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Everything posted by ElevenBfour

  1. Hmm, well, I'll try Sytheweaving then. Never thought about being able to augment my own gear, and I haven't done it yet. Since my last two toons were biochem, I'm a little burnt out on it. Does being able to make your own grenades help a lot?
  2. Can you really maintain better gear with Sytheweaving? I only ask because if I update my gear every 2 levels, I can get a new piece for every slot off the GTN. But with Sytheweaving I noticed I can only upgrade 1 or two pieces every two levels. Even if I keep my gear blue through Sytheweaving, is it still better than buying Green gear off the GTN?
  3. Hey folks, after more tahn a year playing, I{m delving into pvp. Decided to Go Sent since most of my toons are Empire, well, my three 50's are all tanks (Jugg, PT, Assn). I have two Biochem's and 1 Artifice. For a pvp'ing Sent, what crew skill? And i'm pretty set on leveling Combat since I heard it was better 1v1. I will be doing WZ's, but I like builds that let me 1v1 better than others regardless of OP spec which I read is the Focus. Any other advice is welcome. Thanks..
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I have much to think about. I would love to play an Arsenal Merc(actually the trooper equivalent) or a stealthy Smuggler or Agent. I tried a concealment OP once, I only got him to 28 but I felt like it wasn't very fluid and that's why I didn't keep going with it. Maybe I didn't play him long enough.
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'll try and push on. And yeah, this terrorist story is not grabbing me at all.
  6. Hardest class to master in pvp? I play a Jugg tank because after tanking end game with a PT and Shadow, they aren't challenging enough for me. I'm not wanting to sound elitest or anything, I just get bored playing easier classes is all. I always have in MMO's. Thanks.
  7. I've leveled a Shadow, Jugg, and PT to 50. I want to level a Smuggler or Agent so I have all the buffs when playing. But I just can't get into my Agent. I haven't really tried a Smuggler yet, but since my last toon leveled was a Pub, I want to go empire next so I don't repeat content so soon. Any advice? I love the idea of the Sniper and Op, but the playstyle just seems too slow for me. Am I missing something? I've never leveled either past 15. I just can't make myself do it. If I'm beyond help, let me know, if I'm missing something awesome, let me know.
  8. Wow, sounds really fun. Well, looks like I'm going to be running back and forth between a commando and a Scapper. You made me really want to play one. What is the Empire equivalent to this? I know OP but what tree?
  9. Cool, thanks for the advice. I'm half tempted to level a Commando just because they suck now. By the time I get to 50 I could hope that it will change.
  10. Yeah I thought about that too. I'd hate to level a class for pvp then in the end get nerfed like crazy. But, I'm wanting to level a new toon. Kind of tired of the ones I have. I haven't level'd a new alt in probably 4 months.
  11. To be honest, I dont' know who is strong or not in PvP. I rarely read forums of any game because sometimes there is a lot of negativity. The main reason I like Commando's is for their looks, heavy armor and huge freakin' gun. I was leaning Mara because i've always like a 'Charge' like skill when playing pvp in WoW. The only reason I was thinking of one of the Agents is because I haven't done their story yet. Smuggler do not appeal to me at all.
  12. Hey guys, Been here since headstart, at lvl50 I have a Vanguard, Jugg, Shadow and PT. I've never gotten serious about PvP but I would like to start. Right now I'm thinking between a Sniper, Commando, Op(for heals) or a Mara. Could anyone give me a rundown on how they are to pvp with? In my experience classes that are fun in PvE doesn't mean it will be fun in PvP also.
  13. Yeah I agree with this too. Keep improving onthe companions. I made so many choices in coversations based on not offending my favorite companions. Would be fun to continue to build.
  14. I saw another thread like this, old one, but when I went to 'reply' to it, I couldn't. So I'm making another. Just a suggestion to make it possible to interact with my companions on ship: - giving them gifts - changing their gear Not really much more I can think of off the bat that I would like to be able to do with with on ship. Maybe make an option by right clicking them and opening a menu on ship or something like that. I dont' expect them to follow me around on the ship, I like that they do their own thing if different rooms. Ok, just wanted to drop a suggestion. Good day.
