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Everything posted by BOLTgamer

  1. I know, but what does watcher have anything to do at all with the class. I understand Gaurdian, but Sentinel?
  2. Guard, I mean you're pretty unintelligent if you can't relate to a word based on misspelling of one character.
  3. Let me teach you what Synonym means, or the fact that this is the main meaning of the word. SYNONYMS: Protector, Keeper, Gaurd, Chaperon Need more? And actually connotation means is designating its explit reasoning. Where in the word does it even make an infrence or clue to being out in the front?
  4. Ok, that's like Bioware releasing The Eternity Vault and then releasing another raid called The Eternity Cage
  5. Where in any dictionary or anything online can I find that definition? The fact the Bioware lacks creativity of individual names is dissapointing.
  6. Just stupid? Look at the dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Sentinel Gaurd is a SYNONYM
  7. Just look at the JK advanced classes Sentinel = Gaurd Gaurdian = Protector, = Gaurd So they have 2 advanced classes practically named gaurd and gaurdian yet sentinel has no tanking spec whats-o-ever?
  8. People need to take their heads out their asses and stop being so selfish, concluded, and sticking to believe that they can't be OWpvp and arena coexist. The place Blizzard went wrong is they took rewards from OWpvp and gave arenas the greatest rewards. There is no reason to do something if it doesn't provide any awards. You gotta understand there is people who love small scaled pvp, don't be so selfish.
  9. I like OWpvp, but not everyone likes it. A lot prefer small scaled, people need to suck up and stop being selfish when there's a solution that can satisfy both groups.
  10. Obviously you didn't watch the video. The only reason WOW's arena system was so unbalanced was because of Titles, Gear, and too much brackets (2v2, 3v3, 5v5) which affected PvP and PvE.
  11. Have you got the latest drivers from razer.com?
  12. I don't really understand how those flaws weigh it down so much, they are very minor and can easily be fixed through patches. And I don't agree with it feeling incomplete, otherwise good review.
  13. Just watch video, I know Zybak is still young but he presents how pvp could be presented into SWTOR perfectly. He's been playing Vanilla WoW and tons of other MMO's, he has been in all past arena seasons and knows the flows of WoW's arena system. This is how Arena should be presented in SWTOR, he eliminates Constant Balance issues, Cheating, and most importanly, gear fest.
  14. Whats not to do? OWpvp, warzones, heroric flashpoints, operations, nightmares? A whole planet dedicated for solo players. Im level 50 and I've been for a week, I enjoyed my story, I didn't rush I just played a lot, and im still having fun, chill.
  15. I know, but did SWTOR ever promise anything new or innovating? No, so you're the fool for buying it, expecting great new innovations when they promised none. PLUS you even got to try the game in the open beta weekends in november.
  16. WoW is the best? Last time I checked everyone playing it complained it sucked really bad, and its evolution, not revolution. Thats like saying RPG's changed so much. How different is Oblivion from morrowind? Fable from Fable 3?
  17. Not in the sense that SWTOR just lost and fanboi's will continue battling out which one is better even though no-one wins.
  18. I mean, they are both great games for what they are. WoW is more of a game for the younger audience now, and SWTOR is more for all people of ages (Considering die hard star wars fans are playing, and they're old) so why can't they both coexist? I mean, SWTOR will end 2012 with a couple million subs, and WoW will still have around 8-9m subs. Why can't these games coexist? If there isn't competition then there isn't any innovation, do you really want mmos to go that direction? With no innovation and the same game with a different skin, like shooters?
  19. Yeah, enjoy 9 hours downloading it via internet. Or do it the smart way like I did using the disk and itll only take 1 hr and 37 mins.
  20. 4gb is all that is needed for games nowadays, anyone who tells you otherwise is just a computer whore.
  21. Discussing bugs is not complaining, im not talking to you sir/mam. I talk about people who constently consist this game sucks because it doesn't have features that the dev's never even mentioned, yet time and time they got to try the game on the open beta weekends.
  22. Are from November-December 2011. Why? Because they didn't know what the developers wanted for the game and just came from WoW to try it. Yup, the community was strong and big before all you Decembers came, so go QQ somewhere more fitting, like the WoW forums. I mean there is so much bad about that game you can critique, go , shoooo
  23. Bioware, im all for you; but I find it REALLY DUMB to ban people for buying and reselling stuff on the ah.
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