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Everything posted by mastersloup

  1. WoW is the other way, When you get there ask the 9millions people still playing if they like dual spec i'll save you the trouble. Yes they do, they even want triple spec
  2. Full champion with 3 battlemaster piece. i'm at 10.80% Where's that 20% you speak of?
  3. A stun. And PvP robe. robe look awesome, those battlemaster legs look weird
  4. Wow, you would hate to play a marauder since the juggernaut is like marauder V 2.0 (talking pvp)
  5. Not everyone want to farm PvE scripted fight over and over again so they can PvP You must be kidding, one of the reason PvP in wow is considered *********** **** is because you have to raid in order to have access to BiS PvP trinket and weapon
  6. If he was spinning his saber while running all the time it's a visual bug.
  7. http://www.torhead.com/mission/g8E4MJz/no-mans-sands#comments
  8. Because you kill the guy. when the guy have 2.1k health left and you crit him for 50million, it will count as a 2.1k crit Same goes for healing
  9. p.s.s: People don't come back to stuff when they are not addicted.
  10. Well it's a good thing we're in 2012 now. Welcome
  11. Because the "AWWW YEAAAAH!! NEW GAME!" hype is over, people are quitting and the game is insanely instanced
  12. Because the game is so instanced you can get to 50 without ever see'ing anyone or barely(outside of city) it feel like a coop RPG more than a mmo
  13. I have an I7 2600k Geforce 560gtx TI some loading screen can take up to 15-20 second, in most game loading screen usual take 2-3 second. Idk if 15-20 second for you is considered fast(i think its slow)
  14. They said they regreted the way they implemented arena. not the arena system itself. i can't believe people still bring this up after blizzard explained themself for years.
  15. What does L2P have to do with RNG bags? I swear kids today need to drop droping school to play games. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/l2p read this and get a clue.
  16. please note i said "one of the most" not "the" most.
  17. Patience did not reward **** for rift and aion though, both are still ****y after years the players are not to blame, Bioware claimed this game had awesome pvp, world pvp and they had an entire team dedicated to pvp aswell as having some of the best pvper devs in the world(can't confirm that last statement since ive only read it on the forum) with such claims it's easy to expect the game to actually have awesome pvp. instead we got 3 small warzones, a pointless planet and one of the most imbalanced pvp in history.
  18. addiction tend to make people come back to stuff. psychologie is strong.
  19. Reading/posting on the forum is a good thing to do when you quit to not come back to the game, The complains remind you why you quitted
  20. mastersloup

    More healing

    You forgot knockbacks
  21. champion bags from daily/weekly rewards are not unique. i think battlemaster's one is unique though
  22. Rage marauder and rage juggernaut play pretty similar for the most part. the juggernaut does more damage and has more defence aswell as more utility than the marauder. Is the juggeraut faceroll?
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