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Everything posted by Echriado

  1. It's cyan mixed with blue. It looks okay, better than blue; but not as good as cyan.
  2. Grow up. Space missions are solo content. Go get some milk from mommy
  3. This is cool. I'm sure you all have something else planned. You, Bioware, being so hush hush about things still is starting to get kind of annoying. The game is now F2P; no more hush hush is necessary.
  4. I bought it yesterday, I got what I previewed. The armor is hideous in its right, I just stole the mods for my Jaesa.
  5. best post of the thread. everyone else is trying too hard.
  6. I think the environments themselves are beautiful. The problem, however is the game doesn't keep you in a spot long enough. When I first landed on Courscant and walked outside of the spaceport and looked to the sky, it was one of the most amazing MMO scenery sightings I have ever had.
  7. Sith Assassins have a stance that applies a lightning effect on their weapon.
  8. My favourite item(s) from SWG were the collector edition goggles they gave you for having the CE. I bought the CE specifically for the the CE vendor, not the real tangible items that were contained in the box. It sucks they haven't updated it , but, we now have a nice little banner to show our status.
  9. Again, taking the vote to facebook is a poor gesture. All 3 items are ready to be obtained, give the players the choice that they want; why are you needlessly arguing?
  10. I understand that. That's the issue. Allow the people who want one of the other two to choose themselves, not be forced into a decision from the result of a FACEBOOK fan-poll.
  11. 1.4 will be by the end of September/early October. Chances are, they'll just consolidate it into one big patch because releasing one patch then and then the F2P transition seems totally inefficient..
  12. Except, that, all 3 of the rewards are obviously already placed into the game. The Jawa is cool, but I, as a player, really wanted the rancor or maybe the carbonite block. If all 3 are already coded and made, why am I being forced into the item chosen off facebook when they could just a easily be like Hey, choose of 1 out of 3?
  13. That's a good joke, but, why not add all 3 into the game and allow us, the players, to choose which one we want? I mean, from the pictures of all 3, they are already able to be added in game.
  14. 200+million dollars, however long the game was developed (7+ years) with something that doesn't have swimming or day/night cycles. Case closed.
  15. I think he's talking about the glitch I have encountered; where, the map glitches and stays open. You have to soft log to make it correct itself.
  16. Downing enemies in a pvp-oriented game, that is all.
  17. Because. I have a physical key fob that I worry about losing every day to my chinchilla and dogs.
  18. Atleast with KOTOR, it is BW's story. There are unreleased things from KOTOR 2 from my knowledge. It's harder to put a story that isn't yours into a game like this. Atleast we have the exile in this game, she's honestly one of the most tragic heroes given the events of the Maelstrom ( Republic )
  19. Correct me if I am wrong, but, I'm pretty sure you needed an active account with the CE BEFORE August 1st to be qualifiable for the rewards.
  20. The investment of focus into those skills is not worth it as watchman.
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