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Everything posted by WatchTheGrass

  1. All I see is children whinging and throwing a tantrum. Not any genuinely good points.
  2. As negative as the forums have been, this launch method is fine. As someone who isn't in yet, I'm alright with a staggered launch, I even agree with it. Purely from a gameplay perspective. Overpopulated lowbie areas, horrific login queues, constantly struggling for mobs, all coupled with the usual latency issues really is not fun, being the "first" to leave a lowbie area or hit level 20 might seem appealing but frankly it isn't worth putting up with the issues that always occur. I don't speak for everyone and those who might agree with me are probably the ones who'll never see this post, off being busy with other activities as opposed to camping a forum. But I just want you all to know that at least part of those who pre-ordered aren't against the idea.
  3. Honestly every MMO launch I've been part of has just been server crashes, horrific latencies, massive overpopulation and competition for NPC's areas far too small to support it. Even with server crashes and latencies removed from the equation, being engaged in a constant battle for every mob I need just isn't that fun. I'm ok with waiting if it means lowbie zones aren't completely flooded.
  4. Man it feels bad to be a 12th of December 2011 pre-orderer. I usually wait until a few weeks before release to read up about a game, stops me from hyping myself up months/years ahead of time. First time this habit has ever shot me in the foot. Ah well, got Tribes:Ascend to play until a certain magical email decides to grace my inbox.
  5. I approve of this message. I'll roll my republic alts on mandalore I guess.
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