  15. I'll do you haters a favor.... QUIT!!! If you are complaining about 10$, you shouldn't be playing video games in the first place. I used to walk up and down my street as a kid sweeping people's side walks for a donation of whatever they wanted to pay. In 2 or three hours I'd usually have over $100. Don't try and get all high and mighty and say, 'It's the principle of it". Again, it all boils down to the $10, if you expect a business not to make money, then you're lost. I'd gladly pay 20$ for what is coming, maybe up to $25. But honestly I'm glad they're not trying to do like SOE and charge $50 for an expansion smaller than this one coming up.
  16. Awesome, good stuff coming. I can't wait. Been subbed since headstart, I've only completed 3 class stories, so much to do. I can see with the pace EA is releasing new content that I'll be here for a long time, barring some P2W crap, which I hope never happens. Keep it coming, here to a new year!
  17. I agree, it sucks going a day not playing. Thanks for the positive post. I've almost stopped coming to General because of the whiners/haters/penny-pinchers. I'm going to start making a positive post per day to offset the negative ones I think.
  18. This has been my experience. I'm leveling a Shadow now always having exp boosts. When I level'd my Trooper I found myself doing the Bonus series' and some Space missions to keep myself current. With the Boosts, not doing any Bonus Series' or Space missions, I'm almost 5 levels ahead on Balmorra. So IMO, they are working.
  19. While I see how it could be useful. After reading this, like you said, you almost can't justify Cybertech over Biochem. Maybe I'll just do Sytheweaving. While probably the other two are more useful, I'm still not sure I can stomach going Biochem for a 3rd time. I can't make my toon till tomorrow since it's when I get home finally, but we'll see.
  20. Yeah, maybe I'll do that. Haven't tried full profiteering. I just like having crew skills or tradeskills in other games that help give me an edge in my the role I'm playing.
  21. Oh ok I didn't realize how long the CD was on those grenades, I see you point. I was also looking for an alternative for my 3rd tan other than Biochem lol. Biochem a 3rd time for stims .... sigh. Would anyone suggest anything else other than Biochem? I have Biochemx2, Armormech, and Artifice'er. So I guess it's really Armstech, Cybertech or Sytheweave is the only things I haven't done.
  22. I'm about to roll another tank because I like them. I just finished my VG, fun, but I'm an altoholic when it comes to tanks. I like having them all and any given day switch my tanking style to how I feel. I keeping hearing from my Tanking partner (Guardian) that AoE tanking is a bit more difficult than the Shadow or VG. So I asked him if grenades from Cybertech would help a bit? He said he didn't know but didn't want to give up Biochem for it. So my question to more experienced tanks, would cybertech help much in AoE tanking for a Guardian? Would it help enough to justify choosing Cybertech over Biochem? Last question, how big a deal is Biochem for a tank, like it you had a VG with it and a VG without biochem stims, how much a difference does it make? Thanks much.
  23. I had been tanking on a Jugg for the past few months. No raid level, just pugging and with friends. I Enjoy the play style more so than the PT or Assn, but I felt I lack one or two tools to feel complete. I had been playing Empire since release and was finally getting around to finishing up my PT(46) and Assn (43) so I could have a complete feeling for all the tank classes. I found a good guild who's raid times I can follow and when asked what role they would like me to play, they asked for a Shadow Tank. So.... at lvl29 now after 2 weeks which is good for me since I can't play that much, but I'm excited to get tanking at the raid level. While I don't enjoy the Shadow play style as much as the Jugg, it feels more equipped to completely handle situations than a Jugg. Bottom line, while I know all tanks can tank everything, PT felt a little slower to me, Jugg felt just right playstyle wise, just lacked a tool or two (i felt), and the Shadow feels good.
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