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Everything posted by WatchTheGrass

  1. I think it comes down to the emotional investment, even if there's no way you could ever call getting into a game launch an important event, because they've invested themselves financially then prepared themselves emotionally etc, they've gotten upset. And started acting like morons.
  2. We were united in patience while all of us were being forced to wait. Now it's down to people from the last week and a bit as the only ones not being ingame, starting to feel a little left out. All of us or none of us.
  3. Has there been any word on exactly how far these waves are going to cover? Just wondering whether it's worth staying awake or not.
  4. I honestly regret choosing that case for my PC. Less because of it's weight and more because of the front fans and their capacity to absorb every bit of dust in a house. Not a fun case to clean.
  5. A for me. I didn't even know there was an EGA until a few days ago and I wasn't expecting to start playing before the 27th-29th due to international shipping so getting a couple days early is more then welcome.
  6. I'm a bitter person blinded by nostalgia of a time that never really existed except in my head. That game's been dead to me for a long time.
  7. The first SWTOR online stalker?
  8. A poster in another thread mentioned that everyone who pre-ordered would be in by the 15th. I don't have a source for that claim, it would make sense given the official statement was that we'd get five days for EGA. If it turns out to be wrong well.. it's unverified so take it with a huge grain of salt.
  9. I'm afraid of the day someone figures out how to re-create it's success. A trillion productive hours will cry out in anguish.
  10. I think it comes down to how we perceive the word. Everyone will give certain words more or less meaning on how they interpret the strict definition. I agree that the kind of consideration you're referring to is something we should pursue as the bare minimum in our daily interactions but I don't see that as respect, respectful yes but not respect itself, if that makes sense.
  11. Ok so answer this all you Bioware attackers...why are we getting so angry about getting more FREE play time then we were PROMISED?? so you think it is going bad? While literally millions of people aren't acting like *****(who wants to be a ****, really) and who see all these EGA crybabies as just that, screaming babies....does this mean those waiting in line to get on have no real complaint? Pretty much.
  12. I'll show my fellow players consideration and courtesy but respect they have to earn.
  13. iLuffy I'm in the same boat as far as being disappointed that I'm not already in. But these threads really aren't helping, I can understand why you're upset but I disagree with venting it here.
  14. You guys might an awesome endgame plot point. We just get an awesome game.
  15. Simple solution. Don't risk what you can't afford to lose. Run parties with people you know, guild members, friends etc. Set it to master loot and have them roll for drops separately. If you are playing with strangers, expect the worst and you won't be disappointed.
  16. All I see are children whinging. I hope you all realise that your tears, rage and drama just come across as a childish tantrum throwing. Frankly it's demeaning to even witness.
  17. December 12th here. If not for Tribes: Ascend I would be going stir crazy
  18. Personally I'd disagree with that list. I can understand why most of these are loved films but minus Labyrinth I couldn't agree with the others. Objectively well made sure, award winning even. Subjectively I just didn't like many of these.
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