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Everything posted by BrolleunHunter

  1. PVP Advice Annihilation has the easiest learning curve out of the three specializations, and allows for massive damage over time in a short period of time. The Annihilation Marauder is highly reliant on Berserk, Deadly Saber, and Rupture. Though, the specialization does not really begin to shine until 27, and only starts to feel powerful at 20. Carnage has the hardest learning curve out of the three specializations, and allows for burst damage. The Carnage marauder is highly reliant on Gore, Massacre, Procs and Force Scream. The specialization is played as the skirmisher who ties up an opponent with immobilization in the forms of Ravage, Deadly Throw, and Charge of which are all talented. The specialization unfortunately does not play right until level 40. Rage has a mediocre learning curve out of the three specializations, and allows for burst and high mobility. The Rage Marauder is reliant on Force Choke, Force Crush, Force Charge, Obliterate, and Smash. The specialization will utterly crush many opponents. Yet the Rage Marauder does not begin to shine until 28, and will feel truly fleshed out at level 40.
  2. I don't need to prove anything. I've tested this class for weeks on end. The OP is the one hyping this class to obscene levels. Stop fighting baddies, and low levels dude.
  3. That's nice bro. Stop fighting baddies, fight people in equivalent gear, level, and skill then make sure to record a session, and come back here with your uber pwnage leetness.
  4. A competitive, well geared, and skilled sniper or gunslinger will make any Sentinel or Marauder cry for their mother. Denial is a strong emotion, it can cloud the mind as well as any senses. I'm actually giddy about the prospect of Bioware adding arena's because once the pvp elites reach 50 will see who really does the most damage. My ten bucks is on Sniper and Gunslinger, and those ACs get to do it at 35 meters or more, and have more utility and tools to work with. Is the Warrior or Knight unplayable? No. Is the Warrior and Knight underpowered? Yes. Underpowered isn't a term that suddenly denotes a lack of damage, and the fact the term is correlated to damage is sad. Though I do enjoy seeing this placebo effect going on because apparently the bolster effect equalizes everything. A level 50 in pvp gear fighting a pug of random levels, and very few 50's is not balance at all. 50's need there own brackets, and then and only then will the player base be able to see what is seriously overpowered, underpowered, and simply broke. A screen shot denoting a Warrior did top damage tells me next to nothing. I see an ego trip, and a lack of any proof other then a big number. Next time I highly suggest you back up your claims with a video OP of you fighting a full team of 50's in pvp gear.
  5. 1. Charge builds rage. 2. Deadly throw costs rage. 3. Stop making comparisions that don't correspond.
  6. I'm growing increasingly pissed every-time I see a skirt drop for my Marauder. It wasn't like this in beta, and matter of fact the class had some very nice looking armor that didn't include a lady's dress attached to it. Now the class is reduced to cross-dressing, and looking like a GD red guard come level 50 for the pvp starter set. If I could have one wish granted for Christmas that wish would be for the artist, person, or developer who decided Marauders needed to be in medium armor, and then dolled up in skirts to be fired.
  7. A sniper running the ball is a last ditch effort, or bad planning. One does not simply tell a sniper to run the ball.
  8. This bug was there the entire length of my beta experience. I'm glad to see Bioware is working hard on nerfing this class, and keeping it bug laden.
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