Posts posted by Andyonme

  1. The heroic 2+ should be made soloable for players trying to gear up, and heroic 4 be adjusted to be able to 2-man. These dailies are supposed to be the most important step of gearing for fresh level 50 and if they fail to work as intended, many many level 50s are going to ignore the game and leave, just like you ignoring them.


    Why don't we just remove the mission and have the npc give you free upgrades? :rolleyes:

  2. Says the guy who claims people work their butts off IRL for Ferarris....


    I'll even go one better than mounts and titles... I'm fine with Nightmare mode dropping gear, as long as it's unique graphic moddables, and doesn't have any stat benefit over Rakata tier.


    There you go, special Nightmare mode gear, without causing stat bloat.


    There is more than a slight difference between having a mount in the game, which does nothing else but look different and a ferrari irl..


    The game can't have 3 tiers of armor its entire history. Hopefully in the future more ops will be created where you need better gear to enter them or gear with certain stats to help you with a new type of damage those specific enemies dish out. If the game doesn't evolve it will get boring and die.


    It would have been good if hm fp / nm ops dropped tionese, hm ops dropped Columi and nmm ops dropped Rakata. This is where having better armor drop on nmm ops could open up more areas for bioware to head towards.


    Of course better raiding gear would make hm fps too easy, but that is another thread.

  3. Being harder to reach/complete/achieve has nothing at all to do with gear, though. Sure, make Nightmare harder than it currently is, but why does it need to have better drops? An extra tier of gear just makes everything (including Nightmare mode itself) easier than if it doesn't reward an extra tier of gear.


    Think about it with super cars...Most people like and would get a ferrari if they could afford one. Imagine everyone driving around in a ferrari, it would just be a normal car. Excatly the same is happening with gear. Rakata gear is too easy to get, absolutely no challenge in acquiring it. There is no gear you really want to get, because you know within a very short time period you will be full Rakata.


    Now for me when there is no challenge in a game / nothing to aim for, it gets very boring.

  4. Personally I think it's a good design decision, people can do Nightmare modes for bragging rights.


    I disagree, there should be areas of the game which are very hard to reach / complete / achieve. Nmm needs to be harder and it should have its own tier of gear.


    This game might aswell be called Star Wars the old communist republic.

  5. Has the op never done a 16man op? For me this is a stupid idea....fp's are dull and boring, they are too small, funnel you down tiny corridors to the end. Op's are very large, have huge areas, they are 100 times more entertaining, especially with 4 times as many players!


    Fp's do need to be reworked, they are pathetically easy on hm and most trash in them can be skipped. Why not nmm fp's 6 man?

  6. Not sure what game the op is playing, its not this game.


    For my alts, i leave the planets at the suggested level and sometimes before, don't do any fp's, did about 1/4 of the heroics, no pvp, 2 space missions, half of the side missions, hit level 50...

  7. Lexiekaboom: 16 man Operations are much harder than 8 man Operations (to the point where most guilds can easily clear hard mode 8 man before being able to clear 16 man easy mode) but there is no loot difference at all to doing them. It's better to send your 16 man raid force to clear two 8 man instances .Is this oversight or design? What will be done to offset this in the future?


    Gabe Amatangelo: This is not per design. The teams have been addressing this in the weekly patches to some degree and more so in Game Update 1.2. It is intended that 16 player mode is slightly easier than 8 player mode due to the fact that getting and coordinating 16 players is a larger hurdle in and of itself.


    This game is quickly becoming a joke. Why don't you just half the hit points of all bosses and remove all trash on 16man. Better yet, why don't you just remove the bosses and just leave the open chest there...

  8. It is incredibly annoying, I'll admit but, to be completely and totally fair, they didn't actually claim to have fixed it in this most recent patch.


    Admittedly they have in previous ones and it's ended up still being present, but that's a whole other issue.


    It's perhaps a touch unfair to take them to task over it not being fixed in this particular patch.


    Your sounding like this isnt a big problem? Its like filling your petrol car with diesel, sure it will run, but not for very long.

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