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Everything posted by Vis_Vires

  1. Thanks Windry. I will have a play around and see what I can work out. Very confusing when everythings new!
  2. I am a new player, missed out on beta but got in a little early in EGA. I also play LOTRO and one thing that got me with that, is i didnt get into craftin until I was a level cap. I just never intrested me before. Once I started crafting I realised on what I had missed out on. So with TOR, I want to get into craftin asap, and try and keep it "on level". Im currently only level 12, chose a few random crew skills when prompted, not really paying any attention to them, as I knew you could change them. So, Im going to get into it now. Ive always tanked in mmorpgs, so went with a sith jugg, for crewskills i was thinking of going with: Archaeology Synthweaving Underworld Trading I think thats about right for focusing on armour, as damage etc is obviously secondary for a tank. Do those choices seem to make sense? As I havent even touched anything to do with crafting/crew skills - I have no idea how they work. Is there an almost "idiots guide" anywhere. Ive had a look at some other websites which explains the skills quite well. But not exactly how I go about doing anything. I havent seen any crafting "stations" (like... forge etc) or even any nodes that im aware of, but liek I said Im new, so Ive probably missed quite allot of important info. Any help/advice for an aging gamer greatly appreciated.
  3. I think your right OP. People are terrified of being on an under-populated server. Everyone wants to be on the "best" server, which (in their opinion) is the fullest.
  4. Stop bumping! Your outrageous request for advice is taking up valuable forum space which could be used to complain about queues. Seriously though, head to any pc gaming forum. Solid advice, and allot less complaining.
  5. I'm far from a fan boy, I just have a realistic view on things. My point is, the game has its obvious issues. I've experienced them, but BW will do something about them, you just have to be patient, and look at the big picture. This is potentially a game you will be playing for years, dont get hung up on problems in its first few days of existence.
  6. First post. Im not a forum poster, as it seems increasingly impossible to avoid the flame wars, but theres a few things I wanted to express my opinion on. Queue Times YES, there a queue times. Anyone suprised by this has either never played an MMO, or never played an MMO at launch. You may be suprised to hear, BW is a business, who's aim is to make money. To make money they need to retain as many players as possible. So trust me, they will do something about this. A PITA I know, but they aren't doing it for ***** and giggles. Bugs/Graphical issues Read above. Seriously, what did you expect. No matter how much beta testing etc goes in, a few bugs are always going to slip through. You will get hotfixes and driver updates. Give it time. But it doesn't have... This is the Star Wars universe. There is a TON of things they missed out. Obviously. They cant get every race/class etc. The game would be in development for millenia. And even if it did, 48hrs after release, when the hardcore levelers have maxed, they would be screaming for more. Want to play a driod? an ewok? whatever, wait for xpacs. My Class sucks Pick a class that suits your playstyle, and stick with it. Theres no game-breakers. X may be a little overpowered, but you can never get the perfect balance between classes. There will be hundreds of updates over the course of this game life, and who knows in 6 months time that class which is now "overpowered" may well get nerfed. These are the first steps on what will hopefully be a very long journey. There will be the occasional trip, maybe a fall, but it will still be a journey you will have been glad to of been a part of. TLDR: No. Your stuck in a queue, you have no excuse.
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