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  1. Takes about 2 seconds from avarage player to figure out who is healer and who is not and besides I think (not 100% sure about this) your role is set depending how your skill points are set in your skill tree. So you can que as dps and be a "healer" in the match only with weak heals..
  2. I've gone with willpower augments and even my target's parents are getting healed.
  3. Dr. Lokin gave me an idea for a new class. Just like a druid in Wow. Rakhouls being the "theme" in Swtor they should make a class that would transform in to a rakhoul in tank/dps form or simply just when in combat. Anyway I would like EaWare to make Dr. Lokin as good and as stunning as possible since he's my fav companion for my sniper.
  4. Yeah, I don't see any reason why wouldn't I get those benefits but if someone would know for sure it would be great
  5. Hello, If I would get my hands on a Collector's edition would I still be able to activate it to my account and get all CE's benefits today since TOR is f2p and all?
  6. Maybe the only thing that bothers me with the cartel market atm is the fact that you can access it anywhere anytime... Why not a cartel market vendor at the fleet? Why can't I access ctn or black hole vendors anywhere and anytime? I understand cartel market is Eaware's new thing but still they shouldn't rub it in your face.
  7. No luck there at least for me. If I bind ctrl+page up/page down for something else (ability for example) it ends up doing both - doing the ability and scrolling the chat. I was wondering if someone knows if ctrl+page up/page down is connected to windows somehow? Is there some file in windows files somewhere that could be altered? I'm using windows 7 ultimate.
  8. Hello, Pressing ctrl+page up/page down will scroll your chat windows - is there anyway to undo these settings? There is nothing about these controls in the preferences. I'm using mmo mouse and my 12 side buttons are configured to work as numpad buttons and I would like to set few abilities for ctrl+page up/page down, but I would also be scrolling my chat windows up and down unintentionally which can be really annoying in pvp/ops especially. Also if you can somehow toggle "scroll to the end" would be great. If anyone would know any way how to undo these settings I would appreciate the help! ps. I don't want to talk about is having 12 mouse buttons overkill or anything else in that matter, ty
  9. Jedi guardian can be dps or tank. Jedi Sentinel can only be dps. Scoundrel can be dps or healer. Gunslinger can only be dps. If you are playing guardian or scoundrel, you can respect to be the other type and it's almost like playing completely different class. With sentinel and gs you're stuck with dps although they have 3 different skill trees. Most of the time I have noticed, teams are looking for either a tank or a healer. Can't really tell about leveling as a guardian, sentinel or gs, but leveling as a scoundrel it was effective to play as a healer since you could use heals on yourself and on your companion. HoTs are especially effective since you can do some damage and receive healing at the same time.
  10. I have been thinking the same thing ever since I played first space mission. Even group space mission would be great. Of course without the "rail" you fly in..
  11. Still subbing and no plans to quit atm. I have to admit I have been playing maybe too much since release Anyway I'm having mostly fun playing and seems like there is coming more nice features all the time.
  12. http://www.deviantart.com/download/92162678/Why_so_serious__by_Tyrite.jpg
  13. Well the headgear is worst but the rest ain't too sweet either...
  14. Atleast smuggler armor looks like **** IMO...
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