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Everything posted by BOLTgamer

  1. Really, you should stop making excuses. I have a radeon hd 6990 2gb, 16gb of ram, 1tb hd, 500gb external hd, 120gb SSD I run every game max, and I play super smooth, not even any hiccups. I also play other MMORPG's and multiplayer games that HAVE WAY more then 100 people in the same area. You seem to not know the issue is a memory leak, it has nothing to do with the amount of players, it just has serious memory leaks and it's sad Bioware didn't fix it considering it was in the very first builds of beta.
  2. Yeah, I know that but it worries me they haven't fixed this in patch 1.1 I mean seriously, the Republic Fleet is the Ironforge of SWTOR, they are designed the same, and lag all around.
  3. I was in a cave with 9 empire players yesterday, and I just talked to them and they didn't attack me, I felt bored so I ganked an BH and then a SW came after me and I force pushed him into a champion dude, but nothing really.
  4. Yes, they've said they are working on a fix to it, but do you know how much times developers lie? I would just love if they filled us in with an update.
  5. Now, this is coming from an sincere fan of all your games, and a definite fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but I definitely think that you need to fix the FPS issues with the game. Now I know there is a wide array of threads out there discussing this issue, but I would've loved to seen this issue fixed in patch 1.1 People are gonna be saying "I have no issues", well sure you don't, but that doesn't mean other people aren't encountering these issues, and negative input in this thread will only make the community support team think this is a less important issue. About the issue, this is really one of the game-breaking issues I encounter within the game. First off, I know this isn't only me because I see a wide arrange of people on the forums discussing this issue; I also see that my friends have the same EXACT issue. I run a beast machine, I get 80-111 fps anywhere in the open world (Everything maxed, except V sync and Bloom off), but all of a sudden on the Republic fleet, or in warzones -- Mostly the Civil War, warzone) It drops from 20-40 fps. This is really discouraging to people who are able to run rigs like this, and really a gamebreaking factor, Bioware, please fix this! Thanks.
  6. Im gonna be honest, im loving this game and will keep subscribing, but other people feel differently about the game. I say about 2.5million subscriptions after 6 months. I can see a lot of 2008 people quiting after 1 month and coming back in 2-3 months after most of the major bugs, issues are worked out. After 6 months I say they'll elaborate on the legacy system, add the new space mission thing, more pvp maps, and overall a more finished games. IMHO this game is great, but it is not in its prime, and hopefully it will live until that day comes.
  7. Are you dumb? This game has well over 1m subs. Conccurent subs mean how many of the subs are playing at the same time, simutanusly, in peak hours. WoW only has 275k since most people only play to raid at night. SWTOR has 350k right now which is a lot more. The question is will it mantain its position.
  8. Honestly, this is false. There is no community in mmorpg's. Lets look at it, there is many different groups that rival, no one agrees, there is so much guild rivarly, and the game is split into 3 RP, PVP, and PVE, whom all disagree with each other. If Bioware caters to one group more then another, they lose neutrality. Lets say Bioware is a nuetral planet, then caters to the empire, most likely the republic is gonna fight for it, and when they lose they will leave.
  9. I'm blatantly really enjoying what you created for your game so far, but recent events in the community makes me wonder, should Bioware listen to the community (I really do not think mmorpg's have communitys), or should Bioware just stick to what they think is best to their game? I noticed recently people saying "Oh hey, it isn't fair you can get a better weapon then me, even though you spend the extra time put into it", honestly, this is really dumb. If people put in the extra work into it, they deserve a better reward! Why should Bioware listen to the community, if the majority of the game is gonna want free pass rides, instead of actually trying? I believe the an MMO should have different difficulties for multiple game systems, so it can cater to all people (More to some who try, less to others whom don't) I mean, if Bioware listens to the so called community, wont the game become an easy mode for everyone? Wouldn't some stuff be too hard for other people? I don't want this game to become something else. This is what happened to WoW, it was a great game for what it is, and it still is a great game for what it is no, but it's not what it was in 2004, and if it was, the game would've flopped when the mmo community was more neutral. In short, please don't listen to the community, because there is no community. And if there was. MMORPG's fail because they listen to one side of the community while not listening to the other. There is no neutral community, therefore choosing one side would destroy this game in itself. This is what I call the WoW effect, and hope it doesn't happen here. Thank you.
