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Everything posted by Scerion

  1. I don't think you understand how a queuing system works: Once the server has enough players to populate a game, then they are all put into a warzone. The waiting is because not enough players are available at the time (or because all the warzone servers are busy, but that's unlikely to be the case at the momsnt.) There will be many matches running simultaneously whether there are level brackets or not. That makes no difference. The problem with brackets is that you are then limiting people to queues with less people available, so it takes longer to fill each queue and the waiting times increase. Once a lot of people are at the level cap it will make sense to have a level 50 only queue, but I think the 10-49 queue is ok - and better than having massive queues for some people where there are not enough others at the same level queuing. Believe me, the queues in SWTOR are much shorter than in WoW, even with less players - due mostly to the fact there are no brackets at present.
  2. Scerion

    PvP Leveling

    I've done quite a lot of pvp as I've levelled, which means I've been over-level for my class quests. I think any player should at least do those, even if they only then do pvp. Not sure whether I'd get all my companions etc as an inquisitor/assassin if I just did pvp from level 10. There's a big story line too, which you would completely miss if you just spent all the time queued for warfronts - which would be a bit of a shame. Worth doing it "properly" at least once I think. It does seem that pvp - assuming you win a lot of the time - is at least as fast as doing pve content. I suspect it's actually faster from my experience of it. I also think you could maybe earn more credits doing pvp in the same timescale. I was just requing today - only level 17 now, and I made around 20,000 credits during that time - I was shocked, as I wasn't really taking any notice of it as it built up!
  3. There is a reason games force "clicking" on the screen and have tight rules to remove people who are AFK - Bots. It's simple for a program to just send keypresses through, e.g. tapping the space bar so the player would not get kicked all match. I think you get 60 seconds to move out of the starting area though, which is 2 cycles, so that should be enough even for people with slow machines (I have an SSD raid in my gaming rig, and it's almost instant between dying and appearing back at base - so I assume it can't take more than a few seconds on an average physical disk drive.) It's a problem that's plagued WoW for years. Of course there are bots that can also move the cursor and click, but there's a lot more to doing that than using something to send a key press every X seconds (I could build a usb device to do that in an hour.) So I'd vote no, especially to your first suggestion. Anything that helps reduce bots is a good thing. And let's face it, you're not going to be running out to get a new mouse every day! For those few times where it may kick someone who has some RL issue, it's well worth it compared to the alternative (try playing any BG's in WoW late at night - 40-50% bots at times - it's hopeless to try to get anything done!)
  4. Huttball is only fun for ranged classes. It's a stupid map design when ranged can just stand up the top firing on the melee players who have a 30 second walk to reach them if they were stupid enough to try - by which time they'd be dead. It needs a lot more stairs and objects to provide cover. I'd also like to see that warfront reduced to 5 minutes instead of 15-20 or whatever it is. I HATE it with a passion as a melee, and yet because the factions are so unbalanced on my server, HB appears 90% of the time (as it's the only one that allows same-faction competition.) The other 2 warfronts, great - love the designs. They work really for players without vehicles, really good to see them - albeit rarely. Huttball, nah - please make it an optional choice when choosing a random warfront.
  5. I agree that Bioware have made the best of the situation. Maybe as the subscriber numbers rise they'll segment it into separate brackets. Despite the "anecdotal" evidence here, there is a big difference between a level 10 with a couple of abilities and a flat increase in stats vs a fully geared, tuned 49 with an array of CC, survival skills and other class mechanics. If there was no difference, then why would they be in the game? The more technical classes that rely upon using a lot of abilities (e.g. stealth classes) suffer most as they lack core skills that put them at a huge disadvantage compared with a high level version of themselves. It's arguable whether ranged classes suffer so much, as it seems they're so OP (especially in HutBall, as the environment gives ranged a massive advanged over melee classes). As they can just stand well back and spray bullets all over the place with impunity, the only real problem they ever have is getting out of CC. As I say, I think it's a good compromise, and definitely keeps the queues down so I'm not going to complain. However, I agree with previous posters that level 50 players should not be in the same bracket. I've come from WoW, and the difference there between a new 85, and an 85 in the latest full epic pvp gear is so vast, that it's ridiculous to assume they could compete based on "skill". (one player having around 50% more HP, 40% more damage reduction, pvp perks, and at least double the DPS output.) I know there's always "that one guy" who posts specially selected video clips to stitch together on YT to pretend he can win any match naked, but hopefull people realise what's going on there ;-)
  6. Assassins seem really weak to me in pvp. Low armor, low dps and no way to restealth in combat (at least at level 14 where I am) makes them sitting ducks in places like hutball, where ranged classes can just stand up on the gantries picking off everyone below without any fear of being attacked. I'm giving up on pvp with this and going pve only with it. Useless at the moment with totally OP ranged classes. (I played a rogue in wow for 5 years, btw, up to 2300 arena rating, so I DO know how a stealth class is supposed to work ;-) ) I'm not going to whine about it though - just rolling a ranged class for pvp until Bioware work on the balance a bit.
  7. I really hope all the whiners and self-entitled idiots complaining here really do cancel their orders and sod off to infest WoW with their ************ and moaning. I don't want to play alongside any of them.
  8. That's nothing. I couldn't order because my entire family all died in July, and I had to take care of all the funerals. Then my puppy got run over and I found spaghetti in my pockets: SPAGHETTI!! Then I tried to get to the local GAME store but I was run over and spent 3 months in hospital. While I was in there, I was diagnosed with terminal green-thumb. It was terrible. One week before I was due to get out, the hospital caught fire and I was horrifically burned. Still, I tried to get to the game store and pre-order, my clothes still smoldering on my back, and I was again run over and killed. I don't see why I should be punished because of this. It's a tragedy!!!!
  9. ...then you would have got it on the 20th instead of the 15th. This has NOTHING to do with the preorders. This is a nice free extra couple of days play that's being rolled out in waves. If you preordered early you'll get in before the 15th, you know the 15th when the actual pre-order date happens to be?
  10. Please google the term "trolling". There's your answer.
  11. Re: Your signature about no SWTOR on Mac yet - I own a lot of Apple gear, including an iMac, Macbook pro, 2 iPads, 2 iPhones and an iPod (I'm an iOS/Android developer) I can tell you that Apple hardware is just terrible for gaming - it's years behind PC, even with the latest Macs. Nobody buys a Mac for gaming (unless they're going to use OnLive where the Mac is just a dumb client and the processing is done on PC servers.) Just to reiterate, I own, and have always owned more Mac hardware than PC hardware, and I know that PC is a far better gaming platform. I can't imagine BioWare will lose any noticable sales from being PC only with this.
  12. Not sure if trolling or really really stupid...
  13. HAHA! So much crying going on here. I ordered Dec 2nd through Origin, and am in game now. Starting zone is packed!
  14. Screw it, I'm gonna go troll the WoW forums while I wait for the email...
  15. I preordered at the start of December - just got in!
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