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Everything posted by Drebs

  1. As a DPS, I'd love to have more credits, but you may want to change your title to say credit, which is what I think you mean.
  2. My issue with the mod removal cost is that it keeps me from trying new armor looks. I was temped to buy one of the Cartel Market sets for my Sith Warrior, but it wasn't the $9 price tag that stopped me--it was realizing I'd have to pay pay hundreds of thousands of credits to pull the mods out my existing armor. My in-game time is limited, and I prefer to spend it running Flashpoints or Ops, which are not very lucrative. Thus, I end up compromising on my character's look in favor of being able to afford repair costs, stims, medpacks, etc.
  3. I do not understand why anyone would play a game they don't like. It seems to me that person would simply be a negative blight on the community.
  4. I loved the double XP weekends, but I think my significant other is grateful they're over. Understandably ;-)
  5. It just occurs to me ... are Jedi allowed to drink coffee? Or is it like a Mormon thing where they don't ingest any drug-like substances?
  6. This stands to reason. I had some trouble with it, but beat it on the fourth attempt. All attempts I made were solo.
  7. So just to be clear, the civilized conduct you refer to died over 60 years ago? Was the video game community any nicer back then?
  8. Yeah, the per capita violent crime rate (at least in the U.S.) actually dropped significantly in the 90s. Despite the increased reporting and news coverage, you're significantly less likely to be a victim of violent crime today than you were in the 70s/80s. But hey--keep spinning those myths to make yourself feel better!
  9. I really enjoy a good boss fight. It reminds me of single-player games where you know bosses are going to present a real challenge. I actually had to give up and return to the fight the next day to beat it.
  10. Yes, we all saw the email. To be fair, Huff and Hutt look pretty similar in certain fonts. I honestly feel bad for the person that made the typo--its a mistake anyone could have made. Also, as a graphic designer/media professional, I can tell you they probably proofed the body 10 times, and didn't even think to look at the email subject line. **** happens. Reading any deeper into it is just looking for bias confirmation.
  11. This tells me everything I need to know. Let me handle this ... BE GONE embittered Star Wars Galaxy troll! This realm is not for you! We henceforth cast you back into the darkness from which you emerged!
  12. How it works is you run the lower level content and "gear up" to make the higher level content easier. That, or you learn the mechanics and communicate them to the encounter can be beat at lower gear levels.
  13. You realize that every objective in the game is a challenge created for players to entertain themselves right? Whether its a questgiver telling you to kill something, or an achievement system, its simply another way to extend the game's content. Personally, I have little patience for achievements in MMOs, as they tend to be time-sinks to begin with, but I do enjoy them on my XBox Live account. Seeing as some single-player titles only offer 15 hours of gameplay, it's a way to continue achieving something in a game you enjoy on repeat play throughs. Edit: You are clearly not licensed to diagnose mental illness, so please refrain from doing so.
  14. I was bothered by it at first, but I now appreciate that it keeps the story momentum going.
  15. Oh c'mon man. KOTOR? Really? Have you tried playing that game lately? People hold it up like its the end-all of RPGs, but I assure you there is a lot that could be improved. More people need to ditch the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia and live in the here and now.
  16. This was a great read--cleared lots of things up for me--thanks!
  17. It's actually not pointless. The biggest problem with troll threads is they sometimes get too much attention, and it starts to look like an actual issue to the community. Clearly, men playing female toons is not an issue--someone was just trying to stir the pot. Trolling the troll is like stirring the pot in the opposite direction--it uses humor to negate the false importance created by the original troll thread. Is that clearer? These are some advanced trolling tactics, but try to follow along and you'll eventually catch on.
  18. I'm in no danger of capping out, because my boyfriend has been on my case about playing too much and I can't get anything done with him harassing me. Eric/Amber--can you please figure out a way to transfer people's excess comms to my account? Love you thx!!!
  19. You know what they say about the size of a man's lekku, right?
  20. I get your frustration, but do you have the HK companion? I find things go much quicker when I'm using him. He burns down enemies fast and has abilities that do well in mitigating damage. Also, Assassinate will take down any silver or weaker mob in one shot. Really convenient for weakening a group before charging in for the smash.
  21. The flow of starting out on Makeb was great with the initial cutscene and My first thought was "omg why didn't they start any of the classes this way!?!" Instead, the class stories all seem to start with what feels like 15 minutes of dialog followed by a lot of "kill 10 flesh raiders, korslugs, gangsters, etc." quests.
  22. People need to stop treating MMOs as a complete replacement for real life, expecting the game to fill their days.
  23. OP, I know exactly what you mean. But bear with me for a second. Let's take a step back and look at things objectively. I too love WoW. I played it for years, and still occasionally jump in to see what's new. Run around Stormwind or Orgrimmar to see the leets on the newest raid mounts, do some dailies, take to the skies and fly around the landscape. You can pop into that game and the environment feels so thick and rich and endless ... it's impressive, and immersive. Now TOR. Let's pop into fleet. It feels a bit constrained, doesn't it? It feels like a lot of the architecture in this game--like a videogame level--not a living, breathing world. Okay, well let's go fly around the landscape! Wait a minute--there is no landscape. We're stuck on a circular space station. And if we're going to go anywhere, we have to endure about 3-4 load screens. How's your immersion doing now? TOR can certainly feel like a video game from this standpoint. But that's not the only standpoint--let's go stand somewhere else. Quick--tell me about your companions. Do you know their names? Their backstory? I'll bet you could list your favorites, and give me specific personality traits that draw you to them. Are these characters lacking soul? Now, you mentioned Thrall--what can you tell me about him based on your experiences in WoW? He's Green Jesus? He's a hero of the Horde? To be sure, the characters from the Warcraft universe are fun and imaginative, but how much personality do they really have? In my mind, they're always been closer to archetypes than people. I travelled all of Pandaria with Chen Stormstout, and I can't tell you much about him other than he likes to drink. Of course you don't know Satelle Shan or Jace Malcolm all that well, but if TOR had quests in which you spent time with them--I'd bet you'd feel as if you got pretty close. Why did I bother to type all this out? Because if WoW is the MMO you grew to love, its obviously going to shape your expectations. But you mentioned KOTOR as well. Perhaps that's shaped your expectations. Have you played it recently? Compare the quality of the cutscenes and dialog responses in that game to what we have today in TOR. Then consider there are 40 companions in this game, plus all the NPCs you encounter. I've had plenty of companions I haven't liked, but few that I would call "soulless." I think, if we're to be fair, we have to measure each title on what it does exceptionally well, what it does acceptably well, and where it falters. Despite the similarities the areas where each game excels is quite different. As much as I've loved WoW, I'm still really enjoying TOR, and the more classes I level the more I appreciate all the work that went into this game. Just some food for thought--thanks for your post.
  24. I swear to god, Activision must have these people on the payroll trying to drum up controversy where there is none.
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