  10. Why do I love this game? Because I can be the ultimate Jedi I always wanted to be. I can be the smuggler female with a big *** that I always wanted to be. I can be the nicest jedi and go back to my ship and do it with young Kira. I can go 69-0 in pvp on my scoundrel. I can create my own guild and whipe big guilds out of the water. I can have star fox without buying a 3ds. I can gank 9 sith in 9 minutes. I can post videos on my youtube and become a partner because its so awesome. I can have epic combat and feel heroric. I can do flashpoints and feel like im playing a single player bioware rpg with my friends. I can do Operations and feel the sense of great pride and dignity of a traditional mmorpg. I love this game, because I can play Star Wars, and I can force persuade girls to do it with me after I give them this game. And if you judge me on my grammar, im not native to America.
  11. This thread is asking one simple question......
  12. This is what I want from Star Wars pvp, veichles, bombs, sith vs sith, pew pew vs pew pew. I want space combat that actually is dedicated to pvp. I want to ride an at at and blow up republic players
  13. The game allows 110 but my fraps shows 140 fps, just sayin
  14. No, im not gonna complain how the graphics are outdate, and why I don't understand how people have computers weaker then and Iphone, and play this, no. Bioware, why make the graphics like this, for peformance on lower end computers, if you can't even optimize it right? I got a 6990 2gb, I7 sandybridge, and 16gb ram, yet I only get 140 fps, shouldn't I be getting like 320? And when im in areas like warzones or the fleet, it drops down to 20-40, I mean, im getting as much FPS in a fleet, as much compared to my friend who has a mac. Come on Bioware, I like the aesthetics and feel of the graphics, but some the optimization needs to be improved. Also would like to point out that some textures are not done well at all, for example, rocks and logs on Alderaan look horrible.
  15. Seriously Bioware, out of all the things you could make, this is your most horrid game! Why? Because its so good I've been playing it all day, it caused me to drop out of college, dump my girlfriend, and spend 2k on a new PC build Thanks. This is just terrible to my life
  16. I really want to see more flexibility in the companion combat system. I want to be able to designate there combat role and have there own skill tree. Sure I love my T7-01, but im a Gaurdian and I dont need a tank, I would love to be able and make him a healer maybe.
  17. Maybe its just you guys, but I went 41-4 today in the voidstar.... went 25 kills unbeatable
  18. This is for people who have been following this game for so long, making up this game is jesuses hot BBQ baby mamma, in reality, you made up your own expectations. The game never said it was gonna be this, it was Your expectations of the game you wanted it to be that failed, this game was nothing more then a success then what it promised to be Im loving this game and glad to see I can't wait for additional content.
  19. At first I thought I was gonna join a good PvP guild, but then my hopes turned when I found out which server I was on.... I play on the crucible pits, the server with Ruin and Dara Let me start by saying Ruin lets ANYONE join and has 2k members throughout a lot of seperate guilds all connected by one chat channel. Dara Mactire isn't as big I belive, but isnt my concern as I play republic My concern is that more then half of republic players are part of Ruin, and there plan is to control the servers PvP, this however is not good. Most people do not care nor want to start a guild because most people are begging to join Ruin, because they think its the best guild ever. Im not gonna give my thoughts, however I do not think the claim is true. Can anyone suggest advice on how to start a guild on such a big server with so many players with skills that vary? I do not want to be swallowed up by large reputation guilds. Please good advice
  20. Is better Optimization and Scaling. I feel that this game should work better on some lower end PC's, and also have an ultra option for us higher end guys. Other wise everything in its current state is really good IMHO.
  21. No, because maybe there is an average of 6-7 50's per server? And it doensn't allow for large scaled OWpvp
  22. I see people venting all over, on how the current state of pvp is bad, so what type of PvP do you want? Surely it will be more OWPvP, and I understand that, so why dont we take some creative ideas perhaps? Once a day, there is a long 2 hour pvp fight that goes on outside the space fleet hubs. You can go to it. There is a republic and empire ship. You start on your factions ship. You can hop up into one of four different ships varying from light, medium, heavy, and maruder. The goal is to destroy the enemies ship. You can do this by dog fighting it out, boarding the other enemies ship. After you destroy the enemies ship you are allowed to get on board the enemies social hub for 1hr and duke out and have fun. On the ship can be the factions general which we can fight for commendations It sounds fun, and while it nesscarily isnt OWpvp, it could allow for some fun friday nights....
  23. I see people venting all over, on how the current state of pvp is bad, so what type of PvP do you want? Surely it will be more OWPvP, and I understand that, so why dont we take some creative ideas perhaps? Once a day, there is a long 2 hour pvp fight that goes on outside the space fleet hubs. You can go to it. There is a republic and empire ship. You start on your factions ship. You can hop up into one of four different ships varying from light, medium, heavy, and maruder. The goal is to destroy the enemies ship. You can do this by dog fighting it out, boarding the other enemies ship. After you destroy the enemies ship you are allowed to get on board the enemies social hub for 1hr and duke out and have fun.
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